Tuesday 18 April 2017

Detox Your Pineal Gland (Decalcify) in 1 Hour: 3rd Eye Activation

(This music is very calming and worth relaxing/meditationg to. I could feel my body respond beneficially within around 10/15 minutes, Michaela.)

 More on the Pineal Gland.

I have been leaning into wisdom regarding the pineal gland for some years now.
I have devised and used for many months a  meditation to calm the biological responses by  'pulling' in the influence of pineal gland (i.e. the supernatural personal connection with source energy, higher realms etc.)  into my biological sensory response mechanism of the endocrine system, in order to deflect lower vibration biological hormonal responses (fear, anxiety) and so foster  higher vibration biological hormonal responses. The plan is to re-educate my biological/spiritual systems so that my reaction to what  I am sensing, including 6th sense stimuli, from the external environment is not going to grossly affect me. I am highly sensitive and so need to counterbalance my biological responses, or I am in 'red alert' mode all day long.

Interestingly I know someone close to me who has to take melatonin which is a neuro-hormone, made in/or initiated production by the pineal gland. She takes this for circadian sleep disorder, I know that there is much more involved in this situation. Anyway, I am sharing this link to more information on the Pineal gland.

In the UK, our dentists routinely put fluoride paste on our children's teeth, and up until recently we had no choice but to have mercury dental fillings.  We are told drink plenty of water and tap water is as good as any... Why did they think that fluoride was a necessary chemical for drinking water???  The story I heard was that, apparently after WWII, they had so much of this chemical stock left over from making weapons that they had to find a use for it. Someone came up with the idea of sticking it in the drinking water!!!!   Look, I don't know, but it does synchronous with any kind of World war energy to continue killing and poisoning people....

 Do your research and here is a starting point
to get informed :


Pineal Gland Calcification : Why You Should Care

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