Monday, 17 October 2016

When saying No is necessary. And finding the seed of greatness.

Ok so this is more for me but I'll share it with you, maybe it will resonate.

Recently I had a big healing meditation about deeply held issues that I could not see, but that were throwing rocks and boulders into my life. I had understood from reading Seth, that the exterior life presented to us, is a symbolic statement of some inner symbolic statement which projects externally and is cleverly disguised (my words)  in cryptic codes difficult to understand.

So when one looks at what is happening in the exterior intimate life, the external symbolic statements..... (that is looking at your ability or not to make real, hopes and dreams, to follow desired pathways, to have beautiful relationships with friends and family, and of course how you feel about yourself your achievements and perceived failures, etc etc)  One can be sure that these are related to deep inner symbolic statement.

So I realised that somehow, somewhere along the way, my path had been hijacked. My plans and personal projects were unceremoniously dropped while other, more shouty and demanding issues sailed into their place. I became frustrated as more and more OTHER PEOPLE stuff became my priority. Following Seth's direction, I went inside to see what inner symbolic statement was currently in my inbox waiting for me to see it.

Without going into detail, I had to trust my psychic and healing abilities to read the situation. These kind of  readings, I am good at for others, but take a long time to do for myself. The nuts and bolts of the reading was locating an internal symbol which transpired  to decode to a long overdue feeling of shame and self loathing (mainly from repeating cyclic re-incarnational dramas as well as this life's buried grief and hidden shame about the self created situations, pertinent to me not realising my own dreams and infact not feeling worthy of having dreams) and so allowing myself to just be in service to others and facilitate others in their life. I know its sounds long-winded but it did take a long time to decode.

At the beginning, the visuals and symbology were all about being in the dark recesses of a series of tunnels that were becoming smaller and more suffocating. I found a  shiney black stone-like thing on the floor of entrance cave. Some strange Gollum-like creature was in here somewhere but what was this stone-like thing (all symbols)?

 I picked it up and held it. It didn't feel like a stone but it had been dropped and lost, forgotten.

Soon I knew it was some kind of seed, not from a plant that I have ever seen but a seed of somekind nonetheless.

I Found the Gollum-like creature, who had dug itself deeper and deeper into the recesses of this underground tunnel labyrinth. It was in torment and I then realised it was a symbolic statement of shame  and self-loathing.

Its long but I began with help from my guides to do the healing and releasing, loving and forgiving.

To cut a long story short, I again looked at the seed I was holding in my hand. It was the seed 'of greatness' that I had long ago dropped and it had become lost in the myriad ways of me neglecting my potential for greatness.

So my inner symbolic statements were showing me I had got lost in my shame and unworthiness, and therefore had never had sown the seed 'of greatness' that we all come equipped with. Instead of planting that seed, I nurtured others peoples seeds and replaced my priorities (unworthy needs) with other peoples needs and I let my own wither in frustration and denial of myself.

This is what was being mirrored to me, reflected  in my external world, by all the recent life situations and circumstances. I was becoming physically unwell.  It was frustrating and finally forcing me to see that I am denying my own needs.

So, in conclusion, I can not regret it now, to do that is to add to heap on more feelings of unworthiness and shame.  I forgive and release, love and heal, and I am happy to have finally picked up that seed 'of greatness'  that was dropped so long ago and lost, in shame.

The healing meditation involved changing the internal symbolic statement to one where I had found and finally planted the black seed of greatness.  This symbolic statement will then project out into my intimate external life and so the SEED the changes that are ready to be put in place in my external life.


Seed, Black White, Macro, Nature, Flower, Gray, FloralImage result for planting a seed imagesImage result for planting a seed images

On priorities. 

I found this blog this morning and the message was so normal but so apt and heartful for me. I share it here.

It is a simple and everyday piece on priorities and just saying 'No' to loosing yourself in a labyrinth of other peoples stuff and 'No' to spending your life fulfilling other people's expectations of you, just  because you have so little of your own.


By Dana Fox

Saying “no” is something that I always had a hard time with. I was known for offering my help when needed and never shied away from helping people out. I wanted to take every opportunity that was thrown at me in my business life and part of me believed that by saying “yes” to these things, I would be achieving more than if I had declined.

The reality was that saying “yes” to everything brought me nowhere near my own personal goals and possibly even hindered greater experiences. I aimed to please everyone without putting my own career needs first.

Why you shouldn’t always say “yes”

The thing with saying “yes” is that most of the time you end up doing things that aren’t a part of your original plan. When I wrote about BEING SUCCESSFUL AT WHATEVER YOU DO, I mentioned how it was important to have an action plan. With so much sidetracking and spreading your abilities thin, there is less time to focus on that plan which in turn means that you’re really not going to have the focus that you set out to have.

Stop saying “yes” to every collaboration

With blogging in particular, there are so many companies and brands that are looking for exposure… and trust me, they can be really enticing! Free stuff always sounds nice, so does a nice paycheque for promoting something to your readers. It can be really hard to say “no”, but believe me, it is necessary. Not just because you want the products to relate to your reader base, but because what you say “yes” to could set the path for future collaborations or experiences.

Saying “no” leads to greater opportunities

Though you may not know it yet, the things you say “yes” to can start to define you. I know of some larger bloggers who said “no” to many smaller brands specifically so they could work with bigger and higher end ones in the future, because that was their goal: to be known as someone who works with high end companies. By saying “no”, you might not be closing yourself off to opportunities, but instead saving yourself for bigger ones.

Don’t take it personally

If you’re like me and like to help others, saying “no” can feel like you’re shunning someone. You need to toughen up a little and know that there are no hard feelings. Nobody expects you to be available for them at the snap of a finger (and if they do… those aren’t really people you want to be helping out anyways, are they?), so you won’t be letting anyone down by choosing to not do something. Most people will absolutely understand if you explain that you don’t have the time or are not able to help.
Now, when somebody approaches me with an idea or request for help, I make sure that it doesn’t pull me off course and I decide whether it could benefit me in the long run. With that type of mindset I’ve been able to grow as I had planned and spend the majority of my energy on my own projects. I am also not wasting time on things that my heart is not 100% attached to, which means more time for the things I want to do.
I hope that you can remember these things when faced with a similar situation and know that saying “no” is not always easy, but it’s necessary.

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