Hokusai, The Great Wave.
The last days and weeks have bought much strangeness and discomfort but I knew that something deep inside was coming up. The unpleasant feelings wrap around and take over, so that you really have no choice but to explore it. However the mind is not helpful because it is the mind (ego) that has created much of it and so discerning can be complicated.
I think it is good just to 'feel' this stuff through. Where the mind is thinking and the heart is loving try to combine the two because thinking stuff is usually from a wounded space and we are not yet good at neutral and unconditional loving. So I have a devised a way to combine them. Its called Linking.
I didn't realise this was what I was doing until now.
LINKING is when you set the intention from purity of heart, to upload the stuff, you know is in you, or affecting you, that has served its purpose and from which you want to see in order to to be free from.
When you set this intention, a number of synchronicity's happen that do not seem to link. Until you delve further.
I can only explain what is happening in my systems, others will set this intention their way, and so will experience unfolding in their own way. But LINKING is a way of doing it without the mind conjuring up the scenarios that 'IT' thinks has to be. The following paralled themselves in my life at the same time.
- I recently statrted to read OSHO, most of resonated with how I feel we humans have departed from living in the present and in awareness
Osho speaks about we live not seeing the miracles of life on this earth, how we dread insecurity and death, and always in fear. His premise was to transcend the fear of insecurity which we strive to rid ourselves from.
There is much more but the most stricking to me was this.
![Image result for osho on insecurity](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0f/e3/0d/0fe30d56a4c6b92688e349fd09b1c13c.jpg)
- I also started a book by Harv T Ecker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. We have probably all heard most of what he presents in various ways and by other presenters. The main point is that he talks about our blueprints for making money. Whatever the blueprint is will determine the the outcome of your net worth (and I say lets face it, it is TRUE for all aspects of your life).
He explains thoughts> Feelings>actions> results. Then he puts in PROGRAMING.
What we have as our programs our blueprints determine our subconscious thoughts: Our BLUE PRINTS PROGRAMS are OUR THERMOSTATS and will keep on delivering the scenarios that validate those programs. They will determine what actually happens, and what we experience in the way any blueprint will design any structure or system.
With this premise we can see that we are not only talking about desire for, and ability to make, have, hold wealth of any kind, but it is true for ANYTHING we experience.
“If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a non-supportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to ‘prove’ yourself, your money will never bring you happiness.”
When thinking about making changes one of the first questions to always ask yourself is, why do you want this? Will getting this really change things? No amount of money can make you happy, safe, or good enough. If you are not aware of the root of these feelings you will keep creating them.
“What you focus on expands.”
When you are focused on lack – of money, opportunities, education, luck, breaks – this is going to be what you get. Change your focus to prosperity, infinite possibilities, doors opening and miracles. This shift has the power to change your life.
“Nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give it.”
When you look at someone’s face you see a face, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, hair. All of these are neutral. Then you add blue eyes, big nose, tiny mouth, pointed chin, beautiful or ugly you give it qualities based on personal perceptions. Without the judgements there is no meaning – the thing just is.
- Trying to LINK the presence of my Blueprints, I did a meditation (which actually felt like a past life regression). I found myself on a shoreline, it was a hot sunny day and I was looking back, across the bay. In the distance over the headland I could see smoke. I don't know what country it was or what time line it was. It was now as I was standing there, but I know it was ancient. The smoke was coming from the burning of a town, a civilisation. There was some kind of war, or attack, or huge devestation of some kind. The entire population had been either killed or had escaped becoming refugees from their place of being. I became aware that the blueprint formed (at that time ?) or strongly validated at that time was that:
So this blue print that life was going to be difficult, kept playing out. The message keeps looping and I explore the totality of that experience again and again. This is the blueprint which has been winding its way up through my systems to be released. With this kind of blueprint lets face it, it is going to be difficult, there is going to be a lot of stuff to worry about.
- I went to see my favourite painting The Great Wave, By Hokusai, in an exhibition at the British museum. On the way, more stuff happened to bubble up my blueprint, I am not supported.
The story of this painter is that he began work at a young age, by being adopted, apprenticed by a wood block carver and so he began his trade. He created his work, creativity and expression through his art, everyday until he died aged 90. He lived toward the end with his daughter who became his protege and an acclaimed artist in her own right. So a few distinct things came out about this and join in my LINKING.
- I am a painter, an artist, but rarely get the time to do any creative expressive art, and I generally moan on about it, my blueprint says, "I AM NOT SUPPORTED to do this, my life is so difficult I have no space and energy to do the thing I love, MY SKILLS (combining art with healing) are not required/relevant to what people want, my stuff is no longer valid, etc etc etc.
- Hokusai was an artist who did only art. In his story there wasn't much indication of relations and love. He had a few wives over the years, and some children, but it felt like they were only side issues...the daughter he lived with eventually, had to become a great painter in order to interact with him in, there was no evidence of affection, just mutual affection for the expertise of the art they created. His love of art was more functional, I didn't get that there was much mention of LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS and Exploration of those things that make us human. (Maybe I am wrong) I get that it was a very single dimensional existence one of doing his art, expressing and creating yes but more technical than enhancing.
- I felt strongly then, that I had had a life like that, (maybe it was that one, maybe I will do the regression to see, but the energy and understanding came out unmistakably that it was a bigger message for me. I had undergone such a single minded, technical, almost on the spectrum, life such as this, that was absent of loving relations, and family friend interactions. Where one is totally, all for one direction and purpose, it makes for a very misshapen and unbalanced life. Where this focus may make a person a genius in his/her chosen field, it must be that the person will have to undertake actions to balance it.
- My life is full of supporting others, I am crowded in by my interactions with my loved ones, often leaving me crying out for peace and space to get my own creative, expressive art work done, or even to just break out of the depth of sacrifice of doing/being/supporting them
- Also the painting, The Great Wave, had a great pull for me. Later the aspect I hadn't considered came to me, and it is was resolved by what I had read from OSHO. The wave is about to come crashing down on three fishing boats, filled with men who were returning to Tokyo with their catches of fish to feed the city. Osho speaks of our fears and being overwhelmed by those fears into inaction. He says that if you are alive, you have to take risks.
Life is a risk . Only death is secure, life is never secure - there is no security. We have to transcend the worry of it. If there was no danger, and everything was Secure... We would not be 'alive' it would be dull for us as humans of this time, dull and not an experience of expansion.....I take it to mean the following:
Insecurity means we wake up to look for hope each day, and to live beautifully means to transcend worry, so that we can actually see the hope we look for.
If we live in worry, it taints the hope we search for each morning as we wake up.
Instead of seeing adventure and miracles and beauty and the depth of situations to trully experience.....worry just hangs around us, reinforcing blueprints of being alone, insecure, worthless, a refugee from life, again and again until we choke on it.
That is usually when we decide to explore alternatives to worry.
- So these LINKs are showing me that the experiences, the depth of my experiences are about : balancing (karma) energy
- and seeing the blueprints and how they creep in to create and design the experience in varying degrees until you decide that you can leave that module and graduate from the expansion/learning it provided in situ. (describing the environment in the petrie dish that the organism is exposed to...)
- and finally knowing that you cannot stand anymore WORRY, to blight your experience of this life, because you know if you don't transcend it...it will keep coming back with you, time and time and time again, life after life, programmed into your blueprints, until you do.
When you can see this it starts the flow toward LIBERATION.
Once you start the LINKING process , eventually the hidden becomes obvious, and therefore they can and will, start falling away as you then challenge the blueprints as you are by now a more spiritually AWARE adult/mature student.
A while ago I was talking about Self Love, and where to find it.... This is all about LINKING it all back to you, the original, the blueprints are like maps for different terrains, or prospectuses for different study modules. When you have used the map to navigate through that terrain, all the way back to the source, i.e back to YOU, then you no longer need the map. No more of that pesky blueprint. When you have ticked off all parts of the prospectus for the study modules (blueprints plans etc.) you have just completed, then you can tear them up.
SELF LOVE has eluded you while you were busy with the blueprints that :
Formed, self deigned and created all the different scenarios and permutations of what was for you to experience and live/learn/feel through , and then, to break back from, and through to win oneself back.
When you claim all parts of you, when you win yourself back, you find that you have elevated yourself into into a higher dimensional energy. It does not matter if its good vs. bad. Its all you. you have balanced your energies out and then topped it by enhancing the energy form that you are.
It is a win-win state.
A slight deviation offered here, with mentions of life as studied in the petrie dish. http://www.finedictionary.com/Petri%20dish.html
And finally....I found this today from
The Future and Ascension of the Earth
3 days ago by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 9th June 2017 Original Source: Sacred
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 9th June 2017 Original Source: Sacred
"Your mind creates the reality you experience through a collection of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, past experiences, fears and your desires. The most prominent energies within your being whether they are positive or negative support the creation of your reality as your mind uses these to attract like energies into your reality for you to experience. Your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, past experiences, fears and desires create frequencies of light, energy, sound and information within you creating a dream-like state born of your own produce. You are then further influenced by the collective consciousness of humanity and the perceptions of generations gone by. Basic information that you have been taught as facts create a tunnel through which you view your reality. Even information and ideas you perceive as normal and correct about how humans should live on the Earth and what the Earth should be like are all born from perspectives of others. In truth, they are akin to walls blocking your ability to see the Earth and yourself from your own inner truth, your own natural perspective and eyes."
...."there is a need for humanity to create the appropriate conditions within their being so that they can fully access and experience the blissful dimension of the Earth. The appropriate conditions are positive and fulfilling thoughts, emotions, beliefs and goals. Over 80% of fears healed and erased, with limiting past experiences and perceptions released allowing greater space for the love and truth of the Creator. As each person takes action within their being to achieve the appropriate conditions, so it will seem as if the Earth around them is transforming. The Earth will reflect what is occurring within their beings as well as the transitions occurring within the collective consciousness of humanity. Many old energies and perceptions of limitations, fear and illusion, will be brought to the surface to be recognised and released. Some illusions may be so ingrained within the perceptions of humanity that it may feel like a tremendous loss and even create grieving processes which will be healing allowing truth to emerge."
"It is important to realise that truth isn’t always information or knowledge; it is often a feeling of liberation or an expression which brings forth expansion. Truth is an expansion of your perceptions of yourself and your surroundings.
Changes and shifts in the way you perceive yourself and reality may be simply internal however you may see, sense and acknowledge them as solid situations or experiences in your local reality and the world. There is a need for the solid outer world to shift to align with your inner world, this will take time."
to hear the full message: Future and Ascension of the Earth
by Archangel Metatron Channelled through Natalie Glasson
9th June 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
9th June 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
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