Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Summer shadows



The thing about lots of sun, is that there come with it lots of shadow. I know that there hasn't been very much sun so far this summer, but we have had a few very sunny days in the last week.

However, we also have had lots of solar flares. Sensitive people can feel the surge of energy during a bout of solar flare activity. An increasing amount of solar flares means much activity in the heavens which plays out on the Jewel in the universe we call Earth.

In the last year or so, there has been unprecedented solar flare activity. The Earth has been and continues to be, bathed in heavenly energies of cathartic love and extreme electromagnetic energy, which is pumping up the dynamics on Earth. She, Earth, is being restored to her full magnificent glory. This glory which she shares which us means that we too are being restored. We can be active in this ourselves by being conscious of this process.

The process is not easy, it is a time in Human history that is painful as we unearth the secrets of ourselves. In order to do that, the Light that is bombarding Earth and us on it, is showing us our shadow self.

These are parts of us that need upgrading. The light shows up the shadow. As our shadows show themselves,  we should embrace them because they are coming up for healing and to be bathed in the light.  They come to the surface for they see it is time for healing and want to be integrated back into the whole. They are aspects of us that we have denied, suppressed, repressed, through shame, fear, guilt and just not being able to process them.

When these come to our awareness, it is not for us to feel shame or anger, it is for us to acknowledge our emotions and set about healing them. This is done with love and forgiveness. We forgive ourselves. We forgive others. We ask for forgiveness for harm we have caused.

In the larger picture on Earth, at this time, crimes against humanity are being unveiled and are being shown to be what they are. Aspects of human activity that are from the dark, are no longer invisible.  Much of the corruption, manipulation and crimes against women, children and indeed whole populations of vulnerable people are being shown to the world. Dark activity that has been covert for so long is now being unveiled so that is increasingly difficult for it to continue.

To aid this process, we help by sending love and forgiveness to those parts of the world, or to those affected by the crimes. We send energy of love and forgiveness to bathe both the wounded and those doing the wounding.

To send fear, judgement, hatred, resentment and hostility will only fuel those types of energies that are present in those situation and will not diffuse them.

Only love will.

Violence begets more violence. We cannot solve problems with the same energy that caused them.

Only love can.

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