Tuesday, 10 October 2017

OCTOBER 2017 Astrology. So that's what October is all about. This so fits in with what I am experiencing. Watch to the end, she's good.....

Since October 5th I've been deeply dipping into gloom. So watching this video has helped me understand why I am learning about being a 11.

In my last personal blog I wrote:  "So in today's meditation I learned that I no longer walk in those shoes..Thats yesterday's news and I am my own Value and I am my purpose."

So why was I so gloomy around the New moon, and then I thought that maybe those shoes, in the dream, had been taken from me, but there is a different emphasis. It was about more about My shoes to walk my walk, had been taken, from a time earlier in my life, ....Maybe they had been taken at the time when a person  begins to define who they are and where they want head to head in life.

If 'your shoes' are taken from you at that time, and all around are pictures and influences that correspond to other peoples definitions, then your path is pushed into one that is more about fulfilling other peoples expectations and you can find no definition of your own. This situation is compounded by the restrictions and limited ways of conditional 3rd dimensional unconscious living of those times.When defining "who you are," another way of looking at that might mean asking the question:

  "what shoes are you standing in, in which you walk in life.?"..

If my own walk (shoes) had been taken, then I am walking in shoes that are not mine, so, therefore I am doing this walk of living through expectations and roles, obligations and so on, deposited on me... by 'other than me' and worse still, I have accepted them as my walk in life, and then complain about it, it is stifling....

Until my get own shoes I will  be walking a life, designed by others....Or as Osho puts it, our world is ruled by the dead.

So the message of my meditation changes to become: "I now find the shoes I WANT to walk my life in: I am my own Value and I am my purpose." 

So thats what October is all about.

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