July 2017 Energy Report by Jennifer Hoffman | Enlightening Lifeby ForeverUnlimited |
July opens with a definite shift in energy as we enter the second half of the year and activate the power of 8 for the month (July is the 7thmonth and 2017 is a ‘1’ year). Now we can start seeing some motion and movement but this is an ‘inside out’ action where the change and transformation are internally centered so that outward action is grounded in confidence and intention. The theme for July is ‘energetic significance and relevance’ and that is our guide for how to use this month’s energy.
We have to think of July as part of a 3 month period because July’s energy events lead up to the August 21 eclipse and the September 23 big Virgo event which is described in Revelation 12 of the Bible. In September we have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Virgo, a rather large and unusual concentration. What does it mean? Virgo is the sign of the servant but it’s also the place where our humanity meets our divinity, where we become of service in powerful ways instead of in service as Martyred Healers. September is another big turning point on the 3D/5D integration timeline and I’ll talk more about that in September. Right now, we need to look at July’s energy and how it contributes to the energy mix in these next 3 months.
The July 8 full moon is another one of those that activates so much energy of transformation. Powerfully aligned with Pluto, the planet of deep transformation, and with numerous stressful aspects, it brings up a lot for us to think about and to decide what we will choose to do. Will we react with anger or respond with empowered consideration? That is the key theme in July which looks at the energetic significance of events and energies relative to our intention and how we want to experience our life.
On my last day in France last week, I missed my flight to London (I have done that only one other time in my life), where I was catching my US return flight the next day. As it was the last flight out, I was stuck. I decided to have dinner since I was hungry and the Sheraton was the closest restaurant. When the maitre’d heard about my situation and that I had planned to stay at the airport that night, he rallied his staff to find me a hotel room, comped my dinner, and gave me his personal cell number in case I needed any help in getting to the airport in the morning. I was upset over missing the flight (which was caused by a delay on the train) but I also got some wonderful support from people who were able to turn my upset into a confirmation of how wonderfully kind people can be and how I can be blessed in unexpected ways.
July’s new energy patterns provide the perfect foundation to begin looking at things from the point of ‘energetic significance’. If there is drama, what is it telling you and where have you experienced this before? What energies are trying to shift in your life so your energy container can expand to accept new frequencies? Is something trying to leave your life but you’re resisting that change? What blessings can you allow to enter your life now? Are you willing to receive them? Those are some of the questions you can use to look into the energetic significance of what is going on in your life now.
The July 23 new moon is at 0 Leo and here the Sun is at home, as it rules Leo. It’s joined by Mars in a tight conjunction so expect some joy action to be possible for you. This new moon feels happy and not as heavy as some of the ones we have had lately. New moons are portals to new beginnings and this one opens the portal to the August 21 eclipse at 29 Leo which is significant for everyone born from around 1955 to 1962 because it falls on your natal Pluto in late Leo. That period was also when Eisenhower made his famous speech about the ‘military industrial complex’, which has been the source of global domination, chaos, and suffering for over 50 years. This eclipse will have an impact on them, as it impacts their Pluto too. Maybe it will be an end to the global war machine as people insist on peace, I’ll hold that as an intention.
And we have a Mercury retrograde in August, which begins its shadow period on July 25. The actual retrograde is from August 13 to September 3 and is what puts Mercury in Virgo for the September Virgo focus. Mercury retro can create problems with communication and transport, so be prepared for that by giving yourself extra time to get to where you need to be and double check your communications to see that they were received.
We’re still in the 3D/5D integration that is our ascension process and we’re seeing density being displaced by light. I got confirmation of that when I stepped on the bathroom scale this morning and saw that I weighed 110 pounds, which I know is not correct. After 3 tries and a change of batteries the scale still said 110 pounds but a few hours later my normal weight of 117 pounds displayed. I had to laugh because for a few hours I was ‘less dense’ than I thought I was. This is the lightening of density as higher frequency energies are displacing the very heavy energies we have been living with and under for so long. 3D is the paradigm of domination and control; 5D is the paradigm of self awareness and creativity so if you’re feeling more creative, confident, and ready for new adventures, start setting intentions for the energy you want in your life.
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Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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