The HQ in my body that allows alignment, incrementally, is doing just that, allowing the alignments incrementally.
Its not done with the mind because the mind can still be sabotaged or held hostage by the ego and so if the mind is in control its all going to blow up in your face.
A few months ago the theme I adopted to move through this phase was, is, one of understanding 'self love'.
People, this is not easy, but it acts to keep the 'mind' busy and distracted on the investigation, while its very course of investigation allows everything to blow it's way to you, that contradicts your feeling of 'self love.'
This is important part of the process, but it is equally important not to intellectually get wrapped up in each of those things blown into your consciousness or outer life and personalise the negativity, the more you hold onto the 'not self love' forensics of your life, the more you become trapped in them.
What I mean is, historically the SELF LOVE piece is missing from almost everyone's life puzzle.
So give your mind the project to explore SELF LOVE. What is it? Why do we not experience it? What does that mean? How does one embody self love? etc....
Then what happens is the mind leaps into action and from this place of exploration and INTENTION it conjures up and creates 'energetic release' from within the body, components, the release of which are sad, difficult, painful etc to release BUT in the 'energetic release' the whole exploration of self love is exposing the presence of darkness within that have made us unable to KNOW self love, personally socially, and expose the lack of a societal and planetary self love. This has caused the life style choices we have made and brought life experiences to us that validate that 'NOT SELF LOVE' status.
This 'NOT SELF LOVE' status is the situation that we know as 'normal', but it is now proving to be the nagging pain experienced as if we had a wisdom tooth coming through, or suffering from continuous Irritable bowl syndrome. We just can't move on till the wisdom tooth settles down or the reason for the IBS is discovered.
We can't move on from the discomfort which creeps into every aspect of our lives until we explore the presence of 'self love' that should be there.
So its funny but in these last months, of pulling on that 'self love' thread, I have pulled a great many awkward and uncomfortable situations into my life, all to be gone through, digested, eased and processed, explored and generally just LIVED THROUGH in order to release the NOT SELF LOVE components that have built up over time. Over years, and over lifetimes.
The mind cannot process this. Well, it can a bit, and tries to take the wheel, and it's brave enough to want to.....but really the truth is more that it is the mind, reading a book in the library about this, while our personal energetic systems are doing what is necessary, according to the methods that only they, the energetic systems know how to do.
So we just take a few pain killers and trust the mind is sufficiently distracted in the library reading a book or two on what ever it is guided to (by the energetic systems) and its the energetic systems that get the job done.
We set the intention and the job is set into action. But often its not as we expected.
This is a stage of the acension process, we cannot evolve into higher energetics while we are still bogged down with far memory residues affecting us negatively, we have to spin off the effluents that we have been dipped into, and this isn't pleasant.
The process of Ascension, for me, is about weaving all the way back, through the process that pushed me far away from the status of SELF LOVE as was possible for me to endure.
And by going back, the intention is to reclaim the status of self love. Its like an emergency extraction of a person who has fallen down a deep abyss, or pothole and is rescued and brought to the surface by the emergency is we who are our own emergency services doing the rescuing.
By the way, a warning here for you, the last two months have bought me
- bad wisdom tooth pain and then giving birth to lovely bright and healthy new wisdom tooth, at the age of 52 years.
- symptoms which can be described as those of fibromyalgia, unbearable pain for three days, and walking like a 300 year old lady, to then totally disappear.
- a constant pain in my right knee, which has been x-rayed, and acupuncture'd, and pain killer-ed, and remains nestled and curled up, behind my patella like a little baby snake, hissing and biting when it wakes up. (Still not sure what this will reveal.)
I also did some intense far memory (past life) investigation to pull past life components up for release, but I think it was my mind which needed some more important 'part', it wanted a supervisor role in what was becoming a deeply intricate operation to uncover the presence of corruption in my systems. Of course my mind was then kept busy, and was given another desk job, while the real work was done by the secret services of my undercover energetic systems.....
Start using your own internal systems to navigate through this Ascension time, even if nothing makes sense to you, your own systems are far more valid to you than anyone else's to you. Keep with you, the intention to trust your own inner working, even if only bad stuff is presenting to you, it means that bad stuff is releasing by your own undercover secret services, and listen to your inner, innate HQ for details on how your personal secret services needs YOU to deal with it.
You are your own kingdom, see below, read your country as your kingdom.
To regain sovereignty of your kingdom and push back from the 'occupying enemy' that has challenged you to the extreme, you need to search your own HQ, remove the hackers, and bring yourself and all your parts back together again. Its time.
![Image result for we need you war poster](
On the subject, I am liking this by Denise Le fey, who never fails to supply.
A few paragraphs from the full article is well worth reading
End Times Are Shift Times
I’m Here, There, Everywhere All At Once
Because so much is changing internally and externally in me, my personal reality and life etc., and because I know there’s so much more to come with all this EP business, I’m needing more time to myself to let it happen in and through me/Me/ME while me/Me/ME continue becoming increasingly unified in this physical Denise form which naturally causes it to be evolved into something NEW and different. Things make more sense to me now than ever before, and simultaneously I’m oftentimes dumbfounded by this Embodiment Process. What a miracle. What a confusion. What a pain. What a reunion for all aspects. What intensity. What soft, gentle perfectness. What a Process. What profound improvements. What LOVE. What Light. What else…?
I am a Forerunner, always have been, but I know I’m on totally NEW ground/space/place/level now in early 2017, and that this is only going to grow from here on out. I am Denise but I AM more and these two aspects are functioning increasingly from the same space and Now Moment and it’s amazing, dreamlike, easy, familiar, perfect in its strangeness and ever-present desire for greater and greater Creativity. There’s also those times, those days and weeks where it’s anything but perfect, easy and amazing and is just painful to the extreme, confusing and deeply frustrating. Lower and Higher merging, it’s all to be expected and much more I suppose. We’re doing it so give yourself the LOVE all aspects of you/You/YOU deserve and be sure to use all of your NEW crayon colors.
May 31, 2017
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