Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Getting closer by the day. Don't be distracted by aligning with the NEW WORLD ORDER.

New World Order.

Now where Have I heard that before? Oh Yes it was the Nazi dream.

Choose Higher life not the Nazi dream.

This is the 20th of September 2015. Will Berlinghof is the Voice of Cosmic Awareness and Callista is the energizer and questioner. Welcome Awareness. This coming week is going to be a very significant one for earth humans. We would like you to just outline a few points for us today so that we can be prepared for what is coming. Thank you. That which is coming is that which has long been underway. That this Awareness will not go into great detail, but It will highlight some very relevant points. 

It will start by highlighting that event that has been underway for several months that many are aware of, that which is called “Wave X”. That “Wave X” represents and holds within it the energy of higher consciousness, of that which this Awareness would call Divine Consciousness. It is approaching this planet, Planet Earth, Gaia, for the purpose of shifting consciousness, of breaking the strangle-hold that has been on the planet for so long by a select few, extraterrestrial ones and those that serve them. That the ones in power know this, and that there have been attempts to divert this “Wave”, notably the firing up of the Cern Hadron Collider, which was meant to send a beam that would split this “Wave”, divert this “wave”. This attempt failed. Therefore, those in power are faced with having to take another course of action. That course of action is to rather create the New World Order, that which has been striven for and driven for and towards for so long. That there will be an attempt in this week coming, through the auspices of the organization known as the United Nations to present an agenda that is allegedly for the benefit of humanity. This agenda will be known by a title such as “Agenda 2030”. That the Pope will also be arriving to address the UN Council in this time period. Indeed, his will be an address that is meant to fire up humanity so that they come together to assist and help those who are underprivileged, the impoverished, the poor, those who have the greatest needs. He will of course be seen as the Great Spiritual Leader who is trying to spark human responsibility towards this. That this will occur on the 23rd of September, and that this will be followed a few days later on the 25th with this agenda of action that will be presented to the member countries of the United States and the world in the United States, at the UN Council, to create a plan of action. Needless to say, this plan of action, this agenda is already drawn up, and while it may seem to be a document of great significance, highlighting the need to come together to help those who have the greatest need and to help the environment and the sustainability of the environment, its true purpose is something completely different. It is the public declaration finally and at last of the true purpose of the New World Order. That the many who have so long worked diligently to bring the planet and to bring humanity to this point, must finally declare this publicly, and it will be so. This is the true intent and purpose of this new “Agenda 2030”. That this is all within this week coming. This is so that the minds and the attention, and the beliefs of humanity can be misdirected. If they could not divert the “Wave” that would hit and cause many to awaken, then it is at least their hope, their intent and their plan to capture the minds and divert them, misdirect them, as is the usual way of things, as they have always done. That the energies of this week will be quite extreme and for many who are sensitive to energy, that they may find this a challenging week, especially on the 27th of September when this Wave of Divine Consciousness engulfs the world, the planet itself. That this week is a week to be reflective, to listen deeply to those who present the plan of New World Order, One World Governance, One World Government. That this is a week unlike any week ever, and that the potency and power can be used for good or ill, depending on how one looks at things, how one acts or reacts, what one believes in. This Awareness would ask all to be aware at this time that this extraordinary event is indeed coming, is indeed almost here. That those in power, in their desperation, will try many things to misdirect attention and focus so that they, those who might be affected will not look upward, will not look inward, but rather will follow the calling of those who have so long misled and deceived. That it is a time for choice: to choose the highest and the most positive, or to believe the liars and deceivers and to be misled down a garden path. That this week coming is a week of greatest importance for all. 

Wave X & the old Team Dark LOOK OVER HERE Tactic

‘…It will start by highlighting that event that has been underway for several months that many are aware of, that which is called “Wave X”. That “Wave X” represents and holds within it the energy of higher consciousness, of that which this Awareness would call Divine Consciousness. It is approaching this planet, Planet Earth, Gaia, for the purpose of shifting consciousness, of breaking the strangle-hold that has been on the planet for so long by a select few, extraterrestrial ones and those that serve them….’
‘…That the energies of this week will be quite extreme and for many who are sensitive to energy, that they may find this a challenging week, especially on the 27th of September 2015 when this Wave of Divine Consciousness engulfs the world, the planet itself…’
‘…That those in power, in their desperation, will try many things to misdirect attention and focus so that they, those who might be affected will not look upward, will not look inward, but rather will follow the calling of those who have for so long misled and deceived. That it is a time for choice: to choose the highest and the most positive, or to believe the liars and deceivers and to be misled down the garden path.
That this week coming is a week of greatest importance for all…’
Those were some random quotes from the September 20, 2015 channeling by Will Berlinghof forCosmic Awareness about “Wave X” and its arrival throughout this week, along with the Equinox on September 23rd and the final “Blood Moon Eclipses” on the 27th. To read and/or listen to the entire channeled message see the LINK below.
As usual there’s already plenty of frantic Team Dark arm waving to grab as many people’s attention, mental and emotional focus, energy, consciousness etc. as they possibly can now because gawd knows they don’t want humanity to benefit from “Wave X” or anything Ascension related! And so, they yell and wave their arms wildly to distract you and pull your attention into whatever negative scam they’re pushing at the moment to draw human awareness AWAY from everything that they would naturally benefit from. Don’t fall for this old TD tactic especially now.
Thank you Cosmic Awareness, Will Berlinghof and Co. for this important reminder. <3
September 21, 2015

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