Monday, 23 February 2015

Message for Hope. Seeing the sun, feeling the shadow and looking for the rainbow.

Name it and claim It.....Using the voice to do just that. 

It is your voice.  What you say, what you speak of and the WORDs that you command in utterance is that which will free you. Everything that does not make you expand, will shrink you. 

The voice is the signature of your vibration.

John 1 King James Version (KJV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

The key to moving through the limitations is to put your own signature command out there. We are from God, as soon as our voice aligns with that which we came here for we claim our freedom to be our true authentic selves. 

It is not a normal key its a frequency key, a musical note, a vibration that we utter, at first with hesitation than with coherence and with a claim to our birthright. 

This is about:
.....The word.   What we speak, we are.
.....The sarcophagus, the place we imprison ourselves. The innate body that we programme for safety.
.....Addictions, and the prison we create for ourselves.
....Tapping, using the word to get us out of the prison.
....The word. "I am the word". In the beginning is the  The voice we use to break the programming and crack open the sarcophagus.

.......the key to getting out of the box, the sarcophagus, is your voice. Name it and Claim it.

If you have come to read this page then chances are you are on your spiritual journey and you have been bouncing around under an invisible ceiling that you haven't got the energy to move through. This is time to recognise that all the spiritual work you have have undertaken was at a level that was umbrellaed and contained within a certain level.  The container held the space for you to accomplish what was required. The dimensional space was at the frequency that you were working your stuff through.

So much inner work done, but still bouncing around in the shadows yet you see the sun in all its glory. We are recognising that its time to move from the shadow and into the sun.

Recently so many streams of light information have been enlightening the load, we just need to open the space up to feel this information.

So many themes are intricately interwoven and yet each a statement on their own.
Of these....the thread that came to me and remains in steady stream, is hard to explain but is calling out to be heard.

Its about 'The word'.
We are from God, We are of God, there isn't anything that is not from God. So, that is the first Truth. Are we claiming our Godhood? If we are still in the shadow then we are not yet fully doing so.

Do we put our own true 'Voice' to our claim of being a part of God? Do we allow ourselves to be in the sun? We are still in the shadows of separateness.

I have been doing a lot of inner work on this. If we come from the stance that what is going on, inside us and around us, in our lives, is created by our own innate unconscious creation system, i.e, the internal system  mirrors 'outwardly' whats going on 'internally', than we need to get to grips with that system and reboot or reprogramme the system.

This is only going to happen when we have arrived at a point of spiritual maturity that tells us we are ready to do so.

Up til this point, things are chugging into and out of our life without us knowing that we are creating them, they happen by default, and are governed by :
....many innate 'systems of belief',
.. what a person put in place to experience in order to arrive at each destination along the life line,
..contracts, vows, requisite lessons, codes of conduct
..biological responses to stress
..archetypal responses like being a victim, damsel, saboteur.
..outer controlling influences, social controls, established religions, social impingement's etc.

There are also other more obscure things that we cannot truly understand, mostly have their origins in survival and fear. Everyone has got a whole set of parameters that they 'live by'. They can be as obvious, such as aligning to a particular religion with all the boundaries involved in that, or as obscure as clearing ancestral linage, through living and experiencing pains and wounds inflicted on a particular genetic or cultural race.

So mostly our spiritual journey works between moving through the innate system that govern our lives until we get to place that says "OK I have had enough of of this". and start to clear or heal the stuff we begin to see that is "hurting", "painful" or simply "stifling our ability to expand in our lives".

Everything that comes to us in our life acts to help us expand, or contract, to become bigger, or to shrink.

 ( See reference 6, a book called The Biology of Belief,  where it is all about how it is the environment that effects the life of the cell and how the DNA is controlled by the environment in the cell.  If we  take 'environment' of the cell to also mean the pool of energy that we immerse ourselves in,  that which we govern ourselves by)  

Sometimes we have to shrink to become so little that there is only one way left to go, and that is to return to 'moving toward' expansion.

The good news is that there is help in getting to understand that these boundaries, or parameters that govern how we experience life are up for renewal. It is time to know that they are becoming obsolete. We can take on the process of changing and rebooting the system that we call life here on earth.

Sometimes we have assistance from others, and we may feel a need to change religion or follow others ritualistic lifestyles, but as they are coming from a set of beliefs, that are perhaps different to our own set of "unique" programs, they cannot ultimately lead us out of the wilderness. We have to do our own work to release us from those programs.

At some point when we have done the spiritual work but still feel the shadows, we know we are not yet done, but why? We have cleaned, and healed, and more, so that we are too tired to do anymore. Staying with this feeling can call up symptoms of depression.

I believe this depression is pandemic right now. More and more people are in states of depression, more and more teenagers and young adults, why?

I believe that we coming out of a place where 'we couldn't see the wood for the trees.' We are coming to place where we can see the boundaries around us, where the 'living conditions' are no longer viable for health and growth. This 'enclosure' that is around us in our own space, separate within in the world, is suffocating and stifling and we need room to expand out of it. It is the next stage of spiritual growth...... expansion out of this contained and bounded space.

This space is our beliefs, it is what has been governing our growth, or lack of it.  We have used up all the nutrients and oxygen that it provided (remember, everyone has unique set of memories, attributes, navigation systems, belief systems, coping strategies, life contracts and vows etc.)  Much like a baby now ready to leave the womb. Much like an insect leaving the confines of the cocoon. The purpose of the womb or cocoon is now finished and most of us are ready to get out. Depression occurs when we linger and stay in in a place that no longer feeds us or provides what we need.

Like I say I believe most of us are ready to move out of this space but for that we need to recognise that is so.

 The contained space, the womb or cocoon soon becomes the sarcophagus, the coffin. Its time to ditch it.

The restrictions that govern us within our space, are the Innate controls of our own biology which are useful for keeping us alive and able to survive the harsh history we put ourselves through. We have hormones releasing in our body telling us we are stressed, and then pumping the fight or flight reaction. It is this innate that drives the body and we have to now take the wheel. The innate system that tells us what is happening in our world out there..... is actually mirroring back to us what is happening, or what we understand about our own energy field experience, our beliefs and how they are validated. We are only experiencing an outdated version of our beliefs system reflected out into the day to day stuff we plough through. If we are not happy with this stuff then its is a good idea  practise the art of reprogramming the innate. (see Reference 2 for Kryon who tells us that we can, when we command it.)

Also a good place to look is the World of Theta Healing to get to understand the idea of Programs and then Reprogramming. The world of Theta explains in detail how we can access the Divine Creator-of-all-that-is,  which is present not only in the Seventh plane, but is present in our very own cell structure. So, we access the program that needs healing, by going deep within to Command of the Divine Creator-of -all -that -is  that our programs, held in the cellular level and on all levels that they exist on, are released and resolved.

My take on this is:
.....We are all 'balls of infinite and God energy' waiting to wake up to that fact. We are aspects of God, containing God sparks, hidden quantumly in our biological cells and, and we have been in the 'infancy stages'  of standing in the FULLNESS of OUR EXPRESSION. The stages of the cell , the embryo, the infant stages, all bring to us the Full Development milestones that we need in order to claim our true fullness of expression.  This has entailed us going through all the bumping, grinding, shading, harrowing, challenging, learning, loving, 3d dimensional work that was all about existence on earth.  We had to do this to sharpen ourselves up into the brilliant diamond aspects that we are. Before we can claim our true identity in the FULLNESS of OUR EXPRESSION.

When you are happy with the idea of programming, and happy with the thought that you are actually allowed to change your own programs,  then Tapping (EFT)  is excellent for moving through the steady stream of innately held information that will come up to be reprogrammed.  When you access the medium of Tapping and become proficient in following where your soul leads you, it can deliver you to where you most need to be. Tapping is about using your voice.

It was through tapping recently that it (eventually) came to me that all my tiredness and  my fatigue, about starting new ventures (and in fact starting each new day) was in fact my reluctance and resistance to place my self 'yet again' in another day, or another situation (read relationship, job, event social meeting) where I am either :

Unable to access
too scared to access
Not honoured to
Not encouraged to stand fully in
......... my FULL EXPRESSION. Each and every time,  a job, a relationship, participation in an event or finding myself in a circumstance, involved me in:

Being unsure of..
Not being aware of..
Not accessing....


What happens is this...

 When we walk on stage in  roles defined by others, society or family,  we are only playing a card, an archetype. The 'role' is not who you are, the role is a part of a play on a stage that finishes eventually. It can be exhausting taking on roles that do not encourage you or honour your TRUE SELF, the self that is 'Aspect of God'.

 It becomes  depressing, lifeless and soulless.  It is tiring and fatiguing to keep playing it this way. Through tapping I realised there was a resistance, nearly a dread, of doing something, it was not of actually 'doing or participating in' this thing, but I was flooded with memory of this scenario:
.... of being in the wrong place, with the wrong people.

This then tapped out as being in a place or places where I was not honoured for my true self, this then tapped out as being committed to situations where I was repeatedly working 'hard at being in a role that was not in my full expression.'

Most of the roles in life are played out according to social norms and conventions, and an individuals soul expression is not invited, also it is usually so far out of our awareness that we know something is missing but cannot grasp what it is.

The Tapping process can take time to get to the crux of what you are trying to find, but when you find it you have to act on it. For me it was about learning that I was not operating on full power.

 It is becomes enlivening and exhilarating to :
... acknowledge the FULL EXPRESSION of yourself,
...drop the inhibitions and old programs that were fully worked through and now need reprogramming
..Use the voice to claim it.

When Tapping, use a commanding and clear voice, a voice that is present to what you are doing and saying. Claim It and take authority over the situation. Theta healing uses the word 'command'. That's when I worked out it's time to take command. The Voice used in tapping is about taking control and managing what needs to released and changed.

This changes the innate governing of the self.

I was in a Moroccan market recently and I came across a beautiful round Mirror.  It had silver edging and was patterned with white mother of pearl and dark wood inlay. The pattern formed alternate shapes dark to light, of what looked like Yin and Yang. I hadn't gone to buy anything I was just browsing with a friend.  I was really taken by the mirror,  and my reflection in this mirror was different, it was softer.

 I didn't buy the the mirror then, but when I got home, I seriously wanted to go straight back and get it. As with these things, we often only acknowledge them long after we 'see' them.  The information needs to be integrated.

The Mirror was symbolic for me in that the inner work I do was, in fact, changing the Innate systems that govern my world, and those changes were being mirrored back to me.  The world that I experience is mirroring back to me those changes. I am now arriving at a place where I am beginning to experience the full expression of myself. The reflection in that mirror was looking at me differently.

Don't look for lottery wins in all this, because yearning for and attachment to  lottery wins are of the old 3rd dimensional,  old world expectations and norms,  it is of the ego and remains in the sarcophagus.

It is expansion of the self that shows the way to a truer to self, a FULL EXPRESSION of SELF.
That is where we get to view our potential outside of the Sarcophagus.  The now stagnant and depressing sarcophagus, is all about living small,  with addictions, attachments to roles that we have grown out of, self doubt and fears that crumble us.

........And The Devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread." 4Yeshua answered and said to him, "It is written: 'a man does not live by bread alone, but by every utterance of God.'"  

If we take here  that the 'devil' is our own fear's of survival (the ego of survival, keeping it small and confines us within external expectations), it is our innate belief systems that cocoon and entomb us. Then if we take that the word of God, the utterance of/by God will save us, and that this utterance is from deep within us, that it is our own higher 'command'. It is this utterance that brings us to know ourselves in our  Full Expression as Aspects of God In our own right.  We have to learn to use this, our GOD voice. It expands us into the fullness of our true being.

So how do I know that when we use our voice with conviction we can call on our full expression? 
Answer: We have to name it to claim it.

We use our individual signature that is carried in our voice, in how we speak, the words we use.

It is about chanting, using the voice, mantras, affirmations. Calling the voice through the tunnel to alter the vibration from the one we are existing in to a higher expression. 

A long while ago I had a meditation in which I received a strange shaped key. It was star shaped and had little glyphs or marks on which I took to be ancient writing of some sort. The key part was in a loop shape. It is only recently that I figured it was some kind of vibrational tuning key. Maybe by taking that key into my energy field allowed the re- tuning of my signature vibration to begin.

If you are aware that you are bigger, much bigger than the life you are currently living- it is because you are aware that you have outgrown it.  You have outgrown the womb, the cocoon of spiritual infancy, and it is becoming a tomb or a sarcophagus that is now keeping you small. It is the ego keeping you safe and smothering you with the programs that you have outgrown. You need to find the VOICE to become the full expression. This voice is the internal command that re-programs the beliefs that hold us back. It is about Talking the walk. Say it and command it is so.

If this does not resonate with you, than that is fine, you will find your own set of bread crumb crumb clues to lead you on your path. 

And finally to complete this blog, a short film of a channeling by Kryon, reposted here because it is too important not to.


In References 4 and 5, though mainly 5, we are taken through a journey to enlightenment, the person speaks eventually of being entombed in a sarcophagus.  It is through remembering a chant that he is brought to a place where he discovers his deeply hidden fears, when he acts on the healing of those fears the sarcophagus is opened. 

Reference 1 is some books from the Hare Krsna people. A friend had bought them from a passing band of chanting Hare Krsna people. He is nice like that. He then, having no plans to read them, gave them to me. I too had no plans to read them until one evening I felt a pull to pick them up and look through. It was all about chanting. It was all about the  continuous voice calling on the Divine.

I can't remember specifically why I put in Reference 3,  it is about the different dimensions. I think it was to show how we are developing into our bigger selves within our energy fields and consciousness, much like a cocoon contains a caterpillar as it develops into the butterfly. Eventually there is lift off as the butterfly lifts off into full multidimensional expression, i.e out of the cocoon.

'The king of knowledge', and 'Chant be happy' His divine grace Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
(Reference 1)  
(Reference 2)  
(Reference 3)
(Reference 4)
(Reference 5)

The biology of belief, by Bruce Lipton. PHD. Hay House.
(Reference 6).

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