This is the story of our own inner being.
~~~This is also the story of the Prince who learns to kiss the Princess to wake her up from a hundred years sleep.
We each have our Sun, (the Prince, which is our consciousness) our own salvation, and it is this consciousness that helps the sleeping beauty of the subconscious, up out of slumber and into Inspired, wakeful and thoughtful creations, to create a life differently on earth. Multiply that many beings, hundreds and thousands, In fact the whole population on earth in each now moment, and as each perception of reality actually changes REALITY, SO the WHOLE STORY OF EARTH CHANGES ...
Long story, so lets get started.
The Sun.
The conscious mind is connected to the Sun. We have our own Sun which has its strength directly from its connection with source or the sun.
In this life....or any other life...When we have a father who is smiling, giving, playful generous and listens to our childish glee, it encourages our growth into strong, shining, generous joyful beings.
When the father is not that, the sun doesn't shine and the child is in the shadow, grows in the shadow and learns only to create from the shadow...big part missing. but maybe that is because the 'shadow' is a part, or has become a part that needed developing...integrating...investigating...exploring..in this life.
the child growing, will need to find out how to be his/her own sun, using all around him/her and the shadow, to create and find the sun it needs to be whole and balanced. Yin yang.
Our astrology is what gives the clues, to the map, that indicates the walk we have to take to make the required balances (e.g. to find our sun) in this, or any life.
In this or any life. We create what appears to be how our life plays out, from our subconscious...which is like our moon. The moon is like our 'mother' the yin, the little lady at home, waiting for the father...the sun to come home and tell her whats going on in the world outside....
When the sun comes home. if he brings good news,,,life is great, crops are bountiful, all is well in the world, and the sun is shining...then the moon (emotions) can set about creations that affirm that, which play out in our life...
When the sun comes home, at night and tells her life is toil, is trouble, he is scared, dark forces roam and there are enemies, ~~(which has been the way that manipulations have forced our sun, our males, our divine masculine, OUR YANG, our conscious experience... into slavery to worship tin gods that is not true or loving), ~~ this energy information, or translation/description/perception of what is "happening"in the life experience and forms the information from our sun (perhaps too much in the shadow) which has caused our inner subconscious to weep and create from that place of darkness.
So Now, to change our perception of reality, there is effort involved and there are two things needed.
The sun, the conscious mind, is now mindful that what he brings to subconscious is what will recycle back into the life experience. So conscious mind, the sun, the Yang, sets intention to elevate the news and messages brought home at the end of each day (news, thoughts etc brought home to bury into the subconscious/ night, dreamworld)...that buried news etc, is then churned and metabolised and used to pour into the 'materialisation' mechanics and recreated to what is then perceived, again and again, created perceptions of reality during the day, (yang, day, action, conscious).
So how does sun change its perception of reality if all around, the experience of HOW LIFE IS remains tainted with last week's experiences, yesterdays pain, childhood sadness, buried in societal and cultural undertones, carrying ancestral banners ????
Above and beyond all that, consciousness has to find its own SUN power, SHINE, its own strength
to even look at this stuff...and maybe there was NONE to LITTLE of a 'father sun' to show consciousness how to shine on perception to make a change to the personal 'perception of reality'.
Maybe, and even more likely, consciousness has been forced into pretending to be something/or someone that consciousness doesn't actually feel is truly 'them', and that they do not have the strength or the ability to actually be the type of person or personality/character/archetype/role model that they have assumed under these conditions. The conditions of NOT being in ones own true light.
Panic sets in, overwhelm, and depression that you are being something that you are not.
This is a version of Imposter syndrome.
Well, to change the perception of reality then, the sun or conscious thought, has to put the effort in to do two things.
1. Conscious thought has to work with the shadow of the subconscious, with love and care to transmute what lies therein. Healing, and transmuting, releasing and forgiving, with love and care...while subconscious will eventually help by letting these hurts, pains, memories etc. which have been the basis for understanding ones PLACE IN THE WORLD...(and so therefore are the foundation from which creations flow out to be manifest into actual experience) and are ripe, full bloom for their harvest and so come UP to conscious to be 'plucked', brought out, the energy having been utilised, Used to its conclusion, and so death of that energy cycle can actively release the story contained.
Now bearing in mind, this is also part of Karma...because the energies held within need to be released and experienced in order for them to be WORKED through,,,so that means we WALK through them as they become our life situations. Where it is repeated in cycles is karma showing where the energy needs adjusting, tweaking, experimenting with, playing with, challenging etc.
Where we become stuck means that conscious mind is being called to action to MOVE us forward, and further. Listening with attention, and paying attention to what is playing out in the earth life, shows consciousness where can move consciously to elevate the energies held in the subconscious. The way to gauge this through feelings.
2. All-That-Is, holds All There Is. We are part of All That Is and so can have access to All there is...which is, of course the plan.
Once we have learned what we don't want to create we move forward onto phase two. Which is deciphering What we do want to create...
Conscious mind can reach up into the ether to draw inspiration. The higher the reach, the higher inspiration. Then creation on a new level can begin. Conscious pulls itself up high, blessing all faults and failings on the way. Conscious knows it wants to creates blessings and arrive in the promised land, but it doesn't actually know features of 'the promised land' that so far has not been in our experience, so we cannot idealise and visualise a 'promised land' that is not tainted with history's blood and failings.
Conscious then has to TRUST, and raise its vibration, to higher frequency, knowing all the while that its subconscious counterpart is busy reading its information and setting the creation to play out in life in order to experience it, what ever it is so that IT CAN BE WALKED through and WORKED through. Feelings are the indicators.
Trust in the process is called for....
as Conscious raises itself and sets in motion the creative steps that it has to walk in order move further and forward, both
- by walking through the healing of the memory and energetic material held in the subconscious.
- and by reaching higher into the ethers to pull 'higher' ideals into conscious so that they can be visualised consciously so that subconscious has the new high idealised patterns of information to create from....
...SO, as she clears and heals, subconscious works to create higher and higher vibrational creations in which consciousness can actually experience,
and WORK through,
and WALK through,
~~ which is what we call evolution.
Changing the being,
which is holding the couple of 'subconscious and the conscious',
~~~each being holds a couple energy which is a yin and yang, inner male and female, day and night, action, rest, held within the 'dynamic torus field of energy', a being ~~~
bit by bit incrementally, as each step is made, and it all happens in the now moment. It is not taking place along a linear path, it is all 'now'. It is a dance.
The dance has always been there, so Let the dance get funky, or whatever you wish to experience.
Add to this the fact the 'energies are now here' to support this change.
Its like the music has changed so that the dance can change....where the 'music' is actually the sound vibration that we can 'hear' or perceive, and is actually only toned down higher vibrational energy, that is 'total consciousness' that fills the spaces within and without.
Is it that the change in the dance has called for New MUSIC, and the universe, the great mystery of 'total consciouness' has obliged in response to humanity's call?
Or, was it all part of a divine plan, a synchronicity that steps in to ensure evolution takes place?
So how did I come to all this?
Well, 'Suns coming home', has been my mantra for some time now, and everything that has gone before in my subconscious and healing, has been been driven by my sun, my conscious, with its pure intention for the change in my life's expression. Gradually I learned that change within is what brings about change without. It is a dance.
My personal story is one which began as a child whose father wasn't the brightest sun. In fact life in the sixties and seventies, my formative years, was one where there wasn't a very high percentage of 'shiney sun' fathers out there. This, I get. It is because ancestrally and culturally there wasn't a lot of ancestral and historical SUN anywhere. The youth of my time, growing up listening to Pink Floyd's 'Comfortably Numb', acted only to either re-enact or to react with this cycle. However, over time more began to re-act and to respond. Astrologically we all are given the prompts and signs to do what we need to do, with whatever kind of cycle we have going on.
I realise looking back as a kid, I was very empathic and feeling the shadow of everyone around.
This awareness of shadow, informed my consciousness, and along with my own 'lack of a shiney father sun', was all information fed to my subconsciousness.
I got lost in it...and the feelings,
.... as was the plan... until I learned that what I was doing for the last 20 years, was trying to be the shiney sun for everyone, to make up for the ancestral shadows. So why would I be doing that? Long story, but following all the karmic occurring, and astrological leanings and pushings, my own low energy 'shiney sun' was trying to burn for everyone else around me.
Now I know that was my game plan, till I became exhausted. It makes sense that I pull my own sun up and shine it for myself. Sun's coming home.
This is the consciousness, SUN, at work,
1. intention for new creations, to pull from the ethers, new and higher vibration ideas of life.
2. clearing and healing old patterns, so we can't default back to old patterns of life.
Its a two step thing.
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