Wednesday 18 August 2021

How Does David Icke View My Work? Very interesting, in his discourse regarding David Icke and others, John Lamb Nash explains that as well as not properly citing his material, he explains how they have omitted understanding of the difference between 'reality' (Sophianic body) and the archon simulation of 'reality' which they 'copy' and manipulate and trap humans into. More importantly is that they have left out Sophia which is the main part in all of this. I often say there is a 'golden grid' which is covered by a dark overlay, this I think is explained here, to me, as the Golden grid must be The Sophianic Aeon body and the 'dark overlay' is the archon matrix. Research (verb) into the Archon and Gnostic Wisdom. Gnostics were the original human 'Wise' men and women who could 'see' the truth as the Archon matrix was being machinated. The purpose of reposting this video is to provide Gnostic context to information regarding the archons, not to troll. My intention is only to provide the context that John Lash Lamb believes is missing in today's material concerning the Archons. ~~Michaela~~.

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