Wednesday 25 May 2016

Weekly email Theta download. Devotional time and New Contracts with the self.

Hi Michaela 

Would you like to know what it feels like to
know you are a creator, and to know that your mission is to create your joyful life experience,

that you have the highest perspective on how to, you deserve to, you are safe doing so, that you allow yourself to, and you do live your daily life with this with grace and ease now?
Say yes, and allow the energy to change within you.
with Love and Light

Devotional Time.

I went with a friend to a temple in London.  I didn't know at the time, because the revelations only come in retrospect, but the visit was to mark the end of a contract , and to show I was  drawing up new contracts.

The old contracts I refer to are the way we live in an unconscious way, letting our lives be filled with things we have accepted as being the only way. These contracts serve for us to 'grow' a permutation of ourselves  in the shadow aspect,  where we allow a dimmer switch to light our way.  These are the contracts that have governed all our beliefs systems before we learn that we DO have alternatives and then we can decide to remove all the distractions imposed on us by beliefs that we are NOT ENOUGH. 

We only know that we are in such contracts with ourselves when we have come to the end of the lesson that they have served and instinctively we are urged to extricate ourselves from them to create new and liberating contracts powered by ourselves and that which in turn empower us.

The need to make new contracts with the self gradually becomes clearer as you flow through life towards the end of the old contracts. As what you do, how you experience things and knowledge of the self shows you to what extent you have lived a limited life, the ah ha moments increase and finally it becomes pleasant to realise that you can shake off the old and recreate the new, based on what you now know is evolution for the self and stimulating growth.  It is entering a new phase and liberating to anchor the contracts. We are our own temples and no longer require to give our energy (life force) away to OTHER than ourselves. We need to draw back this energy and create devotional time for ourselves.

The temple.

It was only after leaving the temple and walking down the canal that I realised the conclusion. In the temple people place their trust in gods and deity's outside themselves.  The amount of worship and DEVOTIONAL TIME given to OUTSIDE the self is like syphoning off energy that could be used for the self.

It is time to time create DEVOTIONAL time for the self. The self is an individuated aspect of GOD, SOURCE , All-That-Is and so as we acknowledge this we grow in  Self Worth, Self Love, and gain the momentum to reinstate our Contracts to SELF, we no longer suffer distraction from our true selves, and we ACCEPT fully ourselves, warts and all.  By spending devotional time to this, we create the new contracts,  unique and true to us. We no longer need to be herded around into and through, mass produced contracts that work only to show us the CONTRAST, the separation of us from our true selves, and the now outdated, fear of expressing that truth, whatever that may be.
The temple here then is an expression for all institutions that demand our time, attention, life force and energy, and we can only grow as far as the limits and boundaries presented by the walls of that institution.  The walls of any institution be it government, religion, education are magnificently ordered, decorated, and we are distracted by the architecture and overwhelmed by the density of the institution so it is difficult to feel the confines pushing back against our energies as we expand out from them.

 Finally we just know,  that we are too big for those temples because  God, Source, All-That-Is expresses through us in our own unique ways and we need to Let those flags fly and unfurl those wings.

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