Friday, 10 May 2013


I was thinking about trees and about their sentient beauty.  How they are rooted deep into the ground and reach into the heavens.   There is an ethereal quality about the stillness of trees, their magnificence, they are the silent sentinals and I feel strongly that they multi-dimensional.  What we see here in the 3d is only one dimension of  a trees radiance. They are the keepers of the earth that hold the energies in place.

 I was thinking about trees and about how they absorb sunlight through chlorophyl in the choroplasts in the cells of the upper side of the leaf.  I was thinking how this sunlight is harnessed by the chlorophyl, a green pigment( a chemical), to sustain energy for the life of the tree.  I supposed that we, as humans, must have similar physical apparatus for absorbing the physical energy of sunlight to allow its "chemical" properties to sustain us in life somehow.

The chemistry of life and love have a symmetry that is only just beginning to dawn on us. The energy harnessed by the tree from the sun "is" the great Love that allows life to exist on earth.

What is the biology that allows us to recieve this energy, that is, the great Love, in the way that the tree derives it from sunlight? The Pineal gland in the brain has been a dormant gland waiting for the human to awaken and recieve the full force of love/life energy. Receiving the full force love/life energy is something that the human has been closed to for centuries, we only have to look at our history to know that is true. When we are able to trully take in the fullness of the energy available to us, then we too can can see our multi-dimensionalit, we can be the full spectrum of ourselves.

 So, maybe the pineal gland is the corresponding biological structure. Or maybe, it is our eyes, also a pigmented organ.  The eye "sees" light and harnesses it in images, but it does not provide us with life sustaining energy.  Maybe we absorb sunlight energy through the cells of our skin, like through the cells of the leaves.  Maybe each cell has receptors for accepting this energy, maybe these receptors just need tuning in and turning on.

This picture is about how the tree brings love/life force down to earth from the heavens and grounds it deep into the roots.  I was thinking about trees.

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