Saturday, 20 March 2021

John Joe Kelly Bodhran Solo - Christ church Dublin 2012. Missing out on the St Patricks shenanigans isn't usually an issue for me. Somehow I feel the need to mark the day now. The Irish in Ireland basically structure the whole year around it, and it is celebrated worldwide. OBVIOUSLY in 2021 there were no celebrations allowed, this kind of banning and the censorship and the worldwide restrictions of weddings, funerals, sports and festivals brings the dip further down for many, my family in Ireland included. I have decided to learn to play the Bohdran, the Irish drum played in traditional Irish music, which I may develop into and merge with a version of shamanic drumming, and so on. If I have any success with this I will youtube my skills, and venture out busking around London. Needing to be innovative to pull income and resources down from the stars right now...~~Michaela~~

So I am floating really. 
Wow, How is that exactly?
Well it feels like this...  I stayed on the sinking ship through the chaos and confusion, as the ship continued to submerge into the icy depths of no return, I stayed, then somehow, I got thrown off the ship and into the icy sea, I thrashed through the currents and waves, and couldn't see where i was going because it was dark, people were around shouting,  I could hear them but I couldn't see them. 
This was the period of 'The dark night of many Days'. Well somehow, in the last few days, in the mornings there is a sense  that I am getting washed up on a deserted beach. The scare of the nightmare sinking ship in the chaos has gone, the flashing lights and thrashing in the dark sea has gone. The floating and drifting feelings linger and alternate, sometimes I am drifting out of the storm and sometimes I am floating onto the beach landing there gently and just lie there in the sun. 
Of course this is because I have left the whole crazy 'pandemic' shebang which feels like squeezing myself through the eye of the needle. There is nothing left for me to say other than....
I have left the building.
I am Not really grounded at the moment and a large part of me doesn't care. 
I have been cutting loose, piece by piece, from the 'situation' out there. The Pandemi Clockdown I shall call it from now, because there is NO  sense to the craziness anymore. There is no real foundation to it other than 'it' being the manufactured 'Slow Kill' that has been imposed on the people, the children the innocent and the young who will be the adults in the next generation in this Virus Disabled Society.... and still he people don't know...they see that the virus is something to be rescued from. 

This will go down in history as the biggest myth.  The virus will be recorded as being a virus without mercy that brought the world to its knees. History books are collections of stories, war legends and myths formulated by the actual winners of the hidden wars and genocide

 I am still getting asked about "WHEN YOU GETTING THE VACCINE???" and depending on who I am talking to I either give an evasive answer or tell people them I am not getting the vaccine. The overriding standpoint here is that EVERYONE IS GETTING IT..There is no question, no thought, no challenge. The word Mandatory doesn't even have to be applied as folk have been easily persuaded and welcome the chance to police themselves and everyone around them. This is enough, there is no need  to have armed security knocking on their door to make them. 

The response to the virus is like someone walking into a bank with a stick in a bag and telling the bank clerk that there is a gun in the bag. The mind works quickly indeed to pull together enough scattered 'mind information' for the clerk to quickly hand over the money. 

The virus is in such a bag.... and "the behind scenes" machinations have been used to bring about the obvious 'mass' conclusions as quickly as the bank clerk to understand "to hand over the money". The belief that there is a gun in the bag, ready to blow your head off is quite enough. 

And the collective decision has been made for the collective to be held ransom by this.
 I can no longer dip into this as the cognitive distance between  my standpoint and those that believe there is a loaded gun in the bag, and will entertain no other possibility, justified as they are by the projected science of  R numbers, and death stats, which actually are selectively presented and show only the skews that are pushed forwards. 

 My standpoint is  "I am Not". It is my body and I am sovereign, or learning to be. I do not have to justify or validate, or write a thesis on why I should be the only human to be allowed to sidestep this intrusive poisoning, when no one really cares about the rights of others, just themselves and the version of entitlement that they hold onto, skewed or not, in their distorted belief that I may not be allowed to walk around without the poison that kills the virus in my veins...Think I will just bow out for now and ride this out to its conclusion in my own way. This is what it is actually about. What you do, think, say, act and believe is actually creating the next step in your life. The individual conclusions of this story for each of us are the foundation stones that we are building our future lives on. 

More  trad music and the bodhran, and irish forms that are pre recorded historic expressions of beauty and art.  I say pre, as it was all there long before it was recorded as being here. In the long ago, life's adventures were spoken about in stories and poems and music carried by the bards. Alas, also in the day, bards could be bought out, or manipulated to sing in favour of one over another, such is the fickleness of the listening audience.

 Hope there will be some decent and honest traditions left in and allowed to remain in people's hearts when the new records of history are being written this time. As for me I think I have had enough of trying to write and record the history of the day, i may just concentrate on learning the Bodhran and then perfect the art of being a Bard to keep my head on my shoulders as I sing to people what they want to have sung to them.

 Wishing people everywhere a belated good st patricks day...which actually is code for....
 the whole country is going to have a  massive party today....ITS All inclusive and in all the usual ways how we celebrate being Irish.  

I think its good to revert back sometimes, to remember the strengths and the vital qualities, the raw and the beauty that lie deep in the human soul and is expressed by each of us, in millions of unique ways including sharing  love through our tribal collective music and dance memories.


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