Sunday, 1 November 2020

Part 5. The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling, How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation the Recycling of souls: To avoid the annunaki reincarnation trap..."It is best for you to understand the world of the spirit, the non physical as it works with the physical. Not religions." ~~Having a plan~~

WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE. SCARED OF DEATH? Understand the world of spirit.
SERIOUS BEST PLAN is to know and get clear on death, when you dying, keep health of your mind, to keep it clear, clear enough to be clear on intention. 
"Take all your wits with you, all your knowledge, intend to go over and meet loved ones first.  If they are trapped, then you see them, say hello,  but you go further. see them but intend to return to reconnect with higher self and your own HOME in the cosmos. Reunite with the highest source from which you have come from.
So Aim to meet loved ones, but intend to REUNITE with your higher self and go further to remove yourself from the trap and go back into the cosmos.  

(For some reason I believe this is worth knowing now. I think it is because so many people are been held by their fear of death, which can paralyse a person. Looking after old people, and sick people, and seeing death around them, and their fears or longing for an calls me to plan for the transition myself. Because having my memory wiped and returning to begin again at level one, is still on the agenda as far as I know. Pretty sure things will become enlightened for us all soon, but till then we need to keep on the ball, awake and not sink under worries of any kind....pandemic/scramdemic or NOT. Stay attuned with intelligence and inner wisdom, so that we can manage our selves and see the truth of what we are: huge light beings that have been tagged into a human life. And not knowing that makes us vulnerable weak and apt to be recycled. Michaela)

Say NO to Reincarnation and Remember Who You Are!

Say NO to Reincarnation and Remember Who You Are!

By: Stephanie MacDonald

How is forgetting helpful to one’s growth? How does something horrible happening to you due to misdeeds from a past life teach you anything when you have no memory of what you did? How can you balance the scales when you have no idea what’s on the other side? But yet you keep reincarnating over and over again and accumulate more and more lessons to learn from these past lives. So now you have all of these lessons you need to learn, but you get to have ZERO memory of failing any tests to begin with. It makes no sense at all. Yes, our lives are “blinks” in the big scope of Everything and our life purpose IS experience as All is just “the Prime Creator” experiencing itself in Infinite Many-ness, so having 100 reincarnated lives “in a row” is nothing in the big scope of existence; even the so-called forgetting could be chalked up as “just another way of Source experiencing itself;” HOWEVER there is no way of getting around the fact that FORGETTING HINDERS PROGRESS. Forgetting hinders the ability to turn knowledge into wisdom!

Now if you have an open mind and want to take a look at this rabbit hole, here is a theory as to why reincarnation happens. It is no secret to those who have looked beyond what they have been told and realized there appears to be a Control Game on Earth. The Elite, the Anunnaki, Illuminati, Archons, Cabal, Draco Reptilians, as well that written in ancient/sacred texts… whatever you look at or however you look at it, it all points to certain groups of beings that strive for ultimate power, wealth, control, and nowadays it would appear that those “in control” keep us “dumbed down” by psychic attacks, feeding us false information, poisoning our water, food, & “medicines” — maintaining manipulation with “mainstream” media, and teaching us lessons of inaccurate history while keeping the majority of the people just able-bodied enough to work their lives away to make those already on top even more rich and more powerful while others are used as pawns to “get certain points across.” 

for more.

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