Thursday, 30 May 2013

I have been thinking about Love. What is it? How do we find it? It seems it cannot be trully accessed in its fullest experience until we have let go of all our restricting and limiting energy drainers. These can be anger and sadness, depression and fear. Sometimes we cannot see that we are holding these energy drainers but feel the daily fatigue as we use the remaining energy we have to keep it blocked, suppressed, repressed and hidden deep in the chasms of our bodies and minds. This works to hold our vibrations paralysed in the unwanted suppressed state.

An Exploration of LOVE.

Do we 'get' it? What is love? Is this a strange question? No, really what is it? Do we really know?

When we really consider the immensity and power that is attributed to love, can we buy into it, is that our vision or experience of love? It is now spiritual practice to empty ourselves of all that is 'Not' love, through releasing, healing and integrating lessons so that we can finally feel that 'self love'. But is it there? What is this love that we can feel for others, and other people, other things, places and experiences? Is it the same as the love we hear about that will change the earth?  When going through serious self healing and emptying, we create vessels that will then ready to be filled with love. We then become the chalice,  the Grail, that we are looking for. For many this journey has been long, lonely and serious.  For many it is difficult to become lighter, even within the journey for enlightenment. The journey for enlightenment is purely our search for ourselves. We have been searching for the Grail that is us, ourself. We become the chalice that fills with Christed conscious, or the kind of LOVE that we associate with the Divine. This LOVE is then us, it becomes us because we are filled with. We need to learn 'self love' in order to lay the table for LOVE to flow in.

 We have songs, plays, stories, emotions that kill, emotions that rescue, heroic deeds and angelic miracles that speak of love. We preach about it, speak about it and fuel passions with it. Mother, father, child, family, friend and animal love. We talk, speak, shout, cry and plead for it. We know when we are not loved and blame our life stories on lack of love. We demand love, we mourn for lost love and we grieve for those we love and have gone out of our lives.

 But is this the same as the powerful energy that surrounds and fills our universe. Is this the same energy that is God and created by God. God being the Divine Source, the Prime Creator and omnipresent lifesource that runs through our veins, not the old man with a beard judging everything. We are small aspects of God, we are divinity from God, we are the human expressions of God, we are how God expresses in humanity, but we still dont really get this love thing. Not trully, not yet.


In the historically documented words of Jesus of Nazareth, He offered humanity only one new commandment to the ten that we already were ignoring. The commandment he gave was "love thy neighbour as thyself", and we cant even get that right. Is it because love eludes us?

Some of us can grasp the huge concept of, and live within the concept of LOVE. There have been many prophets and lesser mortals, for instance Mother Theresa who worked tirelessly with the sick and poor within the poverty of third world India, she did not spend her time in the technology embracing and affluent India. There are still today people who do this kind of work out of love for their fellow man. Poverty and third world life exists throughout the world and not just in third world countries.  Generally speaking, humanity just skims the surface of love toward eachother. This is no judgement just observation. The question is, how can we love others when, not only are we unaware of what exactly LOVE is but we are also unaware of our need to master SELF LOVE first.

 So are we not 'getting' this thing called LOVE? Well we know about mating love, our hormones tell us, and we feel good. That other person reflects back to us how good we are feeling. We know we love our family because we would give body parts or die in place of a child or loved one. We know we love a friend because the thought of loosing them makes us cry. So what is LOVE?

Spiritual practice tells us that there 'are only two things' that are real in this life. The rest is an illusion, a stage for our performance, where we play out our story. The two things are LOVE and fear, and fear is only the absence of LOVE, so, that becomes 'only one thing is real in this life, LOVE'. Any thing other than love, is an alternative path back to LOVE. In our own story, we are either in LOVE or working towards it, or, in fear and working away from LOVE. However, in that 'working away from LOVE', within the scripts of  our story, ultimately we have 'chosen'  this route to work toward LOVE. Yes, a bit unconventional and hard work, and, yes, it will take a bit longer. Again no judgement because we all do this. Any time we place our story in anything other than LOVE we choose hard work and challenges. Hard work and challenges, this is a good thing surely? Surely it is. During this part of our story, we feel anger, jealousy, greed, unloved, unworthy and are unable to love ourselves and others. Without love we become withdrawn from the fullness of life, we withdraw and cannot trully connect in loving relationships, we isolate ourself as we nurse our 'not LOVE' wound. We cannot feel the intensity of LOVE  and the immenseness of it as it surrrounds us in lifeforce, flowing through us and around us. Whatever the discord is that we are in, will be reflected back up to us, to mirror to us that we have chosen to learn this...... as a way back to LOVE.

Put simply, for example, when feeling a strong negative emotion,  find the words to describe how people or those nearest to you are making 'you' feel. Such as "I feel" my child is withdrawing their love from me or my partner is not connecting with me or people are isolating me. They may not actually be doing this, but what is important here is how you are feeling in response to their actions or the situation. This will give you a clue that at this time, for whatever reason, you have consciously or unconsciously withdrawn from love.  When we are unable to connect with LOVE and we are isolating ourselves and when we percieve other people and unloving situations to be hurtful, aggressive and wounding, it is just a way for us to recieve information telling us that WE are moving away from, and disconnecting from LOVE. It is difficult to see when this is happening, but it is a signpost or breadcrumb clue that the next step is to recognise is time for us to reconnect with LOVE. By taking steps to heal that 'not LOVE'  wound of fear, hurt, ancestral pain, or the baggage of unworthiness and low self esteem, you can break the mirror reflection given by others that cause you pain. That pain is a 'part'  that is coming up into consciousness for healing.  Remember, when it does that, it is reflecting back to you your own inner feelings of pain inadvertently triggered by the actions of other people and dramas on your stage. 'Not LOVE'  is  fear or negativity and past wounds that are coming up in you to be healed and released, so that trully you are walking in the 'working toward LOVE' direction. So then, even 'not LOVE is a way to LOVE.


'Trust' is another thing that goes on the missing list when a 'not LOVE' wound comes up for healing. We often find that when we don't know LOVE,  it is a time when we are disconnected from the 'support' of the lifeforce. That is, the big LOVE, the energy lifeforce of the Divine. We become distrustful of other people's motives, distrustful of situations and distrustful that we are supported or will receive support in any way. This is time to get back to LOVE. It is time to remember........


The earth story is the story of humanity itself. We are here to experience and expand our energy selves. We come from the brilliance and light that is Divine. We are aspects of that Divine and we have chosen to experience life as a part of humanity in order to enhance and expand the whole. We are pinches of energy taken from the Divine Source that, on this earth, exist as separate aspects, rather than the whole.  This is only for a temporary time. Each of us has a life story and stage to perform it on. This is to facilitate and provide a living breathing physical experience for our original Divine energy to create with.  But we start our earth experience by not remembering we are from Divine Source.  We start our earth experience believing our life dramas to be true. We then whittle away all the excess debris that we build up during our live(s) to become bigger and a more glorious and expanded energy, that eventually returns to the wholeness of the Divine. Our purpose is to expand, enhance and enrich the whole.


So there comes a time in our earth experience, while we are being given bread crumb clues, that it is time to awaken.  Its time to see the clues that lead us back to our divine selves and off this stage .  As humans we feel far from divine. We have to remember to open our parachute and stop falling. But how can we find and internalise LOVE proper.


Where is it found? Can it be seen? Can a blind person see it? Can a deaf person hear it? Can the animals tell you about it? Can a person who is dying sense it? Are there angels to show us? LOVE is the glue that holds this universe together. LOVE is the energy that is multidimensional and Quantum and is so much more than we can experience as mortal humans. As humans we rely on our senses and reasoning to tell us what is going on. We rely on mind and ego to interpret what we are experiencing.  We work only in limited ways until we start to fathom the Giant that LOVE is for us. LOVE is the supporting energy that holds us. It is GOD, SOURCE, SPIRIT. It is essentially the light. For Star Wars fans, it is the force. OK, OK, but the force is a good term.  LOVE really is THE  Force,  the Intention. The All That is. It is the ceaseless ebb and flow of life as we can understand it, and so so much more. It holds all in space, every planet is of it, and all of us and everything are part of it. Humanity is just taking a sideways step to come back, full circle because we were created in LOVE,  knowing LOVE. We will get there.  When walking in the park, have the intention to connect with the trees, walk slowly, extending your energy out in greeting to the trees, intend to send love out to the trees, The trees will extend their LOVE energy back to you. You may not feel it at first but with time, you will. They will recognise your intention. The trees are part of the huge network support of LOVE that we have to hold LOVE in our space. Quantum is simply a term applied to stuff out of our range of senses. Science is making leaps in this department. Science is in the process of proving Intelligent design, also known as God. Religion is beginning to recognise that science can be used to open up and deepen our understanding of a quantum God.


How can we know this to be true? Well you can research that this is true, there is writing about this through the ages and in every culture, in different words, in different language. Also more and more of us humans are accessing this truth for ourselves.  We study human nature, spirituality, astrology, astronomy, metaphysics and quantum physics and of course the physical forces of nature and of outer space. We are so much more than we, at present, think we are. We can access the ability to heal ourselves and our planet, and we can empower ourselves with the truth of who we are.

Once in a  meditation  I acknowledged that I had become disconnected because relationships were becoming hurtful and life was miserable, in fact they were reflecting back to me that I was withdrawing from them. This happens when we become totally consumed by the everyday dramas and we loose touch with the Truth, become overwhelmed and fall into despair.  We can feel unloved and unable to love in a connected way. I asked in meditation 'What is this LOVE that I cannot connect with? What is this LOVE that is so distant from me?'  A guide took me to the top of a very tall tower miles high in the sky. At the top of the tower was a small landing with four large windows. " This is LOVE, it is all around". "OK" says I, still not feeling it. Then I was at one of the windows and given the impression to leap out into the unknown. Unquestioningly, I did.  OK. So I was sitting in my chair at home, but my learning mind was also in this other dimension, and I was falling, fast. This takes an element of trust. However, I was confused, I questioned 'I am falling how is this showing me LOVE?'  In mid fall, I remembered something I had read recently, 'Gravity is the response of matter to LINEAR TIME'. Linear time is what we have here on Earth in this three dimensional space, on our illusionary stage. However, I was falling in my mediation, and so I was not confined to the 3 dimensional space and time of earth.  I clicked my fingers and immediately 'switched off '  Gravity. I stopped falling through the immensity of space and was just supported comfortably. I was being held up by invisible forces. I was trusting and I was experiencing the vast network of LOVE, the quantum energy that just is. I managed to find my parachute.  It was like being caught like a crumb, in the vast beard of God..... Ok. Ok. I know God doesnt have a beard, but you know, it makes a good visual.


The truth is that this vast energy is all around, in us and around us. It is our lifeforce.  We were created in it and are part of it. We have just forgotten. Mostly as humans,  we don't know how to switch on our equipment to tune into it, it doesnt appear on our 3D radar or isnt picked up by our 3D senses. We are tied to the physical forces on the planet such as gravity, present to keep our physical bodies on the planet so that we can experience the physical realms of earth. We can access the space of the non physical to reconnect with who we really are. By leaving the chatter, the clatter and clutter of countless unimportant things and tuning into the space between words, between breaths, and through daydreams and meditation we can enter into the awareness of the Divine. The plan, it seems, is for us to learn to bring our Divine LOVE through us and express it out into our physical experience on earth. Ask the trees, they know all about it.

When we find access to that LOVE, we will begin to remember the vast beings that we are and unlock ourselves from our 3D prisons, where LOVE doesnt flow fully. For now, it is like being locked up in a shuttered house, unable to go anywhere, but with a beautiful Rolls Royce Phantom parked outside and we cant find the keys.


 Post script.

Finally, there is another way we are helped to bring in the Love.  528 Hz is the miraculous frequency for transformation and DNA repair. The Schumann Resonance scale is based on the Schumann Resonance of Earth, it is the earths heartbeat and it is raising, once 7.83 Hz, it is now 12.  It stops at 13 Hz, Zero point, which brings with it access to Source energy.  Becoming available to humanity is 528 Hz, it is the frequency or language of Love. It is also the "miraculous frequency for transformation and DNA repair". Maybe this is the DNA that science cannot fathom, the junk pieces that we do not use.  Maybe we will be able to access the love frequency by way of our newly restored DNA sequences.  Maybe we are being assisted to repair our faulty equipment so that we can tune into pure LOVE.




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