Sunday, 28 March 2021

The God Spark signature.

 We had a new a baby born into the family this last week. We also had a death and someone who is near death. 

I speak of the baby first. It dawned on me that EVERYTHING needed for that baby to form from conception into a tiny cell that becomes two and so on, IS contained within its tiny universe of being. The Mother does not need to take in anything extra special to accomplish the growing of tiny eyelashes, tiny bones, tiny organs brain and skin...It is absolutely a timed miracle that is self contained. Everything it needs it brings with it.  That a baby gets this far is a miracle anyway, there is so much going on in the process leading up to conception that we can say that the strongest and most determined sperm cell hits through the ovary and penetrates and conjoins with the egg that is most ready. 

Everything then is self contained as the baby unravels itself, unfolding as it goes everything that was not there moments before, there were no eyelashes till the moment when the eyelashes grew, and so on.

In other words when the circumstances call forth the need, the baby grows what it needs to be aligned with those circumstances.  Baby needs eyelashes and they grow. The baby does not have to 'think it', the circumstances call forth to the baby to manifest the eyelashes out of the 'sphere of universe' that the baby is. 

With all this in mind, I was able to meditate that EVERYTHING we NEED for a life time here, is actually within us. Spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally: We 'create' what we need from a template of potentials designed to cover EVERYTHING we may need, as we go along. Unfortunately we often do not make full use of the potentials that we can draw on from 'sphere of universe' that is our energy template. But it is there anyway.

The point here is that when we are NOT being distracted by OTHER's plans, agendas etc, we are free to open up and bloom those perhaps 'not yet experienced' features and abilities. When we are not being distracted by perceptions of fear, lack, survival and 'our place' on the bully/victim axis... we can step more beautifully into those characteristics and 'inner plans' that we can engage with and participate in, that up to that point we were not given time and space to. 

When we are filled with distractions, our own thoughts or those imposed by OTHERs, we are closed down to the circumstances that would call forth everything we need, into being, from our very own package of potentials. 

Ultimately we are designed to be free to expand multidimensionally outward and inward. The life plan we came in with ensures that we have EVERYTHING we need to get with 'the plan' as co creators of our lives.  The human has vast potential, providing he/she is allowed to let bloom and grow inside the 'qualities' we intended ourselves to expand with. This is the God Spark that knows no limits.  

The life plan we came in with is a multidimensional  extension of the template that came with us when we formed the baby. It is this that is free to expand itself and its signature is the God Spark. 

We have access to everything we need to accomplish what we came in to do. As we came in with ideas of 'lack', we came in too... with potentials to stretch and remedy those limitations, by growing when needed, our access to potentials of our God Spark that we came in with too. We are the God Spark that we have access too, this is the miracle.

We just need to acknowledge that.  

Through seeing with gratitude that grows each day, all the little miracles, we slowly get to recognise and bring forth for ourselves... the bigger miracles until.... it dawns on us that we too are miracles and we were delivered to 'bring in' new miracles of 'being'. 

That is what expansion is.

With those that have died, the potential for this time has ended. But until that last breath, there remains the potential to see the small miracles, that lead us to the biggest miracle : that we have come in to experience as ourselves, the God Spark. 

Just by getting to that moment of realisation may well set us up for the next visit to the conception shop, or maybe choose a different avenue in which to experience our God Spark signature, in physical or spiritual form. 

At this time on earth, living within the old 'manipulated illusory 3d perception' means that we are effectively barred access to our true nature. And can only fulfill a certain level of  potentials, and only those defined within those 3d limitations, so again stuck within parameters that are blocking. 

After death we still have ALL those multidimensional potentials set out but as yet unlived, and we may feel the immense flow within us so that we act into sequestering ourselves 'back' to the 3d experiment to unleash the natural outpourings of our true self. And maybe we are blocked again. Repeat, recycle. Again and Again. Until we let go of the restrictions and get to 'unleash life', finally,  having lived so many times learning about restrictions.

Unlocking the old 'manipulated illusory 3d  perception' that humans are just awkward psycho/biological systems that seem to have to have OTHER's to make plans for us, plans for our physicallity, our health,  and the OTHER's 'need' to foist us into roles that may not be those that we intended, will act to reunify ourself with OURSELF, the bigger mutlidimensional self that is waiting to be seen and engaged with and stepped into. It is then we see that actually, we have been Born here with that amazing package of EVERYTHING we need to BE what we intended. 

And the key may be as simple (from our standpoint in the 3d sense), as wanting to see the miracle of OUR life as it unfolds in answer to the the ONGOING LIFE circumstances, All of which are brought about by our innate template of  potential responses from the God Spark signature.


P.s.Perversely when we envision life within the limitations set out for us by manipulated perceptions that are 'other than the truth of who we are'....such as having OTHER's do our thinking for us, or having  OTHER's be in charge of our health and wellbeing, or by only seeing LACK in ourselves and those around us.... then we ONLY bring forth a response from our 'creator bag of potential' of  more lack and consequently in the negative, the type of providers of those needs that WORK ONLY to  mirror back to us,  HOW we are NOT using our potentials in OUR full GOD SPARK signature ways. 

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