Throughout this time of increased energy coming in, there is a lot of upheaval in ones inner landscape. This is all well and good, but sometimes it is clarifying to observe the outer manifestations in life to 'see' what those inner upheavals are achieving.
For many months now I have known that the owner of the house we live in is under obligation to renew a crumbling fence on the right side of this garden. It has been discussed by the gardeners and Fencing people, the owner and the neighbours who are on the other side of the fence.
Last week on 23rd April 2014, I had a text to tell me that work was commence at 7.45am the next morning. I had known that work was going to take place but had not been included in the discussion about dates, and had not been asked as the tenant, if this was OK with me. So I was a bit a miffed. But as this is an extremely edifying time, I swallowed what could be understood as "RESISTANCE", even though it wasn't a particularly good time, It is my daughters birthday and had intended to use the Garden for her friends when they came at the weekend. However I intrinsically knew that this was in alignment with the clearing and culling of energies going on and was also to do with the defining of the dimensional boundaries, an outer manifestation of the my alignment with the incoming energies of transformation.
The gardeners and fencing people were working diligently outside my home from 24th April Thursday, Friday, Saturday ( the day of my daughters party) , Monday and Tuesday with a few final touches on Wednesday (yesterday). This was a major job of clearing, culling, displacing, untangling, pulling, digging, and IVY clearing, followed by the erection of fencing posts and then filling of the panels between the posts. The whole job took longer than they planned. Simultaneously my routine fell in with what I most felt guided to do. I was simply to be aware of what was happening, and be conscious of doing my own gardening in my inner landscape in meditation. I was aware that there was clearing, culling, untangling pulling and digging going on, set in motion by the now unstoppable desire to awaken.
I was also keenly aware that even though I had done much inner work already on myself, this was going to be "a big job", and for it to be completed according to 'Divine plan', some very 'enthusiastic, inner landscape gardeners' had been dispatched to me for it to be accomplished. I say this because we can be aware of working on many levels, but there are some bigger multidimensional levels in our inner landscape gardens that we may not yet, be able to acknowledge let alone reach.
For this we can rely on our Guides, but we must Ask for the help to heal.
I knew that when it was completed there would have taken place a complete cull of unwanted fears, doubts, and clearing of beliefs in limitations, also that clear boundaries would replace the hundred years of overgrown brambles that had been 'my inner boundaries' for so long.
There would also be movement of energies in multidimensional pathways that at present I have yet to know exist.
So there it is. A New Fence. The process was long and laborious, and needed skilled workmen.
The simultaneous inner process was long and laborious, and too required the skilled workers specific to that realm. I had started the process with the intention of awakening. But it had been a choice made, long before I was CONCIOUS enough to know that I had chosen to awaken. In other words a bigger part, a deeper part of me was guiding me to this choice to make it CONSCIOUSLY, in this lifetime. At this time with the Massive help of the "influx of Light" gardeners.
On that level, the inner landscape has changed. The outgrowth of lifetimes of unskilled creation, overgrown weeds, light cant get through to new shoots all need overhaul and culling. Overgrown and chaotic, established but dated trees, bushes, plantlife, corresponding to the various chaotic beliefs, roles, limitations lived in and through, instinctually but not cultivated. Needing this cultivation. Lots are to be removed, including all the wants and attachments to, and within, the illusion that has held humanity in it's repeting cycle for eons.
Our own life cycles are coming up for completion, and desperately need a guided culling, to stop us from jumping back into another repetition. Cull the belief that keeps an individual cycling on and on in the old ways, the old paradigm, the old world of fear and domination by fear and beliefs of limitation and lack, and separation from God.
Ego has to be cut back, wounded ego, to be removed completely. All "lists" of shoulds, of things to do, achieve to be, roles to fulfil; all must be cut back because they don't come from your Soul....they are all from what you have been told to do, be, achieve etc. All forms of Domination by the rules and lies that secreted themselves and wormed their way into the garden of your life, it is the Ivy of your garden.
Ivy, the 'dreaded plant' that caused so much damage to other plants and bushes in the garden, but can look so pretty, antiquated, nostalgic and vintage, can be seen here as the bindweed that ties us all down to the place we are trying to escape from, the old paradigm of living from and in FEAR.
The work in the garden safely moves one out of the Old, and into the new. The new fence describes the distance or the definition or the boundary, that you have overcome to be in a NEW SPACE. A new and awakened space.
This kind of cull can leave you feeling like a dramatically pruned stick left in the ground, naked without the costumes of roles that were needed before, and without all the drudgery of the old. Naked as a newborn.
But the roots are deep and new life comes soon.
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