Monday 7 October 2024

Thinking and reflecting on and about the manifestations we would like to see.....Same old, same old? Or dream dreams not yet thought of?

Firstly, knowing that the energy vibrations we carry will 'spike' anything we manifest. So unhealed wounds and hidden traumas will colour the outcome. So if you feel like manifesting 'baby blues', or 'cockatiel greens', if we carry unknown mud floods in our subconscious history, we will skew the outcome colour to 'wet pigeon greys' or 'vomit soup'. Secondly manifesting our dreams from the preprogrammed regime of the societal collective consciousness, means recreating the same old same old. That is picking a dream from ' the history of times,' and pulling out an age old instruction set 'prefab' dream, much like shopping in an ancient department store, and getting the same old cardboard game board with a seventies picture on the Box. 8888 These times now are not about Choosing from what was dictated as available from before, but letting the inner spark play with all the colours that enthuse, vibrate, inspire and call out to be expressed. Healing the inner swamp individually, as is being done collectively, will allow a new rainbow of sparky choices from which to manifest. Dare to allow the god spark in you manifest ITS creation. When the inner clearing finally gives you the green light, patiently open the 'never-seen-before-choices' as this is how we create from new. Until we get to create from a better palette using the now freed up 'inner magic' hold back on decisions, because everything we see out there in the chaos we witness is only a direct reflection of what was in fact history, we are, as always, living through the consequences of our before story. And we find that we would never in a million years have created that or this mess.....but we inherited this mess, like we inherited all short comings and shortsighted actions and behaviours believing that what was set up around us was 'the way it is', without realising we perpetuated it with our perceptions and all of us repeating on the loop, put ourselves back here. There is Nothing new under the sun. Everything has been repeatedly thought up, dreamed up, screamed up, churned out, holed up, buried deep, created and recreated manifested into being again and again, ad nauseum, until we get the message and get sick of 'being sick'.8888 Abstract as it is, it is the 3d 'ad nauseum' that brings US to the front seats, to finally see the picture. Ad nauseam is a Latin term for an argument or other discussion that has continued to the point of nausea. For example, "this has been discussed ad nauseam" indicates that the topic has been discussed extensively and those involved have grown sick of it. 8888 Clearing and healing self is an act of self love, so that one can venture into a love filled world, and see the perception that Devil Card has been pisoning us with till sickness is everywhere. We are aware of the great sickness overtaking the world till we suffocate on the sickness, and cant breathe....Then we start looking for the emergency exits out of this charade of life. What we discover is that our mind is an integral part of the world's mind, and that worlds mind and its beliefs and collected percpetions vary, but nearly all of it has been tampered with and subjected to, in varying degrees, the horrors that are now on the many stages and many platforms. Its like a collective therapy session so that it all comes to light for healing. We carry the childhood vaccinations that Welcomed us to this simulation, and gave us the starting identity laid down in this 3d perception, and we took it up the challenge, and we learned the language and grew our physical skin and bones in this understanding. So we learned to keep standing under the heavy weight that we took on to be children in this world.8888 What we need to do is UNLEARN THIS World and learn to create New. Dont manifest more of the same, or a bike, or a house or a home, or less homelessness or addiction free people. The only way to turn this on its head is to learn to be completely new, where the heart is the home, and the soul is the heart of the home. The manifestations that will wing out from purest desires of being free, will be reflected in freedom to manifest dreams not yet thought of. Completely start again new, whatever your age.

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