Saturday 29 June 2024

The fall?

I had a long and totally uncomfortable dream recently, last sunday night, about being trapped in a labyrinth. It was so messed up and icky, energetically sticky. It started with me and some others (either visiting or just happened to be there for some reason), in an uber high-tech place like an off-planet station or organisation, or could have been underground hidden in London's deep underground city network, a twilight organisation of total off-planet technology. No sunlight, maybe astral. or dark 4th dimension. Without going into all the details I was was looking down over rails where i could see moving platforms going down below for miles, like being at the top of a sky scraper. then the floor I was on moved downwards, the railings pulled back, and taken by surprise, I slid down in a practically vertical drop....and onto another lower platform, the floor was moving, I couldn't get my ground. the platforms kept moving and was like being beckoned down through a corriodoor, a hall of mirrors, but so unpleasant. So I was moving through and downward in a planned direction. Scooped by Moving Escalators and plunged further down, tumbling down through what felt like a creepy game of snakes and ladders game or dungeons and dragons....the super hi tech gleam had gone being replaced by a creepy and eerie ickyness and stickyness. But there was only this repeated falling down horrible nightmare shutes to the level below... getting darker and more gruesome. While not being aware that this was dismantling your true bearings.... and trying to maintain calm, and trying to keep an outer appearance of not being shocked at it all, as if you had somehow agreed to participate in it, without knowing you had been tricked into it. Tricked into Consent ??? The last part of the dream I had tumbled down into the dining hall of my old Baby catholic school, 'The annexe' from when I was about 6. A scary enough place then, I was am as I am now, a big ass adult, but then I realised how the memories of this place had been enough to enforce behaviours and negativity within myself, in ways I had no idea had happened. When as a little one growing up and going through what felt like a brutal schooling, nuns preaching god and then attacking you, I had the subconscious feelings that had to be buried underneath because there was no external validation that this was wrong. The feeling at the end, was like at the end of a primary school lunchtime, when all the food slops are in the buckets and food all over the floor, the overwhelming feeling of being sickened by the food slopps was a depiction of how we have taken into our beautiful pristine energy systems, all the rubbish we had been over fed to corrupt us...The Consumptive we have been fed. All things we take inside, (we take in information like food) which then builds up your neurone systems, forms your body and your beliefs) and not able to discern what it is we are carrying is from some other influences or programming. This has the affect of 'bloating and disabling your inner solar plexus, the growing internal power systems of the human. It was awful. Was it a depiction of lifetimes through reincarnation into tricked negativity? Was it delving into my family lineage ancestral blood -line gunk back through time? or just my own personal empathic feelings of horror... at each level/situation of life further, lunged into my stomach from each obviously inhuman behaviour experienced or situation, or relationship, all going on around me....and that I had to appear to be okay with? Was it a depiction of how far from the angelic human we have been become. either by manipulation or controlled into self styled negativity? Or was it a test? to go through all that and still be able to find the Human angel inside, experiencing the hell and what it does it you, then looking through the looking glass of internal chaos to find yourself? I realised that what I had been through, depicted in the dream, was the physical representation of the metaphysical program of 'social engineering' and false belief systems and fear based control, that roll you into a ball and you become energetically sticky with that controlled environment and like glue that it becomes stuck to and you do not know yourself as different from directs your path direction, Pin Ball. It is so clever that it had to have come from a very high technologically origin. So was it a normal descent to into a corrupted earth? Or was the controlled path, when landed in a human incarnation to depreciate (and damage the unaware,) the negativity that was absorbed permeated self identity, and caused cognitive dissonance. Lost in the labyrinth. I am hoping that having seen it I can release from it. so today I was surprised to see lisa renee had written about stuff which touch on this. Its long but worth it. Love Michaela. xxx this is the part that of the Lisa Renee whole report, that seems to be relevant to my dream. but there is much more worth reading. lisa Renee To decode the pathological mind, the next question to ask ourselves is who actually generated it through the intentional promotion of a pathological society. At what point did the death culture, consumptive modeling, never-ending wars and the incoherent spreading of mass chaos and destruction become the socially accepted, tolerated and normalized way of life for humanity? When did we choose to forsake the light of creation within us for the empty shadows of darkness, brutality and despair? Further, how could this have happened? Abuses of Power In these tumultuous and challenging times of great transition for humanity, we are being forced to repeatedly observe how the values and organizing principles of current human culture have been shaped to distort natural laws and subvert human heart-based values. The main pillars of society have been built to enslave the masses and extract resources for those at the top and their corrupt minions, willing to turn on their fellow human beings. If we look at the main problems created in the world, they have been built upon inverted values, enforced by the controller archetype of the False King of Tyranny. The mass media projection of the idealized successful masculine archetype is one that climbs the corporate or social ladder to be given absolute power in his domain, as long as he plays ball with the upper ruling class. To maintain his status and wealth, he is used to continually commit gross Abuses of Power that are intentionally directed against his fellow human beings, to propagate slavery to consumerism and to continually profit off of their misery. Without understanding the NAA oversight in the mind control game behind the creation of these crumbling structures, we misperceive the problems in the world as based on human incompetence and greed. These structures are by design. Yet, without this understanding many still run to the False King of Tyranny like a father figure hoping that he will extend his almighty power in order to grant them immunity from the evils in the world. Like a traumatized child that has been repeatedly abused by their own parents, many people are still clinging to the appearances of power, unable to see that it is he that is perpetrating the many Abuses of Power. Many of these power abuses are being highlighted all around us, which we may repeatedly see as being carried out by the controller archetype that lives in the negative ego of fear based human beings. As the controller’s desperation and anxiety increases from losing power in the earthly domain, he is even more aggressive to stay on top, more willing to kill and maim in the process. The exploitations of those weakened in the consciousness shift are being committed as physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, mental, and social abuses that create intense damage and destruction, not only to the victims but also commit long term harm to their communities and industries in a variety of ways. In order to clearly see that Abuses of Power have been the essential ingredient in the corrupted structure that shapes the society in which we live, we must first recognize that the abuse of power is at an epidemic level of mass proportions. Only when we can see power abuses in hindsight and in action, can we begin to comprehend the true purposes that are underlying them. One of the biggest tasks humanity faces is dismantling the mind control programming that was written by the NAA to worship absolute power as an authority, such as worshipping the rich and famous or social media celebrities as Gods. Somehow, we have been socially conditioned to believe that famous people we all recognize are actually experts at anything. They have been paid copious amounts to appear as an authority in order to represent the marketing of their brands. Why is it that most people do not pay attention or notice the obvious self-serving motivations and conflicts of interest, promoted throughout consumerism and popular opinion? People worship outward appearances of power for all the wrong reasons and seek to emulate its image, as represented in consumer advertising from the morally and spiritually bankrupt. Misappropriated power is being systematically abused at a terrible human cost, in which ethical conduct and moral character is not even an important factor to consider in conscious decision making which greatly impacts our lives. How did that person achieve his wealth, riches and fame? If he raped, pillaged or ritualized others for it, should we care? Humanities obsession with riches, fame and celebrity on the world stage keeps handing narcissists and psychopaths access to others resources, which further hands them absolute power and an untouchable status. Humanity is guilty of creating the pedestal for the Power Elite, turning a blind eye as they have continually held disdain for the masses and abused their power. This is the time where we must stop and redefine our own relationship to power and further re-contextualize and redesign the meaning of power in our personal life, and within world society. This is where the decisional framework must be considered for each person, in order to make well informed decisions about where they place personal consent for Abuses of Power through their own behaviors. The domineering bullies at the top have always manipulated the knowledge that appearances and marketing illusions are all that matters in controlling the narratives and that having the substance to back it up is not required. Some people do not value a spiritual platform that is aligned with all of humanity, where unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and peace are the set goals for achieving inner coherence, while practicing higher standards of ethical behavior. Instead, they may believe that these are the qualities and attributes of weak and ignorant people, and the only way to success is ruthless self-interest in a dog-eat-dog world. Each person must decide if they are willing to be aligned to their purposes of spiritual growth and to grow into feeling empathy for living things, as this is intrinsic to becoming an authentic and balanced human being during the Ascension Cycle. By accepting the challenge that we all face in life on earth, as we are emerging from the dark aeon of nonhuman entity invasion, this phase supports us to increase personal competencies and gain self-knowledge, to grow into our highest spiritual strength and the true form of benevolent power. If we refuse to recognize life challenges as lessons and opportunities for spiritual growth and cannot gain valuable wisdom from the direct gnosis of higher truths, we are missing the most important message of our time on the earth during the Ascension Cycle. Institutional Structures Serve Master-Slave Mentality The controller guided institutional structures that model Abuses of Power by worshipping profit-based incentives and materialist consumerism over the wellbeing of humans are broken and corrupt, they are designed to serve those with the master-slave mentality. We must first realize that the long-term intent of these massive institutions is for mass conformity into the slave mentality, while gradually introducing soft-kill methods of a pre-planned and controlled genocide. The promotion of poverty, war, disease and human misery are all serving the master mentality that is backed by the alien handlers. Therefore, it is important to understand that the corrupt systems which govern and control human culture have been socially engineered by the NAA and Power Elite for the purpose of consciousness enslavement in order to achieve these objectives. We have all been groomed to accept the controller pillars of the 3D narrative, and to accept Abuses of Power as a standard human behavior carried out by the self-proclaimed masters. Abuses of Power embedded in the system are not merely a random action or an honest mistake made by putting greedy and corrupt people in positions of power over others. Although this is a strong factor because most of the people in the higher rungs of power have been placed there due to their low ethics or have infiltrated through some larger agenda. It is the intentional design, in the way the societal structures have been meticulously built through secretive means to take control over and shape humanity into the slave mentality, to capture people’s thoughts and to influence them in the direction the Controllers want them to go. Power Abuses were an essential feature, intentionally designed for the institutions and organizations that were created centuries ago in order to legitimatize and monetize human suffering and world slavery, for the tranquil benefit of the few. This means we must decide how much we are willing to know of these unpleasant truths that have been built into the firmament of the pillars running our society. To what degree can we recognize that we have been intentionally programmed to be totally dependent upon them in order to submit to absolute authority, no matter how inhumane or cruel. Classified documents and non-disclosure agreements under penalty of total annihilation of one’s life and livelihood, keep many a potential whistleblower’s mouth shut. This deeper knowledge will inherently change our world view and belief systems as we shed the slave mentality and begin to critically think for ourselves, in order to become a productive cause for improving the lives of all people, worldwide. Origins of Power Abuses For centuries the NAA have developed and exploited multidimensional occult practices through reversal creation code for the purpose of mind control and social engineering, in order to harvest negative emotional energy or energetic loosh from the inhabitants of planet earth. Much of these occult practices can be classified as satanic ritual abuse and black magic and are under the direct aid of the NAA to all that use these methods for gaining power and control over others. The exploitation of planet earth as a harvestable energy source for hidden extradimensional nonhuman entities has created the conditions of worldwide consciousness enslavement, which led to the gross Abuses of Power made against the human species, without their consent and explicit awareness. Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on the earth and by controlling the world’s energy supply, there is absolute control given to those who have harnessed it for their agendas of world slavery. If the methods of harnessing the energy and the real agendas are kept secret, those people easily become the Controllers of some industry or domain and are able to use that power to keep enforcing the slave mentality in the masses. The much sought after spiritual energy on planet earth is contained in the multidimensional layers of the consciousness fields that comprise the entire earth’s energy body or lightbody. Every inhabitant of planet earth has an energetic interface in which their spiritual bodies connect into these same multidimensional layers, that make up the systems of electromagnetic fields in the earth. The human body functions like a nerve cell of the planet, connected with all the other nerve cells that exist together within the planetary body. A nerve cell is an electrically excitable cell that receives, processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals into neural networks. Similar to bundles of nerve cells in an individual body, all human bodies are connected to each other and form massive neural networks that runs an immense amount of electromagnetic energy and intelligent information into the earth body. This consciousness energy is intelligent information recorded in the planetary brain and its complex neurological system, which is the planetary grid network referred to as ley lines and axiatonal lines. When hidden technology is used for harvesting energy and intelligent instruction sets from planet earth’s grid network, the collective consciousness energy that is being produced from the individual soul-spiritual layers is also being drained from the human body, along with the energy quanta that exists within the planetary body itself. All the kingdoms of nature are living things that also produce an enormous collective energy supply in the planet, the understanding of which is also controlled and suppressed from becoming common knowledge. Electromagnetic energy is absorbed or emitted in distinct packets that contain intelligent consciousness information or is distributed through energy quanta in the earth. The loss of the available consciousness energy on the planet manifests as a system of entropy for all inhabitants, skimming creative life force off the top to be taken elsewhere.; This is what makes a system break down, fall apart, instigate chaos, breed diseases and function far less efficiently, which is another strategic method for setting the conditions of world slavery. Additionally, entropic systems are continually propagated by the NAA to steal the natural energy produced by the individual to be distributed into the larger harvesting structures. These structures direct the energy for the explicit use of other controlling entities, both human and nonhuman, working the long-term enslavement agendas. Similar to a pyramidal hierarchy where all energy resources generated are funneled from the bottom tiers up into the top tiers for their personal benefit, energy is extracted without those on the bottom comprehending how much of their personal energy or valuable currency is being taken by those at the top. Genetics are Currency The harvesting of genetic material and consciousness energy is the most valuable type of currency and is used as a medium of exchange by more advanced cultures than what we have currently inherited through the dark age of the NAA invasion. One should be aware that on many other planets monetary systems such as ours do not exist. For the invading species to continue to access the planetary consciousness energy supply without further resistance, humanity has been groomed to ignore genetics and consciousness access as a valuable currency and to focus instead only on an imaginary money supply that is completely controlled and manipulated. Humans are taught to worship the money supply as their primary identification with material success, power and personal fulfillment, as this mind control program to seek power through money has been explicitly designed by the Controllers as a hidden enslavement tool. Off planet, accessing consciousness energy and sentient intelligence is the highly valued currency, prized by many extradimensional species as a medium of exchange and for generating intelligence for their virtual reality systems. Thus, by having free access to massive amounts of genetic material and consciousness energy produced by someone or something else, this gives an incredible amount of power to those controlling entities who are reaping the benefits of harvesting that energy from others. This model is surfacing in the mainstream through the advertising of the popular personal genomic companies that use genotyping for their DNA tests, which are now offered to consumers that want to know about their ancestry. Most people do not realize the potential billions of dollars these companies make on the DNA catalogues, which people taking these tests are giving them easy access to. They partner with major biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to effectively monetize human DNA under the research and development label, which is actually used primarily for nefarious purposes. Digital currency companies that offer a consumer the ability to sequence their own DNA through genetic testing, are then be able to monetize it by selling the information to a collection of data buyers via cryptocurrency, and these are beginning right now. If we can sell our own sequenced DNA for a profit to an enthusiastic buyer for cryptocurrency, we should stop to reflect on the real purpose behind this agenda. Why would they want the intimate details of our consciousness history that is recorded in our sequenced DNA, exchange it for cryptocurrency and then hand it over to an anonymous corporation in order to control it? Sequencing of human genomes is an unfathomable area of massive profits, translatable into any marketable currency. It is also used for gaining control over consciousness energy and exposes yet another layer to the black hole entities agenda, that want direct access to fully sequenced genomes in the mass population. Remember that the type of DNA sequence that a human being has is responsible for the level of consciousness they have, as well as the level of access they have to move through Stargates and portal systems on the earth. DNA holds the consciousness record in a natural bio-spiritual internet and holds the dimensional keys in the timelines that unlock dimensional doorways throughout the time matrix. Victors of War Re-wrote World History When the planet earth was slowly invaded through a series of historical timeline trigger events, the victors of the last war were not human beings. Thus, the NAA was able to freely access the energy quanta of earth and her inhabitants without resistance, because awareness of this fact was methodically erased from historical references and the information suppressed from earth humans. Effectively, this produced anti-human control and mass consciousness enslavement on the earth. The incarnating earth human was no longer able to naturally access the intelligent consciousness of his own spiritual body, without employing sophisticated esoteric practices that necessitated long term efforts for rebuilding the consciousness. The techniques for building the lightbody were taught in the Mystery Schools of various lineages and this information was a tightly held secret, only given to the sequestered monks, elite or the ruling classes. The timeline event in which history was rewritten occurred during the Sumerian Egyptian invasion, which scrambled the original human DNA creating what science now calls junk DNA, which is unplugged or inactive DNA. This is when we lost access to our real historical records, including the Law of One. It is at this point in the timeline of the final invasion that the victors of war re-wrote world history, which is what we are told happened today through the standard educational curriculum. Around 5,500 years ago, they began methodically forming genetic and social engineering programs that shaped world views appropriate to the current collective consciousness level. They spread the death culture and slave mentality through divide and conquer tactics in an organized and systematic infiltration of the human culture. Through the continual insertion of the predator mind into human culture, the agenda was to create great reward for inverted systems. Systems which are organized to place higher social value on predator behaviors, such as the violent characteristics of total domination in world power, using brute force, survival of the fittest, war and victimization for propagating self-enforced slavery. This set the stage for socially conditioning Abuses of Power as the normalized way of life, effectively producing victims and victimizer archetypes in the minds of the people, in order to spread the reptilian virus of enemy patterning throughout the globe. Since the invasion, humanity has been groomed and continually conditioned to behave in accordance with the low standards of morality and ethics that the death culture has set as the dominant social structure, in order to create the conditions for Abuses of Power to be rampant and yet, go largely unnoticed by the masses. The Master and Slave Narrative is Mind Control To remove human resistance to their long-term takeover agenda, the secretive infiltration of the core societal and organizational structures began thousands of years ago, silently and methodically introducing inverted systems to take over the structures governing the top hierarchy in monarchy, military, political, religious, medical, financial and legal systems. This would be ideal, to shape the value systems that generate the Pavlovian style of behavior modification in material-based reality that they seek to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self-enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation to control the minds of the earth inhabitants, they would use minimal off planet resources and remain invisible as the ruling class. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement, as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights, their access to knowledge and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants, who are unaware they are being invaded by an unseen enemy and that a silent war is being carried out against them. The NAA and Controllers use the hidden mind control game to play the master-slave narrative against another species, earth humans, which is designed to invoke submission to brute power as the authority and to accept power abuses as a normal part of everyday life, in order to ensure a means for personal survival.; They indoctrinated the Power Elite into the master-slave narrative in order to act as their representative prison wardens on the surface, aligning them with the alien invasion slavery agenda rather than siding with humanity. To better understand the recipe for the master-slave narrative and how it spreads fear and survival consciousness, let’s look at Slavery in America and the mindset of slave owners during that timeline, which motivated it. Think of the mindset of the slave owners as the NAA, and the conditions that are created for mental slavery, emotional slavery, spiritual slavery and physical slavery that are imposed on all of humanity across the globe, regardless of their tribe, sex or skin color. We may only think of slavery as a physical event, in which a ball and chain or four walls have imprisoned the physical body. However, slavery extends to the mind, emotions and spirit. To understand the effects of world slavery and how it has impacted all of us individually and collectively, we have to begin to think of slavery at all the levels it is being perpetrated; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Depending on the cultural narrative, demographics and prosperity of the nation, this will inform us of how the master-slave narrative is used to generate learned helplessness and dependency on the corrupt inverted systems, in order to self-enforce enslavement in that population. And the extent to which the common people will mimic the same slavery mind set to self-enforce the same types of oppression upon their brother or sister when they don’t conform to the consensus narrative. The enslaved mind that has been conditioned to feel secure while conforming to the master-slave narrative, will enforce those same conditions of slavery on others from their own deep subconscious fears. The Germanic groups introduced the first captured Africans to America in the early 17th century, which evolved into a nightmare of abuse and cruelty that would ultimately divide the people into destructive and painful conflicts, which largely remain unhealed in the human psyche today. Today slavery in all its forms is a global epidemic and the result of the dark age of consciousness enslavement. The Dutch and Germanic groups kidnapped families, ripped them from their homeland, shipped them to another continent, advertised and sold them as purchased property as free labor sources for farms and plantation owners in the new colonies. New slave owners enjoying the massive profits and wealthy status from free labor, and started to methodically plan ways that the slaves would become completely dependent upon them, to generate a slave mentality of perfect submission to abusive behaviors. They stripped away their dignity through dehumanization tactics, and by developing restrictions that prevented that person’s natural development and growth as an independent human being. Slaves were not given human rights, were not allowed to be educated, to read and write, and their behaviors, movement and access were extremely restricted by the consequence of vicious punishment or death. Many slave owners raped slave women at will and with their partner or children looking on, and this did not matter, as she was only property. The slave owners of the South became a controlling power in the world in cotton production, all because of the big profits made on the misery of slave labor. As more people became slave owners, they profited greatly and justified their reasons for doing so. Thus, they created convenient belief systems that suited their own negative ego and personal views, such as believing the God in their bible actually endorses slavery. Because their actions included gross power abuses that were inherently feeding anti-life and anti-human ideologies and they gradually lost their inherent human qualities, they lost the capacity to feel empathy and compassion for others enduring miserable conditions. By believing another living human being was a piece of property and a defective creature designed for such purpose, they started to justify cruelty and brutality as acceptable treatment and conditions that suited their corrupt and selfish belief systems. When groups of people start to classify other groups of people as subhuman, this is the direct recipe for generating violent acts that lead to human genocide. Human genocide, the killing of our own species by our own hands, is a favorite agenda for the NAA. All of this quick wealth and money making on slave labor and the worldwide economic impact it had, began a socio-political movement into the positive pro-slavery ideology among many people in the South that were reaping its many rewards. The propaganda was that slavery was not evil but a positive and moral good to help what was believed to be a defective group of people attain civility in a Christian civilization, and this belief was postulated among those profiting from slavery the most. This same formula for producing slavery is still in place, although the timeline has changed and the power has shifted into the hands of the more technologically advanced psychopath. The mindset to profit on the misery of others and achieve world domination via control of wealth and resources through worldwide slavery, is exactly how the human and nonhuman Controller thinks. Slave Owner, Controller or NAA Mindset Although the origin of the quoted document below remains unknown, many of the concepts expose mass manipulation techniques right out of the NAA playbook that are used for producing slavery in the masses. The following examples are quotes taken directly from the ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ document, as a strong case study for understanding the Slave Owner, Controller or NAA mindset that is used to divide and conquer humanity. “People are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by their own choice and consent. People that will not use their intelligence are no better than animals. Thus, when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you. Low class elements of society must be trained and housebroken in order to be brought under total control. The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest to generate the schism of ignorance so that the inferior class is unable to comprehend the power structure and knowledge of the superior class. The lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the occupationally orphaned children. Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level. Use difficult to detect weapons such as advanced technology, economic manipulation, destruction of the family, and an intentionally inferior educational system. Experience has proven that the simplest method of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of the basic system principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand. Continue to promote private silent wars against the ignorant masses to shift the energy resources and economic control into the hands of the worthy few. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class. Social engineering requires the correlation of great amounts of constantly changing economic information and personal data, so computerized data-processing systems to gather profiles are necessary to predict when and how society will arrive for capitulation. Eventually every individual element of the structure should come under computer control through a knowledge of personal preferences, such knowledge guaranteed by computer association of consumer preferences with identified consumers via association with the use of a credit card and later a permanent tattooed body number. The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and a blight upon the face of the earth. Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses. Diversion keeps the people compliant and prevents them from seeing what is really going on.” Consider this information to more deeply understand the mentality of the opposition. Thus, the Controllers intend that the master-slave mentality is to be propagated and controlled through the continual social engineering of mass broadcasts of fear based thoughtforms, as who and what you fear is ultimately what owns you. This is another profound reason why we must clear our fears and choose love instead, which leads us back into the eternal source. Align with Humanity lisa renee.

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