Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Wake Up and fly.

 A timely reminder, in a lovely film by David Icke, to discern what information you are taking into your belief systems.

What he shows is that historically our internal programmes have been, and continue to be, manipulated. The human then ends up creating a life that has been corrupted by  inserted computer* viruses, subliminal messages (to the subconscious), lies, dumbing-down programmes and hypnosis in order to dumb down the expression and freedom of our individual and unique human existence. 

Those master manipulators, who do not wish us to fly, want us to remain pliable, consumer and canon fodder. Their motives, intentions and agendas, are mostly hidden and out of out of reach to our human understanding,

Depression is an expression that deep down we know something is wrong and we can't grasp what.

We have been in a place where our own unique full expression is NOT INVITED to be present. It is hidden from us and we are too distracted by the enormous amount of pressure piled upon us to even entertain the thought that there might be something more to our existence, let alone that we are infinite beings.

Once we gain true access to the entirety of  the self, we shall fly.

Its time to wake up.

Its time to learn how to fly again.

                                              A mother swallow teaching her baby to fly.

* David Icke explains that we are vast biological 'light' computers, it is in our make up to constantly download information, from this we create and  project the 'reality' into the hollogram.


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