There Is No Escaping Evolution
by Denise Lefay | HighHeartLife
So Calm It’s Smooth As Glass…
You know when it’s overcast, cloudy, high humidity, foggy, raining or snowing how the sunlight doesn’t get through all that interference and reach Earth and us fully and directly? The same is true when the Sun is very active and spewing flares, CME’s, solar storms, solar winds etc. Those externalized solar energies reach Earth, humans and all life here but they’re usually reduced due to the strong and wild movements of those very energies. We’re effected by them alright, but they’re often diminished by the great forces and pressures taking place from them being so violently projected outwards into space.
On the other hand, when the Sun goes quiet and isn’t hurling CME’s, flares, solar storms, solar winds everywhere, that quiet calm allows all the GC (Milky Way Galactic Center) energies to flow unimpeded or disrupted in any way right to, into and through you and your body/bodies and everything and everyone else including Earth. When the Sun is quiet the GC energies (plus any other cosmic energies) enter the area of our solar systemin full-force because there’s no energetic wake turbulence or interference whatsoever from solar winds, storms or CME’s etc. When the Sun goes quiet like it has for much of 2016 for this very reason, the GC energies reach us directly, fully and totally unimpeded. Yowza! Energetic “weekend warrior” only business is over. It’s now full-time and full-on and coming directly from the GC to all incarnate human Crown Chakras on Earth! Can ya feel the Divine evolutionary LOVE?
More NEW Is Embodied & Activated When It’s Calm & Smooth As Glass
I’ve learned over these Ascension decades that when I suddenly become emotional over the slightest, kindest, highest vibrating of things, that means the Earth’s magnetic energies are in flux once again. As we’ve learned over the years, the magnetic grid and field helps hold the current Evolutionary Cycle’s energetic codes, blueprints, templates in place for humanity, Earth and all lifeforms on Earth throughout that cycle. Said another way, it holds the current curriculum in place for all during an Evolutionary Cycle.
However, when the old lower frequency Evolutionary Cycle with its matching codes, blueprints or energy curriculum Expires and starts disappearing, the magnetic energies around Earth become “unstable” while they reduce, dispel and go to zero. What all this really is are the old codes, blueprints and energies they contained for the past cycle dying away. Simultaneously to all that is the building of and then activation of the NEW Evolutionary Cycle’s magnetic Grid system at a much higher level of frequency and complexity. Out with the old lower and in with the NEW higher and more complex in other words. This we’ve done and lived since day-one of this Ascension Process so nothing new here.
But, since the Sun’s gone quiet this year which allows the GC to pour out the NEW Evolutionary Cycle’s energies—codes, blueprints, templates etc.—very directly and with full-force right into each of us on Earth and into Earth too, these magnetic changes in the NEW Grid system are now being felt by more and more much more intensely than ever before. Not just the Forerunners mind you, but everyone at this point. Needless to say, this and all the rest of these evolutionary Ascension Process happenings cause many people to increasingly lose it and become extremely unstable for a while, or permanently.
Every time I get hit hard with either of these current Ascension related energies, I think about how difficult it is for me, my body, my central nervous system, digestive track, my mind heart and so on, and for the most part, I know what’s going on and why! As the old energies and codes of the past Evolutionary Cycle and their matching magnetic Grid and field around Earth reduce to zero and fall away, they’re replaced with NEW higher energies and codes that can sometimes cause some Forerunners to feel depressed, sad, very emotional at times, very much done with it all, extra weak, extra exhausted, extra achy, bigger and heavier, less than before, greater than before and so on. Much of all this has to do with us being in transition from all the old lower energies and embodying more of the NEW higher energies. The Ascension related magnetic changes cause some to feel more emotional, weepy, depressed etc. In many people still carrying the old lower consciousness, beliefs, reality and expectations etc., this puts a great deal of energetic pressure and stress on and in them to evolve, not that they realize that’s what any of this is about! And so, we have more and more of the “normal” masses utterly losing it now and/or going into more fear over more change taking place internally and externally. This will get worse before it gets better Forerunners so stay in your HighHeart and keep doing what you have been for all.
I’ve just completely forgotten what this article was about… Oh yeah, that reminded me about the need to sleep, to get out-of-body during the daytime hours. I think in many cases we’re doing much like what the Sun is by going “quiet”; we’re all needing to be still, quiet, peaceful internally and let the GC energy outpourings do what they are to each of us. That may have sounded like I was joking but I’m not. The Forerunners and Sun have gone quiet for very important evolutionary and embodiment reasons now so just let the changes take place in you, your body, your being, your soul, your Greater Selves and external reality. The one happens so the other can.
At this point, none of this looks like what any of us Forerunners expected and isn’t that a hoot! Just lay back and go to sleep when you have to no matter what time of day or night it is and release, open and embody more and be glad, so very glad of it all.
How Does the NEW Energies From the GC Fit Into Our Crown Chakras?
Sometimes it feels like giving birth and being born at the same time but in a totally NEW way. When the GC energies come in strong and direct like they have all year, my ears start ringing again (Vegas nerve reverberating from contact with and embodiment of higher Light Energies), and I can clairvoyantly See feel a large half-dome shaped energetic area above my physical head (Crown chakra) receiving these tremendous evolutionary energies directly from the GC. They hit this area above my physical head/skull first which cases a reverberation down into my head and skull and then further down into my spine and entire skeletal structure and my HighHeart area. I literally shake, rattle and vibrate incredibly strong internally from receiving and then embodying the NEW energies and codes etc. into me and my physical and energetic bodies. My Lightbody spins faster and faster and seemingly from within me, to the point that I wonder when it’s all going to go totally NEW and different. Maybe I’m looking at this with old lower eyes, time will tell. For now however it’s one wild ride to be sure. Hang in there Forerunners and don’t feel guilty for exiting your physical body during the daytime. There’s a lot going on in us now which only further allows greater and faster evolutionary changes externally.
June 27, 2016
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