Tuesday 20 September 2016

Are we there yet?

I keep getting there.....but I can't quite seem to land my pod.

the "there" that I have managed to get to,  stays for a moment and then it is gone.

Is it me that leaves the "there" I arrived at because it is impossible for me to stay at that "there point"?

Or is it that the "there point" immediately dissolves once having been arrived at? Leaving another "there point" hovering in etheric space waiting for me to decide, by my thoughts and creations, what that next "there" might be.

 Does each "there" create itself  for me to find, as a series of hidden bread crumb clues leads me to it?

It would seem that we are being swiftly pushed along by unseen forces that deliver us to visit ourselves again and again, but often we can only see ourselves by whats happening in our world. We can only see ourselves by what situations, people and places we encounter on our journey.

Who put those people there, who decided what places and hills and valleys we would encounter on the map that takes us to countless "theres"?

We can only assume it was us who designed the sparkling, magical map that can only be seen momentarily when we land on a spot, a "there" that was for us to land on in a seemingly magical and mysterious way. When the spot has been reached and stood upon, it lights up the map, with loud noises and flashing lights, as in a game show when the contestant has correctly found the right answer, or stood on the correct square, or seen the correct sequence. All those Ah Ha Moments.
 In a tantalising high, the lights flash, the contestant is on a high as everything fits into place. And then... just as quickly the lights stop flashing, the quest continues and the answers are hidden. The bright space on the Map has diminished, we can no longer see it. The "there" becomes no longer as it dissolves from that space on the etheric, magical map.

It dissolves from view because it has been reached. The way in which that "there" was reached, also then forms the direction in space and type of movement required to reach the next "there". The next "there" wasn't in existence until the previous "there" was encountered. The previous "there" creates the unseen path, which then is created as it is travelled according to how we do the creating and how we do the travelling.  

It is only how we tread that decides what space are foot steps onto. There could be millions of "theres" but we can only reach the "theres" that we ourselves continue to create in each moment of the ongoing experience.

That is why we feel we are not there yet, because there are more "theres"to come to as we spiral around and up through in multidimensional paths. How we see that is determined by what we focus on and the dimensional focus we use to see it. In our 3d focus it may feel as if we have a limited insight about our path, which is true because when our focus is coloured by the lens of the dimension we are paying attention to, then 3d is quite limited compared to other dimensional view points.

If we tried to see what we are doing and how we are travelling using the lens of higher dimensional goggles we would in fact see the whole map, not just a flat page,  but one that is "whole universe" shaped and one which is laden with inter-dimensional tunnels and realities, with luminescent snakes and ladders and criss-crossed with bends in time and quantum events that pull and push us to expand our consciousness into bigger spaces.

The Aim? The Purpose? It is to meet with the bigger portion of the self, the wholeness of the self that sent us, the human avatar, out on a journey through an ever renewing and expanding universe which is the "Universe-shaped" map, full of "theres",  that continues to create itself moment by moment.

Thanks for flying with me.


Thanks for flying with me.

From Michaela, in my pod, to you in your pod.

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