Saturday, 6 October 2018

Geomagnetic Storm Prior To October Transmission. 10/3. Freaky Friday warned.

Strange thing I started this week by waking up with the phrase, "Pounds per square inch" Psi, rolling round in my thoughts.  I kind of got...that means pressure, there was going to be intense pressure. And sure enough Monday and Tuesday had got to be pretty intense, but I have not got the energy to describe those days, it was about clearing family karma, Egyptian stuff, sacrifice and self sacrifice, issues to do with food and pestilence, and purging through internal personal revulsion's.

Anyway   I started writing this on Wednesday but wasn't sure really where I was going with it. 


No....well.... yeah, I suppose there really is....

Ok, So shoot.

Why is it such a monumental task for us all to get on the same page.
Everyone is either
talking about it differently or
ignoring it in their different ways
or they are in total ignorance, in different ways......about what is going on...So what is going on?

There is NO SAME PAGE.  Anywhere. I can resonate with some, but not all, and it seems that there is still mass interference, that was set in stone many years ago.... to CREATE such Chaos and ambiguity...
  1. the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.

Clearing your stuff?


So why are you still so troubled?

Thats Just it, I am still troubled. Purging and heating up...Dreaming and visions. Phired up and then falling deep down. And all this whilst getting on with the human stuff of doing chores and being there for whosoever I have bestowed that honour to....Its all getting too tricky, and the trickster stuff is getting annoying now.

I am tired and don't seem to share the same motivation that the astrologers have when dancing in delight about this or that. Many 'Big Stuff' astrology events come with the 'caution notes,', Caution "do not get this will forfeit clarity and be doomed to carry this shit for the next 12 year cycle...etc, etc...

Ahhhh, (sighing) I guess I am just soooo tired. I can't even muster the energy to raise my eye brow at this time. 

Please explain 

Why is it such a monumental task for us all to get on the same page...I get that there is an impulse to have a BIG BURNING. To burn down the dross such as is required by nature, and fields and forests are purified down to the ground and then the ground is suitable for the new seeds to come through.

So..burning dross...and setting seeds. Is what I am getting to...
(This is where I finished)

AND THEN on Wednesday 3rd Like I say I didn't get to finish this up, I had to do some stuff which took me to WEMBLEY  and then on to my mother's house, and then back home in the evening.

 Thursday 4th I was so busy but It was all to do with official stuff, It was all on line, I was on the lap top for most of the day...and none of it very 'feel good'. By thursday evening I realised I hadnt eaten much and was then too tired to eat and went to bed feeling pretty bad.

When I woke on Friday 5th I felt a bit wobbley and sick. I couldn't move. I had a physio appointment and was going to have a bath. Eventually I got downstairs and realised I was too sick to eat. Then I had to sit back down, Throwing a whitey and getting cold and clammy. 
Image result for someone burning up with fever

    (I  know this is Not Me, I actually looked much scarier than this, I had been ambushed by a scary sickness, from out of the hair was an unbrushed and unwashed matted mess, my face was contorted and my eyes looked like they  had been punched in, and .. .my sitting room is not this spacious and tidy...) 

I phoned the physio office to cancel my  appointment whilst kneeling in the toilet trying to go the waves of sick feeling. 

I crashed onto the sofa...and From then on I couldn't move. It was FLU symptoms and my head was spinning. 

Eventually hours later, I could eat, but only humus and breadsticks, with some olives. I had not eaten for over 24 hours.  

I spent the day sleeping and feeling sick. I lost the whole day in delirious waves that rippled through me, sometimes feeling sick and sometimes getting so lost in them that I lost myself totally.   

I finally crawled back to my bed at around 8pm, and went to sleep until 10 am today Saturday 6th. I still feel full of aches and pains. My eyes hurt a lot. and I have been dreaming.

There is one thing, when I close my eyes and go deep into whatever it is that I am feeling, I get the most, vivid colours, from violet and soft orange, to magenta and DEEP PURPLE. I get also images of neon colours in shapes of bugs/programs (please don't ask) and it looks like they are leaving my space. Any way the colours are amazing. 

I am sharing this because this freaky flu seems to be what Aluna is referring to in the above 34 second video. She says FLU like symptoms will be occurring 2 -3 days prior to 7-10 October transmissions. 

I am still aching and my eyes are squinting in pain.

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