August 2017 Eclipse & Upcoming Equinox & Solstice Ascension Stair-steps
As I’ve shared before, I often perceive coming energetic Ascension and Embodiment Process events as Higher Awareness mind’s eye images with instantaneous knowings and emotional feelings about them. The three things are not separate from each other or expressed linearly but are only one thing, one awareness that’s perceived, Seen, Felt and Known immediately. The visual images, knowledge about them and emotions or emotional energies they cause are the same thing that’s perceived simultaneously. This type of Higher Awareness perception is normal from a 5D frequency range and above so get used to perceiving and taking in a lot of Light information in this expanded form that some call Light Language.
Most of you can tell, based on everything you’ve been experiencing just in August 2017, that we’ve reached a very NEW, higher, more vast, more complex, free and wide open space(s) than we’ve ever experienced before while in our current physical bodies. We can feel the Shift, the Separation of Worlds expanding wider and faster every hour. We know that the escalating insanity of the old lower patriarchal Earth world is crumbling under our feet, but, we only know this if and when we choose to turn our awareness and focus on it for a moment or two. It exists, but not for us personally, not directly because we exist within a higher frequency range and actual space than it and the people still in it. We exist within a different band of frequency which means a different Earth world.
Very briefly because there’s a lot of different things I hope to remember to include in this article.
There are only Ascending Earth worlds and a Descending Earth world. There may in fact be only the one Descending Earth world with all the amplified horrors in it so more than one of them isn’t necessary. I haven’t spent much “time” viewing the Descending Earth world because I’ve known for decades what Team Dark has been working on and towards in it. I don’t want to See it anymore so I choose not to view it or look into it. It exists and is Descending into much greater density, darkness, chaos, insanity, control, imprisonment etc. for those who need and/or desire greater negativity to help them, hopefully, finally chose to go towards the Light. But even this Descending Earth world for the smaller human population that’s vibrationally aligned to and with it (a frequency match with it), has a very short period of existence in comparison to all the Ascending Earth worlds. Said another way, there’s a very tight and short time period of existence for the Descending Earth world so learn what you need to because even this is going extinct sooner rather than later.
There are ZERO stay the same old 3D patriarchal Duality reality and consciousness Earth worlds. None, period. Unity is not going to take place in it because the past Evolutionary Cycle of All learning within and about Duality in dualized realities and the old Earth world has Expired. We’ve entered a NEW Evolutionary Cycle at a vastly higher level and range of frequency and dimension (5D as a lowest) and it has nothing to do with old lower Duality but with Unity in all ways WITHIN A HIGHER DIMENSION AND RANGE OF FREQUENCIES.
There are many Ascending Earth worlds however. I’m going to say this in a really simplified way. There are Ascending Earth worlds that are a much lower frequency and consciousness; Ascending Earth worlds that are a bit higher and faster frequency than that; Ascending Earth worlds that are higher; Ascending Earth worlds even higher in frequency than that; Ascending Earth worlds that are very high frequency; and Ascending Earth worlds that are the highest frequency. So you see, there’s literally Ascending Earth worlds for every single human alive on Earth now for every frequency range, every level of development, every level of consciousness etc. however they are all Ascending Earth worlds, even the ones for the unaware people and the people with greatly distorted belief systems and so on. It’s important to know this and honestly understand it for yourself and for other people of very different levels of development and consciousness etc. This is why there are lower, mid-range, high, very high, and highest Ascending Earth worlds because there are much lower, mid-range, high, and highest Ascending people.
NEW school entirely with NEW curriculum in a higher dimension but this NEW school (massive NEW Evolutionary Cycle) has many different classrooms (different frequency Ascending Earth worlds) for every “student” (incarnate human). You progress, you can then Shift to a higher Ascending Earth world.
Also there are Forerunners currently living the Embodiment Process, meaning they are going through the many energetic Stair-steps, levels and phases of merging, “marrying”, unifying their Lower Self with their Higher Self/Selves; their incarnate human self with Crystal/Christ frequency; merging, “marrying”, unifying themselves with their Multidimensional Selves and Galactic Selves etc. Those incarnate humans that aren’t Forerunners and currently capable of doing this now are going through the Ascension Process, not the Embodiment Process. When they’re capable of greater unification with their greater aspects they’ll begin the Embodiment Process but for most people the Ascension Process is more than enough now. Everyone and everything everywhere is Ascending now, just at different levels due to previous Inner Work, abilities, awareness, stability, integrity, development etc.
August 1987 Harmonic Convergence — August 2017 Cosmic Convergence
Thirty years ago—one full Saturn transit around the zodiacal circle—some anchored the Harmonic Convergence on August 16–17, 1987. Do you remember what you were doing, experiencing and Soul Contract Working on back then Elder Forerunners and Forerunners? It was and is intimately connected to what’s happening now to you and to All everywhere. Stair-steps.
As I mentioned earlier, we’re all feeling the profound NEW changes and improvements happening faster and faster in each of us (the ongoing Embodiment Process) and in our currently frequency matching individual Ascending Earth world(s), especially since August 3, 2017. There’s been things I’ve wanted to write about since that date but unless I’m sitting here writing almost constantly, something else comes in hours later, and hours after that, and the next day and day after that and so on that I just can’t keep up with it all. Thirty years later we’re very much Feeling, Seeing, experiencing, living and further Consciously Creating within the August 2017 and beyond Cosmic Convergence.
In April 2017 the Sun fired off seven solar flares all aimed directly at planet Saturn. I’ve written about this in a couple other articles but wanted to bring it up again here in relation to the thirty year Saturn orbit through the zodiac and the August 1987 Harmonic Convergence. These two seemingly random, disconnected things are very much connected as are everything. But when I heard that Saturn got hammered seven times by solar flares in April 2017, I knew that another “Divine Intervention” had taken place and Team Dark’s (TD) evil deeds done to Saturn long, long ago had all been undone. The deliberate hijacking and distortions done to Saturn and the natural energies Saturn emits that TD did eons ago had been removed, Saturn freed which means Earth and humanity and well beyond too. Saturn had ruler-ship over 3D reality and holding physical systems in physical place, hence why TD used and tweaked Saturn to distort organic energies into inorganic TD control devices over Earth, this solar system, humanity and life on Earth etc. etc.
Then a month or so ago planet Mars got one solar flare aimed directly at it. I waited to see if more were coming but it seems, after freeing Saturn up, that Mars only needed one good hit from the Sun to cut those inorganic martial energies too. Love, love, LOVE it when the Divine Interventions pour in on everything and everyone! ![❤](
August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse Across the USA
Once again I couldn’t find an image that was very similar to what I’ve been Seeing concerning the August 21, 2017 full Solar eclipse across the USA. I found one that was kinda sorta close to the visions I’ve been Seeing but it isn’t exact. I get way too obsessive about finding the perfect, closest photos/images/vectors only because I want everyone to see exactly what I’ve Seen because they’re always such perfect visual descriptions of what’s going to be happening in the physical dimension via the latest Ascension and Embodiment Processes. Anyhoo… this particular chalkboard and eraser photo will have to do the job. This first image is of the path of the Solar eclipse across the USA.
The second photo is the closet I could find to what I’ve Seen in my Higher Awareness about this eclipse and the USA.
In my vision the path the chalkboard eraser made across it was exactly the same path, track, angle, width, breadth and span of the Solar eclipse path across the entire USA. And interestingly I thought, was that the eraser vision also started at the upper left of the chalkboard and swept across it and exited out the far right lower side, exactly the same path the eclipse will take across North America. What I knew when I Saw this chalkboard eraser vision earlier this month was that, starting from the west coast (at Oregon), that everything and I mean everything that humanity has done across time in all of North America is intentionally being undone, permanently removed, energetically cleared, erased, wiped clean, exorcised if you will as it—the full Solar eclipse—crosses the USA and exits out the east coast (at South Carolina), the side of the country where the white man first invaded a couple centuries ago. Nothing is random, nothing is without deeper meanings, higher energies and purposes. As the eclipse energies build as it travels farther east and southeast across the country, the energetic pressures of this Divine Intervention type of Cosmic Convergence clearing of the old negativity done in the USA will be so potent that nothing and no one and no thing can or will be able to maintain any old lower negative patriarchal energies, deeds, actions, thoughts, thought-forms, consciousness etc.
When I first Saw/Felt/Knew this I was like, wowza!, this is like seven Solar flares hammering Saturn type of business but a thousand-fold in intensity and intent.
Bring it Divine Source Will, bring it!
As if that weren’t enough, as this full Solar eclipse traverses the USA literally clearing out and permanently removing all old Cycle negativity in all forms done across time on Earth, simultaneously NEW Light Codes, Light energies will be installed replacing all the old lower with much higher NEW everything both in this entire country and in humanity and all lifeforms. This transformational business is highlighted here in the USA because the USA patriarchy has insisted on being the planetary controller, boss, master etc. of not only North America but of the entire world. You think the politics of this country has been outrageous lately, just wait until this Solar eclipse clears out all, ALL of the old negativity, density, Duality left that we Forerunners didn’t already clear years and decades ago and installs more NEW Light Codes.
“I feel just like a little girl!” — Deadpool ![😉](
Another aspect of this August 2017 Solar eclipse across the USA, has to do with greater merging, “marrying”, unifying, integration etc. of the masculine and feminine and the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within each of us. The Forerunners will experience this at the levels and extent they’re capable of now which will be further and greater Embodiment of these two Divine energies/forces that had been separated during the past Evolutionary Cycle because it had to do with experiencing Duality to the extreme. The rest of the human population will experience this as a merging of, a unifying of these two energies in their consciousness and hearts, which will do much to help evolve them up into their 5D frequency HighHearts and matching consciousness. They won’t be Embodying Lower Self with Higher Self/Selves as the Forerunners are and will continue doing, but they will all begin the Ascension Process of learning how to exist and create with these two energies reunited within themselves, their consciousness, and eventual external reality. Having this happen to mass humanity will make everything else unfold so much faster and easier for not only them but All else too. This is obviously a really, really big deal and Shift for mass humanity which will make our Forerunner Work load shift as well. Domino effect.
As usual I check in at higher levels when needed to discern if the time is correct for me to share (write about) something I’ve recently perceived and Seen at higher levels. Usually I know this while I’m Seeing/Feeling/Knowing it, but sometimes I wait and check at higher levels to see if it’s appropriate to share in such a public way or if it needs to wait a bit before it’s released publicly. I did this checking with this next information only because it has to do with the future September 2017 Equinox (Sun enters Libra, the balance), and the December 2017 Solstice (Sun enters Capricorn, last and highest of the physical Earth signs, the Mt. Goat, ruled by Saturn (call back to what’s been going on with Saturn), the Crystal/Christ frequency etc.
To me it’s all one ongoing Spherical quantum flow of Light energies with different highlighted accent points such as the August 2017 eclipse, the September 2017 Equinox — Libra balance of but in this case the merge, the “marrying” of, the unification of the masculine/feminine and Divine Masculine Father and Divine Feminine Mother etc. individually no matter which sex physical body one is incarnate in now, and the December 2017 Solstice — Capricorn mountain top, highest level reached within incarnate physicality, Crystal/Christ frequency and consciousness or simply, Ascension in the physical body.
To me these three Initiatory energy events are Ascension and Embodiment Process Stair-steps but at a level we’ve never experienced before. They feel like huge and incredibly potent turning points with the AP and EP like a one, two, three holy trinity cluster events which will deposit us all into 2018, each within our matching Ascending Earth worlds however.
The September 2017 Equinox, Sun enters Libra phase, will be for the Forerunners to Embody more of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in themselves individually in ways we’ve not be ready or capable of doing at this greater and higher level yet. For humanity it is the start of Unity within themselves, individually, of masculine and feminine energies, consciousness and therefore external reality too. As they integrate this level and continue on, they’ll move more deeply and fully into greater Unity in more and more ways.
The December 2017 Solstice, Sun enters Capricorn phase, will be the point and time when more Forerunners will evolve into greater Embodiment of their unified Higher, Multidimensional, Galactic Selves and the Crystal/Christ frequency into and with their physical body and incarnate Selves, consciousness and expanding identities. For humanity it’s the start of very tangible, individual ability and access to Crystal/Christ frequency themselves. What does this mean? What does this indicate? What are the potentials of this? Freedom of mass humanity, growing self-empowerment, growing self-mastery, transition from the old lower frequency bottom three chakras with matching consciousness up into the HighHeart which is Unity and Crystal/Christ frequency consciousness and being at this point within the AP.
And again, all this is and will continue happening within the different Ascending Earth worlds each of us are currently in. Some lower, some mid-range, some higher, some highest but ALL are Ascending.
I hope this helps somewhat with all the different things, energies, events and changes we’re all going through now. More to come, much more, but this is where it gets really fun, easy, safe, highly creative and abundant in positive ways for us All. Use the Monday, August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse to lift All as high as possible and better Pave the Way for the September Equinox and December 2017 Solstice shifts. Very well done everyone. ![❤](
August 19, 2017
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