Tuesday 31 May 2016

Stolen, your energy, as you continue, contractually, to give it to the dead zone of 'money' and the ghost institutions that feed off you.

I found an intriguing article in Stankov's website. It was posted without a name. It speaks of the need of a shocking and chaotic collapse of the Money institution because mostly we are automatically (consciously or unconsciously) woven into it and every one of our thoughts (energy) is tied into it. It was included on Stankov's website because Stankov and his team have, for a very long time, been talking about the 'grave' (my word, where death means opening doors to new life) situation now leading to the soon-to-be, event-spinning downfall (CRASH) of the false and fraudulent money system. This has to happen in order for the old, debt slave systems to be replaced with freedom in the cities of Light.

Debt slavery is the machine that fronts the ghostly syphoning off of our energies, that we have been contracted into, and we need to be extricated from it, kicking and screaming as we believe this is our support, our god, and the basis of our identities.

Only then can we resume the building up of our individual God identities.  It reminded me of my own final conclusion in my blog on Temple's. We are worshipping, and giving our energy away to entities other than self, and we need to pull back from that false institution and regain grounding in truth.

This article says that is not easy because the masses have no concept of truth and only false concepts of freedom and abundance, where money is still in charge.

And also there is formibable architecture in place to keep souls boxed up in manageable piles, contributing to the continuous supply of energy keeping the old institutions in place.

This is a very long piece and I have only included some paragraphs. The rest is up to you.


"Well unfortunately, while everything is energy, in order to have something there is nothing of called money, you have to sink down into the lower vibrating like kind matching negative energies to have the “no-substance of no-thing” and as a consequence, your valuable considerable time and energy in your effort in obtaining a fiction no-thing called money, is lost. It is exactly how your life is being stolen, because your time is stolen in the process and you can’t ever get that time back."

"The Low Ranking sources said that the implosion of the current financial system is the main compression event for the catalyst for this change, because it has been the main tool for controlling humanity. Abundance can only take place in the aftermath of a highly upsetting economic collapse."

"It’s just nothing personal of course; it’s just the impersonal business of contracting with a dead thing. Your good, godly nature is coerced by manipulation to volunteer your free will consent to say “yes”, by some clever lunatic psychological experts with 1,200 iq’s, so that your very sensitive emotional nature absolutely will, without fail, take contracting with dead things very serious and very personal indeed!
The Low Ranking sources said that a dead corporation doesn’t have any emotional feelings to take anything personal, but real people do, and those ghosts work hard around the clock to make sure the people keep animating the essence of their souls strictly for those ghosts attention. This is an electric universe and your electromagnetic body battery is filled with currency and those renegade grave hopping ghosts absolutely need it.
Their only existence is to make sure they keep your body battery always and forever at the ready by constantly being manipulated, forcing its valuable energy to focus its attention upon ‘things’, ‘objects’ outside of itself, for exploding your body’s charge capacity off into an atmospheric vacuum cleaner in the sky and draining it for a loss of charge.
Just so you don’t have that charge to use for yourself in order to reduce your ability to properly decode “true reality” as it is happening right now into its full potential, able to recognize patterns of perfection, rather than going along with familiar patterns created for your destruction.
They said the ONLY reason those ghost need to contract with human beings is because they need to keep them plenty busy, occupied and thoroughly distracted from having the actual time available to look into their own souls! Because those ghosts are extremely jealous – since a dead thing doesn’t have a soul to look into!
The Low Ranking sources said that the only thing that is really and truly going on here, is that the fiction government absolutely has to scare the holy living crap out of real people to keep them all charged-up like the energizer bunny to do something, anything, because no matter what they choose to do will be totally unnatural and the wrong thing.
By continually being compelled to perform animating their live body battery under a constant threat of disobedience from peer pressure to volunteer a “coerced legal free will consent” to a ghost corporation for getting them to open their big talky friendly human mouths to say “yes” to contracting with something that does not exist. Which they have absolutely no business doing, because uncommon things cannot use common things to satisfy its appetite!
They explained that your electromagnetic body battery is being charged up with invisible currency for a continual reset for animating your body battery like the energizer bunny going nowhere fast. All for discharging your essence outside of yourself for a complete power give-away of your authority as a sovereign being.
All for the sole (soul) purpose, just so you don’t have that essence to use for yourself how you see fit to determine, when you determine it. Any charge those ghosts ever refer to has nothing to do with some amount of money, there is no money. This is only about invisible things like electricity, like your electromagnet body battery’s charge capacity.
And that is precisely how you have been so easily taken to the cleaners by a ghost corporation that is attempting to communicate to real people by making Statements on a sheet of paper out of a mouth it doesn’t have through the mail every month, who can’t speak to you personally about some invisible currency charge?"

"The Low Ranking sources said that the new form of money in a new world of abundance is your bold appreciation expressed. Your authentic appreciation is the payment received in exchange for goods and services when you are able to thrive in abundance with others, where no one needs to lose while someone else gains for a break in the free flow of energy exchange.
They said that you must genuinely “appreciate” for the exchange of energy that is currently used called money for the correct harmonic resonance frequency of a higher vibrating level of being human, for thriving in a new world of abundance.
A world of abundance requires transparency for knowing how you “really” feel, after existing bottled up holding back keeping secrets of unexpressed feelings, from a life of emotional dismemberment. Unable to be free to fully express your mind and heart and say what you mean and mean what you say, without self concern and without compromise, for fear of the say-so of your will being used against you. Consequently, you are too cautious with your words, so your very strong feelings as a human being may never be expressed.
That IS the real money and that is how you are rich inside of yourself, by expressing your bold appreciation in exchange, instead of exchanging the abstract value of worthless colored pieces of paper that has effectively proven to have no true substance for any real meaning in life, whatsoever!
The Low Ranking sources said the real so-called money you seek for an abundant livelihood was nefariously hidden in plain sight, 180 degrees away from the real creditor in commerce – you – the one reflecting in the mirror. Everything works out in reverse; the mirror image of a lie is the truth your mind rejects. What you are looking for, you are looking with. You already are that which you seek, the money.
They said chasing the green stuff called money IS the grand distraction to finding out who you really and truly are by coming into contact with the long-lost and forgotten essence of your soul, for sharing soul evolution memory with others. The vast majority of people have very little time or the inclination to give serious consideration to the true meaning of their existence as a Human Being."

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