Friday 9 September 2016

The changes we are feeling now are the results of years and decades of work, not just a snippet in time. Monthly Astro-Forecasts September 2016

Monthly Astro-Forecasts September 2016

Message For September 2016
As the ebb and flow of the tides of life continue to lap the shorelines of our souls, there is a growing sense of awareness of the shifting landscape carved out by the currents and the winds of time. Of course, such change usually takes millennia before we see the results, but the changes we have all been experiencing lately have occurred in the blink of eye, or at least it feels that way! When we step back, we begin to notice the moment more and this allows us to see just how far we’ve actually travelled over recent years. The changes we are feeling now are the results of years and decades of work, not just a snippet in time.

It therefore seems important that we acknowledge the roles we have played in our own evolution and to realise that we are not powerless pawns in the game of life but, at the same time, to accept that we, in truth, have no power when it comes to choosing the overall shape and definition of our lives! It’s not easy being human! In essence, there is a need for us to know that our perspective flavours our life experiences but when we stop trying to control the uncontrollable by pushing uphill when we need to go downhill (or vice versa) we encounter far less resistance on all levels of our being. This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t stand up for our beliefs or push to achieve our goals, it’s more a willingness to listen to the currents and to consciously ride with them rather than against them. Of course, it’s a part of being human to think we know better and there is also a chance to learn a great deal from the ‘mistakes’ we make, but there are times in life when listening serves a far greater purpose. 

Every moment of every day we make choices: choices to act, choices not to act, choices not to make choices and so on. Some of us embrace each and every moment, seeing life as an opportunity to experience as much as possible but others spend life finding reasons ‘not to’. Most of us have, at some point, spent time in both categories, but the more awakened we become, the more we need to be accountable for our choices, even those choices we choose not to make. This isn’t about blame, and it doesn’t have to feel like a burden of responsibility, this is about being fully present in the here and now, in order to live fully, consciously and awake. So many spend life sleepwalking, following the flock, trying to get through each day without ever really looking at the bigger picture. Of course life doesn’t always afford us the luxury of choice but it’s easy to slip into sleepwalking even when we do have choice as it takes away the need to think outside of the box or explore the desire to walk a path less travelled. It can be convenient to get lost in distraction as it means avoiding ever having to make a conscious decision!

It seems important to acknowledge that, whatever life brings us, our souls are always free. We can choose to box up or bury our essence, but no one else can do that. They can try of course, but the flicker of the light at the core of our being always burns brightly. Even during dark days when we may feel lost or alone, the light still burns; we just have to look within to find it.  September looks set to be a month to open up our eyes, ears and hearts to the light within as we choose to stand on the shoreline watching the waves gently lapping our feet as we begin to fully appreciate the magic of life and to allow the new music of the universe to flourish and blossom. It has always been playing, it’s just that we’ve now reached the stage where we are open enough to hear it… 

With love,

Sarah-JaneYou are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact information are always included.  Thank you for your courtesy. Sarah-Jane Grace
Copyright © 2006-2015 Sarah-Jane Grace. All Rights Reserved

To read each star sign forecast for September:

Here is mine. 


September looks set to be a month of shift and change as you begin to amend the speed in which you walk through life. You have always walked at a different pace to others as your focus is so often on a million things at once and your mind is usually in another dimension! It’s therefore hard for you to travel at the pace marked ‘normal’ as you’ve really no idea what it actually means. Normal perhaps means a tad boring in your world as it suggests going along with the flow, fitting in and being one of the flock. None of the above come close to summing you up! You create the flow, and you’re definitely more tiger than baa. Of course, there is nothing wrong with sheep as they are cuddly, woolly and shape the landscape, but being one of them just doesn’t suit your more unique and vibrant nature. 

So, why are you trying to be one? Why are you trying to squeeze your effervescent, bubbly essence into a box marked ‘sheep’ in order to feel as though you are one of the gang? You’re not! Does standing alone in your own colours feel too daunting for you? Do you feel safer in numbers? It seems like a contradiction in terms as, at soul level, you want to be free, but when faced with the opportunity, you’re not quite as confident. There is no judgement here just a gentle nudge asking you to explore the reasons why your head and your heart continue to pull in different directions. Whilst you can keep on keeping on with this inner divergence, it doesn’t make for a contented and happy you, so the time has come for you to stop trying to race ahead and instead allow your head and your heart to converge and come together in perfect harmony…

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