Saturday 28 May 2016

Reposting from STANKOV'S UNIVERSAL LAW PRESS THE NEW GENERAL THEORY OF SCIENCE OF THE UNIVERSAL LAW. The meditation at the end is a magnificent resource to finding peace and balance and unifying the self into the God Aspect.



The Elohim Discuss the Megashift May 15th – May 24th

Carla Thompson, May 27, 2016
Hello everyone!
The very intense shift that many of us have felt energetically over the past two weeks has culminated over Monday May 23rd and Tuesday May 24th into another profoundly successful headway in the ascension process.  Here I would like to share a very beautiful, and emphatic message from the Elohim that also came to me with clear inner visuals to assist my understanding of this incredible shift.  
According to the Elohim several major events have taken place on different timelines and in different dimensional realities, beginning with a collapse and release of many third dimensional expressions and an anchoring of new upper dimensional realities, all over the course of the two weeks beginning on May 15th.  It is my understanding that while both these activities have also occurred in the past, then it was almost a trial run, if you like, and this time was much more intense as it was a full-fledged birthing of new upper dimensional realities that have been growing in the imaginations of all those who are embracing their awakened power as true manifestors in this reality.
For two weeks a great number of us felt the tension of this shift, albeit in many different ways depending upon our roles and known (and unknown) responsibilities with which we have decided to engage.  One very clear visual I had was that of the upper third dimensional realities ( by “upper third” I am referring to realities pertaining to this matrix, although they may vibrate at a fourth dimensional level ) shuffling in front of my inner vision like a rolodex of cards (or money counting machine), rolling and rolling incessantly, and as the rolling continued, the realities disappeared into thin air and new ones took their place.  In the end, the rolodex began to slow its rotations and gradually came to a standstill.  In the moment it came to a standstill I was made aware that many of you whom I consciously know, have also supported this shift in many beautiful ways, for which I have no words to describe, and for which I thank you for your deep commitment to humanity and Gaia.  It is clear to me after this shift when I was shown what had been accomplished, your continued depth of caring and love for humanity and Gaia still reigns as high as ever, and for which I am full of unending gratitude for you all. 
During the release of these third dimensional timelines and realities I could see the concurrent appearance of higher dimensional expressions around and among us, as shown to me in a beautiful visual of highly complex vertical crystalline structures made out of what appeared to be crystalline light.  Most of these structures appeared to me in varying shades of blue with gold accents and they emanated enchanting harmonic tones which I feel to be auditory expressions of All-That-Is. 
There are other events which took place including light activations for the new transliminal souls who have arrived as walk-ins over the past five months, and included in this group are the second and third-wavers. Part of this message speaks directly to these individuals ( light activations are included in the text for those who are open ). 
Probably the two most important points are these: The Elohim emphasize today the power of a balanced emotional body is the ultimate key to a successful healing, expansion and leap in evolution for all of us. Furthermore, they maintain that by having an open mind, one is then able to embrace the truth that we are aspects of the divine, having a human experience.  While these two themes are not new, they hope everyone will now choose to integrate these in order to advance the ascension at every level.
All in all, and in spite of our physical challenges that accompany these massive energies, we are truly living in the most dramatic times we could ever imagine. In fact, the experiences and events are not only dramatic, they are also miraculous.
With love,
The Message
We are the Elohim and we come to you now, holding you within a warm embrace of love and peace, to share understanding with you as to what has now transpired within your perceived reality.  There has been a great movement of energy within your beautiful expression you call the third dimension, and by energy we speak of the dismantling and disconnection of lower vibrational expressions of lower vibrating dimensional realities within which some of you share through a multi-dimensional aspect of your Self.  
These former representations of reality have been pulled away from your energetic structures, or, rather, each and everyone of you are pulling away from old or previous timelines, and previous realities, that are no longer part of your current level of experience.  In other words, specific lessons and learning offered to you as an incarnated aspect of All-That-Is, are part and parcel of every level of expression in this experience within the form of this dimension.  However, as you successfully resolve emotional issues held within your fields you really succeed in raising your frequency and you lighten the energetic load you once carried.  These clearings were facilitated by carefully and very successfully using the healing meditation that we offered recently.  The results have been profound. The more this process is engaged, the more you rise.  The more you draw in to you the experience and realities of the higher order, a higher expression and a more refined life of simple pleasures and refined beauty arises in every manner imaginable.
(The Elohim came again after this message was delivered and insisted one more time how crucial this healing meditation is for all ascension candidates and in particular for all second and third wavers who have unresolved emotional issues which they must overcome now in order to cross the ascension line. They recommended us to continue using this healing meditation on a daily basis as it transmutes the entire emotional atmosphere of this earth and accelerates the arrival of the final ID shift. For this purpose the Elohim asked us to publish this meditation from November 20th, 2015 one more time below so that all PAT members and new readers of this website make full use of it and clear their emotional fields throughout all timelines and incarnations. Note, George)
The great disruption felt across the world over the past days has its foundation in the dropping of many lower vibrating dimensional realities as well as the anchoring of fifth dimensional and higher realities.  These events were created by you light workers, powered by your great imagination during the waking state and acted upon during your sleep state.  During these events a schism arose between the light workers, who drew in their minds and powerful imaginations great worlds of a fifth dimensional and higher expression, and those, who still hold fast onto the energy of the consensual reality of the “one and only one life”.  There was a rift between these two creative positions, and yes, they are both creations of great beauty. The gap between the two grows as the light workers around the world of form are moving at a rapid pace, cleansing old energies from their fields and creating new healthy habits that support their expanded awareness across multiple dimensions beyond only what they see with their physical eyes.
The power of the consensual reality weakens as its underpinnings waiver across lower dimensional expressions.  As individuals experience direct interference in their lives, they then experience a shock in many ways, a shock that shakes the foundational principles of the consensual reality (Here the Elohim refer to the financial and economic collapse which we triggered on May 18th on numerous timelines that was then accompanied by big natural catastrophes. Note, George).  The difficult energies felt by those of you who are anchoring the fifth dimensional and higher expressions come from holding the light for those who cling desperately to the illusion of the consensual reality. These individuals do not wish to let go of their experience, to let go of their “one and only life”.  There is a great energetic disparity between these two conflicting positions of experience, and it was this disparity that created the extreme energetic compression felt by most of you on the two days of the culmination (May 23/24)
For the transliminal souls and also for the group of souls who have just recently begun to understand their role as light workers:  One must let go of the thoughts, fears and passions that have been programmed into one’s Being from the beginning of the incarnation cycle. These programmes have held one suspended in the perceived prison walls of the third dimension.  One must let go of all that no longer serves and by this we mean to let go of the thoughts of perceived regret for past perceived failure, for there is no failure in the heart of All-That-Is.
One is to let go of anger and hatred for these two emotions shall consume and pull one into the abyss of darkness and inhuman reality. These emotions can be healed beautifully through the gifted healing meditation. One is to let go of perjury as these energies are counter-intuitive to those from the central sun, those supporting honesty, openness and truthfulness. 
There are two paths one may follow in this incarnation. One path is to see this journey as only this one expression: One world, one life, one path. The other path is to see, feel and truly understand the universe as an infinite expression of multi-dimensional realities, and that each one of you is simply pure creation energy, taking part in this beautiful world of form. 
It is true that one will see and feel what they need to see and feel, according to their evolutionary needs.  However, at some point evolution takes a leap where there is an activation of the divine imperative within your very cells and this shall awaken you to the truth (The Elohim refer here to our transfiguration into crystalline multidimensional light beings during the final ID shift of this reality. Note, George). Be the open mind as this is the key to removing oneself from third dimensional attachment and moving forth into the next arena of evolution, for the mind is the creative power behind the energy needed to expand into new worlds and new levels of love and peace.
This expansion of which we speak begins with making a choice. With each choice one makes, one also must then take action, and it is here where there is an immediate sense of liberation from the all-too-easy comfort of conformity.
Why conformity?  Why choose to conform to the expectations of those around you, and further afield in the greater group of humanity as a whole?  Of what are you ashamed?  Of what are you afraid?
It is time, now, to stand up and state in clear terms, who you are, and who you are not. Behold then the great joy of the liberation of man, who knows his place in the world as a divine, sovereign being of God, of Source, of Spirit, of All-That-Is!  A Being full of this living energy that runs through each and every atom of every living Soul expression!
It is time, now, to move into your own power. Do not wait for any thing, any event, any time, for the time is Now.
Find yourself.  Express yourself.  Take action by acting in thoughtful presence. Move into meditative contemplation and reflect upon your life, for it behooves you to Do Life and not let life do You!
We are the Elohim.  We love you and we are always with you.
The Elohim on the Healing Meditation Through the Third Eye on November 20, 2015
Carla Thompson, November 22, 2015
Here is the message from the Elohim that I channeled tonight (November 21) about the meditation we did at Julia’s home yesterday. Enjoy!
We are the Elohim and we confirm our participation with some of you during your guided meditation to heal the many wounds perpetrated upon and experienced by the feminine representations of divine perfection.
In your experience of duality, there exists the masculine energy and the feminine energy, as an expression within the third dimension of your reality.
These expressions, masculine and feminine, are a divine creation meant to complement one another.  One is not stronger than the other, smarter than the other, more beautiful than the other:  they are complementary reflections of the other.
There cannot be masculine energy without the feminine counterpart, nor vice versa as they do not and cannot occur alone.
They were created together and therefore express together and must exist together as One in a divine balance that Creation intended.
Each of you carries the divine masculine AND divine feminine energies!  It is your responsibility to each balance your divine energies masculine to feminine.
What happens in your world of duality?  It has been a world of masculine determination and domination; and a world of feminine alienation and suppression. The feminine energies are seen as weak and therefore seen as easily conquered.  The masculine that is buried deep within the current dualistic world of power, control and domination achieves this through insensitivity to the natural world and the natural order of balance, of equality and of beauty.
Ages upon ages of domination, masculine over feminine, has created an imbalance within the karmic imprint of most incarnates.  A grand release of this karmic debt was created yesterday through this great transpersonal healing.  We rejoice in the knowing of your whole-hearted dedication to this correction in karmic imbalance thathas shifted the outcome of many “future” lives, generations, timelines and multi-dimensional realities of humanity and Gaia alike, as deep wounding of the feminine (and feminine-oriented male incarnates) that has been absorbed into Gaia over the centuries has now been released and flooded with the deep emerald-green flame of healing into her Being.
This healing and release was pre-dominantly formulated within the heart chakras of all incarnates, as the heart chakra is the prime activator of the emotional body where all imbalance resides and from where all imbalance must be released.   All incarnates have been both of masculine and feminine orientations throughout their incarnation cycles and therefore all incarnates have experienced the suffering of this dualistic experience.
The green healing flame floods the heart chakra and as it is concentrated there with the intention of balancing the masculine to feminine principles, all current life and previous life incarnations are also healed when the intent is made.
All of humanity takes part in this healing.  All of humanity is responsible for this imbalance, because as masculine domination has expanded, so have feminine counter-measures.  The result has been an alienation of each from the other leaving little room for healthy mutual respect and honour.
As you move forward into the creation of the New Earth, it is important to envision a New Earth that reflects first and foremost the harmonization of the masculine to the feminine.  This is standard fare in every ascended reality and now you find yourselves at this moment creating your new realities so it is time to do so in the divine perfection as it is meant to be.  The fifth dimension holds neither one orientation nor the other in the strict sense, as both are equally manifest within each individual’s chosen light gestalt – here there is no separation.
As the ascension evolution moves forward even the excarnated aspect of one’s soul integrates more and more into your current expression revealing the magical presence of your own unified presence as it was first created eons ago.
The devolution into the third dimension required the division of or separation from the whole soul expression, separation of the masculine from the feminine, so that duality could be experienced.  And now as you evolve out of duality and along the natural path of expansion into the higher realms, you shall each come closer and closer to the “half” that you had long ago “left behind” in the higher dimensions.
With regard to your own personal evolution, you know that you hold both masculine and feminine energies and what your psychologists call “personality traits” as being perhaps described as “passive and aggressive”, well they are simply misnaming them as they are only really feminine and masculine energies.  You feel yourself, irregardless of what physical gender you may be, to be either more feminine or more masculine in your nature.  As you come to know yourself through this process of unfolding evolution it is imperative to learn what you resemble most, what you feel most as yourself to be.  Do you feel predominantly masculine or feminine? Once you establish this knowing then you are able to discern the “half” that is awaiting you in the higher dimensions.  It perhaps takes a concerted effort to balance these energies in an authentic manner because up to this moment there has been an extreme polarization in one direction or the other.
The healing that has taken place with this recent meditation continues to take place in the collective.  Furthermore, as you read this message, it sets in motion your need to embrace the “opposite” energy to your dominant expression, be it “feminine” or “masculine”.  Every incarnate requires healing of this deep wound and therefore we have a meditation for you now:
Healing Meditation Through the Third Eye of Divine Co-Creation With the Emerald-Green and Violet Flame
We invite you to close your eyes, and breathe in and out very slowly and deeply.  Now, in front of you, envision a large ball filled with emerald-green light.  Place within that ball of green light, all of your visions of recent and past memories of any situation that left you feeling less than your divine expression of Perfect Self.  You may take a few minutes to formulate visuals and feelings you held of these experiences, as this will make the healing more complete.
Now imagine the imbalance of feminine to masculine energies in that situation and hold the intention of your desire to heal this wound through the application of the combined, balanced and whole masculine and feminine aspects of your own soul.  Intend the opposing energy to come from your higher self, the energy that is opposite to your dominant incarnated energy.  Bring the balanced energy down from your Higher Self into your heart chakra and feel the energies mix there.
Now flood this balanced energetic manifestation, your whole God-presence, into the green ball holding your memory and feelings of any situation where domination and injustice led to perceived tragedy.  It is important to invoke your God-self because this signals that you are acknowledging the existence of your own power over this situation and your full desire to heal it and release it.  Every one of you has experienced energetic imbalance, feminine to masculine, throughout your incarnation cycles and these imbalances always affect the emotional body.
As you envision this situation within the ball flooded with green light, now perceive the violet flame beginning to mix within the ball, transmuting all in harmony.  Imagine the violet flame applying compassion and forgiveness to your situation, the two most powerful actions of the violet flame.
As you continue to hold this vision before you, know that you are witnessing the action of ascended mastery through the co-creation of your perfected expression with the use of your imagination+your third eye, which is your divine vision.  It is through an active third eye that you are able to heal past wrongs and also, once these wrongs are healed and released, you are then able to co-create your vision of a new ascended earth.  This is the reason why this healing was carried out, so that you are able to free yourself to move into an expanded awareness and hold the vision of the ascended reality to which you desire to go.
After a time, you will feel and know that the healing is complete.  In this moment the green-violet flames shall be replaced with a brilliant gold light.  Allow this light to remain within the healing sphere for a while, as it brings the situation into a peaceful balance and expanded wholeness.
As the golden light changes to pure white light, everything is released into the perfection of the Creation.
Rest now, breathing deeply.  You are healed into wholeness and you are closer to your inner ascended master, now more than ever before.
Hold the energy of your balanced God-Self within the beautiful physical body in which you now dwell.  As you carry out this meditation regularly, you shall incorporate deeper and deeper your own God-Self within your incarnated body-mind-spirit expression.
We offer this meditation now as the moment is ripe to release this imbalance from your earthly expressions.  Gaia has been recently cleansed of the heavy energies that mankind buried into her over many thousands of years.  We love you deeply, we know your pain and through this meditation we only wish you harmony through healing the pain and suffering that duality offers.
We are the Elohim.

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