Thursday, 15 June 2017

Exiting the Matrix. The first Cracks in the wall.

Back in 2012, began the more obvious breakdown of matrix structures for me. 
I had asked a dowser to check on Geopathic stress in my home because I could not fathom where the weirdness I felt was coming from. The Geothpathic stress was so great in my home that the dowser offered to give me, because I could not afford to buy, a giant magnet that would alleviate the 'stress' in my home which I was finding extremley difficult to live with. 
At the time I wondered why something as natural as underground water systems and their affects on the magnetic structures that we are tuned into, should have SUCH debilitating affects on humans that live above them.
Now, looking back, the symptoms attributed to Geopathic Stress, fall in line with the rest of the ongoing symptoms that many people recognise today as Ascension symptoms.
A whole host of Symptoms like extreme fatigue, behaviourial changes in children, depression, anxiety, insomnia, over sleeping, inertia, overwhelm etc etc can be linked to geopathic stress. You do not feel WELL, and cannot function properly within the meanings provided by society. Health is diminished and Work becomes difficult, and things literally feel like they are falling apart.....There is a crack in the wall.
Perhaps the cracks are there in both an innocent and powerful integrity, and are virtuous really because these underground water systems, that are causing disturbances in the grid above actually act to  create CRACKS in the wall of the matrix.
It is possible that these cracks provided by geopathic stress are like the ones seen on an egg as a baby chick has to force it's way out of the shell. The geopathic stress, an innate force and power that comes from deep, down within the earth (the whole of us) and  leaned in to us, individual pieces to trigger us into using our innate drives, that come from deep down within to push through. 
Maybe the geopathic stress we can experience were the early providers for some of us...'of cracking  to matrix, which brought on the symptoms, so uncomfortable and so contrary to what is considered normal, that you cannot function in normal life, where normal life is the sleep life or anti-life held hostage in the matrix. 
The cracks then start  us on the huge job of dismantling the shell around us, where the normalcy that we  'knew' is no longer holding us in place and we begin, this consciously finding out what we are and where we are going.   So maybe  geopathic stress is a help to  the ascension process....and not merely a debilitating hindrance to normal is seen as by dowsers. Normal life was overated anyway.
So, now its all about gateways initiations and passageways.
 And in the same way that we pushed through those earlier cracks, pushed by the WHOLE (from those deep down earth energies releasing us from the matrix) and pulled by our own inner innate deepness as individual pieces of the whole......
....we are using our innate drives, that come from deep down within to push through each of the gateway initiations and passageways..

Current Powerful Gateway Initiations & Passageways: Vibrational Transcendence, Quantum Shifting Realities, Changing Matrixes

by ForeverUnlimited

Over our entire human existence, there was much compromise and suppression that we were unaware of. Just BEing in the old Matrix System (Soul's choice) was suppression/oppression. We all agreed to incarnate/walk-in here to transcend every bit of this fully from within. The RE-AWAKENING of all on Earth is a POWERFUL EXPERIENCE that transitions all from a deep sleep state of amnesia (slumber) into a continual waking one.
This CONTINUAL waking one brings all into a multi-dimensional experience, instead of just "one" linear experience with fixed mentality realities full of constraints, limits and compression, "I want" and "should".
Unconscious suppression creates distortions, creates separation, creates discord and dis-harmony which play out in our physical body and outer reality world. The way to resolve these distortions is to SEE them and CHOOSE to dismantle/dis-engage them, choose to dissolve them, choose to untangle them and replace them with LOVE. These distortions hold ENERGY and this energy must be dissipated, exercised and released. Transmuting, transforming and collapsing the structures completely can be done from inside with greater ease.
There are geometric structures and mathematical equations for all realities that are invisible to our human's eyes. As we all open up to our own infinite higher intelligence, our abilities to see/understand are fully RETURNED. Our gifts, abilities and infinite abundance and the knowledge of all of CREATION returns too. All of this comes forth naturally as we open our own HEARTS FULLY and choose to ALLOW ourselves to EXPERIENCE these abundance of GIFTS from inside....
At first, exiting the unconscious Matrix System is beyond challenging, especially for all who were deeply embedded (like me and many others). It triggers every fear, every lack, every doubt (suppressed energy)... and the foundation of our whole reality WE BUILT through the blood, sweat and tears of hard, dedicated work. The entire process of Exiting that Matrix is a transitional one that requires our participation through our hearts..... It's dis-en-heart-ening at first, disconcerting and beyond confusing as to how/why.... and for many TRUST is completely gone. We have to re-build all new realities from a new trust and faith inside through re-establishing a connection that may have been visibly gone. This is beyond challenging for awhile. It goes against everything we thought we knew. If we cannot hold it in our hands or physically see it with our eyes, we don't believe it.... and believing in INVISIBLE REALITIES (Energetic) ones, doesn't make once ounce of logical sense at all... Our heart has to be open fully for us to even start to understand.

(Continues to)
This huge passageway is beyond powerful. The blasting frequencies that we've waited for to move us all into much higher dimensional timelines are here. Since 2012, we've been expediting and this continues to amplify every day/moment/month that we go. This August's Convergence after the 8/8/8 Lion's Gateway is a mega-shift for us all. Individually and collectively. This Solstice is just one passageway. We continually have many concurrently running at the same time. Take your pick. It never stops. Our "job" is to integrate and anchor it in our physical as Intentional Gridkeepers and Gatekeepers here. 
We all signed on for this and at times it can be beyond challenging for our human aspect that's trying to keep up, trying to manage, trying to handle it all. It's not meant to be easy for our human, it's meant to be easy as a Soul. The more we all Embody, the easier this gets, until all of the struggle and fight is gone. No more pain, no more sick, no more doing without or lack. No more suffering. That was created by our unconscious states. Being fully conscious eliminates all of that. ♥
Unite through Love... Intentionally dissolve all separation from within. Come together and realize that this starts with you/each one of us. Remember the bigger picture....
I love you! ♦
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

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