Metatron, Quan Yin – The Sacred Key – Purity Magnifier

Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received from AA Metatron and the 33rd Dimension…
The memory banks of the past, the intricately designed waves of ascension, the timelines of the chosen momentum, the liberating energies of love are swiftly moving through all points of BEing.Dearly Beloved children of the universe,Through the incarnation of your present momentum, through the incarnation within your present vehicles of time and space, you have transversed eons.Liberation of your hearts and souls is approaching. Liberation of your hearts from the malevolent influences of the past, the malevolent influences of the thinking patterns that you have ingrained within your very subatomic principles of being are unraveling before you, unraveling and releasing all that no longer belongs on your path to freedom and entitlement of BEing.The outdated thinking patterns of those who have come before you are disappearing from the blueprint that you have all accepted during the latest invocation. The new blueprint that has indeed been downloaded and delivered into your hearts have begun to activate the codices necessary to rewire your physical vessels of time and space onto a new energetic frequency, onto anew frequency on which your vehicles shall continue to operate in the weeks and months to come.Those of you who have indeed accepted the new blueprints into their hearts shall find yourselves experiencing the changes and realignments within your bodies, within your minds, throughout the day and during dreamtime as you are being fully rewired and assisted in releasing the old and welcoming in the true essence of that which you are.Your vehicles are being rewired and recalibrated to be able to function on a new frequency which you have chosen to experience. A new frequency which shall allow you to absorb more light into your vessels, light that you shall then be able to carry within your bodies and share said light with those who have not yet accepted the new blueprint into their hearts. With said light, you shall then be able to activate the dormant memory of that which they are, and stimulate their desire to grow and return to the purity of BEing, the purity of BEing in balance with all that is.And so, and thus, the new blueprints shall allow those of you chosen to experience higher frequencies to anchor new informational encodings, translating them into innovations that shall continue to balance, clear, cleanse and fortify all whom your way shall come, enlightening them with informational encodings necessary to assist said souls in releasing themselves from the prison of that which they have recreated for themselves. So that all can find unity with that which they truly are and begin their journeys home, to their very own higher selves.The moment of tremendous change and potential for human collective shift in consciousness has arrived, and the window of opportunity to transverse time and space collectively in order to arrive on a platform which shall allow all to release their karmic debts by finally understanding the lessons laying therein, learn from said lessons, finally release said karma, and consciously walk into a new phase of their soul’s eternal journey. And so and thus, the time for karmic release, karmic debt and karmic debris clearance has arrived and all whom wish to utilize the new energies shall be able to do so with vigor and might. For all are being supported in this new momentum. For all are welcomed into the new reality where all that one wishes to experience shall be delivered to them instantaneously.Be mindful of that which you wish to experience for all is occurring with lighting quantum speed and shall propel you onto a framework that your thoughts are generating for you every moment. Know that the next few months of your earthly time shall prove very fruitful for you now. Know that you are being recalibrated, rewired, rebirthed, so that you can fully function freely on the new platform and gain the necessary access to information that you are to then manifest for all of humanity. For all seven billion souls residing therein. Remember, that you are the co-creators of this now moment, and so monitor your thoughts diligently as you adhere to the new principles of being. Know that you are supported, loved and applauded and revered by all that is. Know that we walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Know that it is so. For it is.That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.
If you need any personal assistance via a healing session, you can reach out to me at to set up a distant healing session with me. I also invite you to visit my blog for more information to help you on your journey.
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