Monday, 30 July 2018

Trapped in Boxes with false lights. Programs? this is why it's so hard to release into the unknown...There is nothing new under the sun...but the truth is also out there unchanged just that we need to find it for ourselves.

Travelling around on the evening of 27th July, to find a break in the dark blanket of cloud to see a glimpse of the Lunar eclipse, I was struck by a sudden sadness.

A nostalgic gloom, crept up from somewhere, as we drove through streets and roads of houses and homes. The dark clouds kept a lid on what was happening below.

It seemed as if the inhabitants of the homes were locked in. In the dark cloud covered evening, the only lights were other random car lights, the rows of intermittent orange street lights and the random lights blinking intermittently out of TV's into darkened bedrooms.

"Humans are locked in". I felt a bit trapped, and suffocated. The sensation of these houses, people's homes, being boxes, a sarcophagus cluttered with distractions that keep the human locked in.
Locked into what? Programs on TV? Programs? Anti-life?
Repeating without question the same old same old. Slow slow, quick quick slow. Its like we are locked into a dance, where the music is played to us. Time after time.

Ground hog day? Still?
We wake up, another day. Even with the conscious training not to be trapped into a ground hog day, before you know it another day is gone. What furtherment has been achieved. I guess there is always furtherment, there must be, and we can judge that by the political scene and what you can decipher in the codes that sprinkle like confetti all around us...but the general mood of the times is that generally people are still locked in under a dark rolling blanket of programming. Each next day resuming the cycle of the last day, maybe with a slight differences, but breaking free from it means only to us:

  • getting the rent so we can rest from worry for a while
  • a holiday to vacate that cycle, for a while
  • a lottery win, to do more of the same, but this time with money
  • a new job, more of the same
  • getting married, more of the same but with a contract and a spouse
  • having children, more of the same but with bigger commitments and showing the kids how to do the same thing as you 
We Remain:
  • Buried in boxes of things, clutter of wanted 'unnecessary' things, that make us feel like that we are part of society, a consumer society that's only law is "If you are not BUYING then what are you doing?? Implying that being a consumer is the ONLY Validity to being ALIVE. 
  • Boxed into accumulated suppression of innate identity of self and self creativity. 
  • Locked into repressed emotion because the emotions are just Too Huge To handle, until they come out in fragmented ways and projected onto other people from  a 'victim-perpetrator' identity.
So why is it taking us so long for us to grow out of these programs? Firstly we do not see that we are programmed. They are devised and formed by our own contribution and compliance to them. By agreeing our participation in them they become the four walls of our existence. Our box, our sarcophagus. We live and die in a contained box. The same one, different wall paper, we come back to each time.  Perhaps each time, having learned a small function, and salvaged a bit more light, will give rise to a different set of circumstances, but back into a contained box we go. Until What?

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