Just completed a meditation that not only blows the head off but makes sense of the whole picture.
A few weeks ago, there was a knock at the door, and a Hindu couple were handing out books. The couple were nice and as a gesture I graciously accepted the books, even though I explained I probably would not get around to reading them. Then about a week later I somehow received a Hindu Calendar with depictions of various Hindu Gods. I could not work out what to do with it, and even though I needed a calendar for 2017, I didn't resonate with the images. I remembered looking at a image of a female god and a male god that seemed to be a couple. I thought no more about it.
Today I did a meditation. I wasn't sure where I was going with it, but knew that I wanted to do one. The recent weeks have been pretty hectic and now even more so and my intuition that something should break open about now and reveal the true situation for me, and all synchronising with the 21st December 2016 Solstice.
Part of this was a brewing of dreams over a period of time and culminated in a dream in which I state, " I choose Life", which when I woke up I realised meant I choose life, that is real life in truth and not the anti life that is the present form of conditions for living in this times, and has been for many hundreds of cycles. Over the days I became increasingly aware of the level of anti life that most of us wake up in and go back to sleep in. So it is that I chose in my dream, the alternative to this anti life.
Other things have been happening over the months and have been bombarding the sleeping in anti life to awaken to life. It isn't actually a separate dimension it is just a different reality. I can't relate every instance but life was getting increasingly wierd for me, and I was watching for clues.
In the meditation today I started by using a link to a group one then used this to step up and off into something else.
Eventually the image of the hour glass came to me, and I could see that I was the bottom half but rising up and through the small tunnel through to the top half. It was actually like going through a birth canal and images of rising and transitioning through into a grand central sun, resplendnt with gold light and energy.
OK, to cut a long story short, this was becoming aware of the All That Is and of being within it. The I am that I AM, knew it was finally merging with the All that is as part of it.
So there are two parts, the All that is, and for the purposes of my meditation, specifically the unmanifested All That Is. The second part is me, which is unconsciously manifested part of All that is, namely the I AM that I Am but don't quite get it yet.
In order for this second part to become a CONSCIOUS manifestation of the All That is, it must go through the state of being awoken. The anti life provides a large space to be creating in contrast or with absence of knowledge of being part of the All that is.
The All that is is allowing and expanding space to allow expansion in knowledge of the contrast to All that is. Much like we won't come into our own until we leave our parents house and their jurisdiction and delve into the nooks and crannies of our psyche. So we spend much time doing this, believing we are seperate from the All that is. and so we are in a state of anti life, which because of the nature of anti-life, is prone to all manner of hyjacking. The advent of very diabolical interventions have only shown how base we can become and the levels to which we can be hoodwinked, sidelined, and distracted into shocking anti life existence. So these doors of humanity opened to allow willing protagonists to enter and in and really put the boot in. These protagonists exist only in anti-life and so the depths we as unconscious manifestations of All that is, sunk. The story unfolds as we begin to become conscious and therefore, conscious manifestations of All that is. Each are our own "I AM, the I AM that I AM, individual and personalised aspects of the All that IS.
In order to become conscious you literally have to be broken and cracked open from the deepening calcification of 3d density. Literally, cracked open. So read that as, lots of hard times, intensely heart breaking and physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually broken apart.
With each break you expand. With each break and wound you open DEEPER. With each break their deeper expansion. So the space around will eventually be so loaded with heavy baggage that you are like a baggage laden and seriously ill and fatigued traveller through time. The Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual space you would take up would be quite considerable.
The concept of this space is important too. Remember the saying "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of an needle thatn for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven", this is a helpful idea, the path through back and up is a tightened and constricted tunnel, through the centre of the hour glass. In order to get through you have to let go of the baggage. The limitations of being a rich man, where Rich man only means someone who is laden with attachment to the things, ideas of self, status, material wealthy, ideas of revenge, poverty, lust, greed etc etc that keeps an identity alive within the growing and development phase of being in the anti-life arena.
Its hard to let go voluntarily of these things, so generally it comes to pass, that our hands must be bashed to let go of them.
In my meditation today I went up into the grand central sun, tunnel or constriction space in the middle of the hour glass into the resplendent space of merging my identity, as the I Am that I AM this time consciously and awake and knowing I am the ALL that Is too, my personality just is now aware of it. So to get to the space. It is this which is then what you bring to the ALL that is. You bring your extended space as a gift of expansion to the ALL that is. So that both merge in joyful reunion, in a bigger, expanded space. You have to go through a very troublesome birthing canal to land up in the top part of the hour glass. Having been battered to get there, but the result is you are bringing a gift to the table.
The merging is the successful reunion with the unmanifested All that is, and you are the female aspect of the All that is, and so you receive full flow into you from the male with the unmanifested All that is. The merge of male and female allows creation in LIFE, as opposed to what we were creating in anti life, before we merge back with our true selves, ie. aspects of All That Is.
The hindu god Shakti kept springing to mind as the symbol that could represent and identify what we as humans can when we are in full flow as conscious and powerful (female) recipients of the (male) a All-that-is creative juices.
We create as gods in our own rights.
Notice in the depictions of Shakti she is seen as an earthly God, while Shiva is depicted as an ethereal, heavenly god. So it is with us, Shakti is depiction of us as the earthly manifested version of All that Is, The male in this picture is more ethereal, so he is the unmanifested ie. not of this earth, God. Is that clear.....?? no? sorry....
So anyway.....in the place of knowing who we are, the large space that we have ourselves created for this merger with All that is, we can then bring this whole thing back down to earth, you see we don't move off the planet we just change our space in it. So we bring the whole thing down to live in it, we bring the space that has been created by you as the "I AM that I AM", now merged and filled with the creative juices of the Unmanifested All that is, to create around you stuff, and life that is LIFE, and not anti Life. We ground and anchor the space in the lower half of the hour glass, where we reside in this here and now.
Always with access to movement up through to the top half of the hourglass so that we (the shaktis) can be in ......total and joyful merging, within the resplendent central sun, with the 'always waiting to merge and expand in craetion' All -That -Is (the Shiva) part of us.
Can't get much more description out right now. Pretty buzzed out right now, and just wanted to record and get this down, Sorry if lots of typos' and maybe if I feel to add anything to this. than I will update at a later date.
Michaela. 21st December 2016.
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