Monday, 4 July 2016

Taking a breather and taking charge of trusting, that where we are transitioning to, is somewhere amazing.

Lets just to zoom out of the latest unfoldings for a moment.

Things are happening that maybe our minds cannot understand as the limitations of our biological 3D brains are not able to translate the reality of what is actually happening, to us in a language we can understand (at the moment).

We are, at the moment, working only with the limitations of the earthly, planetary experience that we occupy.

Things are happening on many levels and we can only really "see" what is presenting in our own physical lives and what is presenting in where we find ourselves inhabiting on earth.

But lets take a breather, and remember that the body IS prepared for the huge dimensional translation that we are in the middle of and it DOES have the information and equipment it needs.

It could be that all it needs now is our conscious agreement and alignment with the process to take ourselves off "standby" and thereby activating our 'total involvement with the process'.

Simply by us jolting ourselves AWAKE do we see that the green light is on, and has been for a while.

The inner eye can see the green light is on, so all things 'inner' have been activated to deploy the automatic inner machinery needed for this.

For us to jolt AWAKE and  "see" the green light,  we just have to be brave enough to acknowledge that we are IN the driving seat and no one else needs to be driving the car for us.

So breathe and move on.  Drive on towards the crossover.

Drive out of the RUN down old-town and into an, at first,  slowly emptying perhaps void landscape.
(decluttered and devoid of the old mess and regulations, needs and wants, harnesses and obstacles)

Soon it will become a renewing,  refilling,  replenishing and  ever-expanding Horizon, that WE build (create) as we drive deeper into the uncharted lands, and as we expand into where we most desire to be.

Lets Just breathe.

Michaela Betty.

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