Monday, 27 February 2017

"The way Home is through quiet time spent at the holy altar within yourselves where the flame of God’s Love burns constantly. Reality is within you awaiting your recognition and acceptance of It. You will all go within and find what you have been seeking outside yourselves for eons. Seeking outside is time-consuming and depressing for you because there is nothing there save illusion after illusion claiming to show you the path to Reality." from :The way Home is through quiet time spent at the holy altar within yourselves. 02/25/2017 by John Smallman.

The thing is we are here to experience the outside of us until we no longer need identify with that 'outside'. When the inside of us says "there is nothing in the outside that reflects me back to me" then it is time to get to a place that does so. In fact I'd guess that having a need for you to be reflected back to you, is becoming antiquated too. When I walk down the street It is as if I am from a different land and different culture. No one I pass or speak to, nod to or exchange energetic particles with, (as we all do you know in dynamic energy interaction between beings) reflects back to me, myself .

Think about it, whether in a village or in a town, wherever in the world, when peoples are out and about, steeped in their cultural practices, doing and being, dressing, speaking and acting in similar ways and having shared values and orientations within the current space of their incarnation, they reflect back to eachother those shared values. These reflections are statements, we belong to the same club, we have shared energy identification. Whatever positives and negatives are  inherent in those societies, will be be shared by each person by virtue of accepting the norms of the values of that culture.

An outsider or visitor to that society will automatically not be immersed in the depths of that culture. They will not be reflected back to themselves, except as an outsider. An outsider will have to be strong, as indeed most travellers are, to not need the interchange of being reflected back to himself or herself by the members of the culture or society that he or she is visiting.

The reflections that one desires are: of being accepted, of being part of a group and not alone, of having ones values recognised and valued by others, of having the self identified and accepted by others. The statements passing between people who share these identities are confirming and validating the values and identity choices held by them. They are outside validations that what they are doing, saying and thinking, are shared with the communities and so they are the 'correct' ones to have in that community.

When an outsider comes in, they bring in different values and are usually not seen, or interacted with in this manner of sharing and reflecting back to eachother that their values are correct.

In fact an outsider does not fit, and brings with him or her an energy that acts to produce a variety of energetic disruptions within the peoples of the visited culture,  that may be seen as hostile or even insurgent, but more likely a less definable energy that questions or challenges the values held by that community.

Often as Outsiders in our own homeland, without having to travel to a far off land, we are not interacting in that 'Being Reflected Back'  dynamic that was essential at one level for participation in this game. We are not being reflected back to us by the folks around us, we are no longer being part of the group because we cease to accept the cultural norms and values as ones on which we base our identity.

We cannot simply travel from town to town, or country or country, in order to find the cultural reflection that matches our inner identification.

Well we can, of course do that. But better to work on the inside and increase the strength and magnitude of the inner identification and fortitude to know thyself and not fear when there is noone around that matches what you reflect out to others from your own inner being. Its Better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you are not. Because those doing the hating are not holding your vibrational match anyway and its your business to grow up, and away from the childhood identifications, of finding your place in the outward identity seeking shared culture that does not allow for you to be finding the space, tranquility, grace and divinity that comes as we explore our own inner personal connections with ourselves. Go against the grain, waken to yourself, finding bewilderment and joy, as you realise there so much more to you, in fact its time to stop looking at everyone else to decide what matters to you. Its time to hold inner conviction to yourself, in order to release yourself from having your life controlled by the outside.


(It was a strange time recently that I went back to work in the outside world. I needed a distraction and also some validation. Long story short- it was a blast back to me, big time, that I don't need that kind of validation anymore as it will never be a vibrational match for what I am and for what I am becoming - out of and away from the cultural norms of the people around me. Mostly we give our power away to the pulls of , and demands from the society we live in. If we are not bowing down to those norms and values, then wtf are we doing???? Well it seems, the answer would be we are doing worthwhile excavation into the self.  From this job I enetered back into the 3rd Dimensional world of work. I learned that I am still good at what I do, its just that I want to be doing it at higher levels and I want to be alive and with other people who want to be alive as opposed to this anti-life that is so called living. I got to see again, one more time (and not again!!!!) the low level energy thought forms delivered to us humans such as : I must have a job and earn money because I have no power, this energy dynamic is made purely to keep us in fear.

I find to my satisfaction that I do not fit in here. Michaela)

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”― André Gide

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