Thursday, 2 December 2021

Sophia July 13th, 2020* I am the Source of all that is. I breathe you into life. I breathe all into being as it is. As it stands. It is the product of my thought that is experienced now as reality. This reality. This life that surrounds you is the in-breath and the out-breath of all that is. Take that in. Contemplate now on these that you hear. The locusts, the winged ones, be they birds or bugs, feel and respond to in-breath and out-breath, the literal breathing that is sound and that you only now notice. Yes, the locusts are new today. They are loud and soft in a rhythmic pattern. They seem to have subsided, or left? It is quieter now. Some birds and a slight buzzing. Now the wind picks up. It is ever changing. As is all of life everywhere. You have questions? Yes. Would you speak on the Earth’s Ascension process? On what we can expect? On when? On methods of manipulation of frequency and magic? Right now, there is a good deal of isolation and fear as a result of the virus. There is division as to who to support. There are deceptions on a mass scale. I am the Source of all that is. The being that is you experiences now the out-breath – the exhalation. What is exhaled is what does not support. Do you see? To spend time attempting to receive support from the waste product is a futile endeavor. It will not support and thus you’ll then seek the products of the in-breath – the oxygen as it were. It becomes clear, and quickly, that which is complete and filled vs that which is spent and empty. Those that are empty will no longer be sustained or utilized as the false support they pretend to portray falls away. You will want to hold fast to those things and people you wish to remain close to you as the out-breath occurs. It is an exhale and holds impactful and forceful energy as it moves. This energy may knock you off your feet, but it will not carry you with it. As you remain steadfast in your place, you will stand tall and sure-footed throughout. I am the Source of all that is. I breathe in now what sustains and expands life. I breathe out that which is unusable. You will watch these things go. They may pass by near to you, yet they will not drag you with them. They cannot. You are a part of the newly formed breath – Nourishment and collaboration breathes through you and sustains your purpose. You do not become a waste product. You are part of the new – forming itself around the solid ground that is love. This love is you, Sophia. This love is personalized in every one of you. It expresses as you do and yields solidity of form within your reality. What you are is life itself, personally expressed as a human. You are here to progress from solidly carbon-based structures to something new. This “new” that you become changes form with each thought. It will be some time before you settle in on a singular ultimate result. At that time, you will rest. I am complete. Thank you. * In the declarations on this day, something different was added to the usual declarations. It was “I am a sovereign being. I reach out with all that I am to the All.” Perhaps that explains this conversation. ***** December has arrived! Welcome to this month's complimentary edition. I hope that you are doing well. There are a few things by way of announcement before we begin. We've decided that the final volume in the Words of One series will be released in January 2022. The messages are still coming in, and more time is needed before we can get it published. It will be announced here when it happens. If you haven't yet checked out this series, you can click on the pictures of the books below to read a few pages first. Thanks for those of you writing reviews as they help us all! There is a series that began last night, it is called "Covid Revealed" and is produced by a group who have done similar work on other subjects, quite well. I have not finished this first episode, but it is free to watch until 9PM Eastern time tonight. At that point there is another episode. These are released daily until the series is completed. Here is a link: (Click here) We are all feeling a sense of anticipation. We are now stepping into the role of light bearer/light bringer and it is time to hold our resonance and power on solid ground. We are human. We will proceed forward that way, together, as One. The conversation you'll read below is one I just "found". I was having trouble deciding what to share, as the energy feels so very intense and the goal is to offer an assist. I thought I had found a conversation from about a year ago, and as I was searching for it, this one popped out at from the documents folder. It was unfiled and alone. It doesn't appear to have been shared, and if I have and you remember it, apologies for the repeat. It is worth a second look though! What I remember about it is that it took place outside on a warm summer day. There is a conversation with One from that same day, much earlier in the morning, as per usual. This was not One. The voice and energy was different and well, you'll see for yourself. It is a useful visualization of what is going on right now, and felt quite powerful. Please enjoy it. Each conversation is preceded by intentions and declarations and on this afternoon, something different was added to the usual list. The explanation for what that was is included at the end of the passage. It is unclear as to whether or not there will be another complimentary edition before years end, so this comes with love and light and magic for this holiday season! Hold your loved ones close. You are extraordinary beings, and I'm grateful that our paths have crossed. Please share this complimentary edition everywhere! I appreciate you for all that you are. Namaste' Sophia Here's the link for Words of One, Volume Six. Click the image below for a quick look inside! Please share a review !

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