Friday, 14 July 2017

Pearls of wisdom and the sea of tranquility. A Meditation by Michaela.

A natural pearl begins its life as a foreign object, such as a parasite or piece of shell that accidentally lodges itself in an oyster’s soft inner body where it cannot be expelled. To ease this irritant, the oyster’s body takes defensive action. The oyster begins to secrete a smooth, hard crystalline substance around the irritant in order to protect itself.
This substance is called “nacre.” As long as the irritant remains within its body, the oyster will continue to secrete nacre around it, layer upon layer. Over time, the irritant will be completely encased by the silky crystalline coatings. And the result, ultimately, is the lovely and lustrous gem called a pearl.

Pearl tutorial Photoshop by richworks

I have often talked about the pearls at the bottom of our inner tumultuous seas. I knew that they are the resolution of our inner conflicts but wasn't sure how they could be used. Then it came to me that when the inner conflicts, present themselves loudly and are showing up for release,  when we  merge them with their opposite counterpart, it is  the mergence of the two polar opposites, the conflict and the resolution, that forms the pearl.

While we live in duality we have opposites, and while we interact with one face of a pair of complementary poles the other pole is waiting to be reunited with it in order for it to be resolved in our energy. So we are enacting a session, a play, a pantomime a million dollar movie with one pole we are living it through to fully immerse in it. We get to really KNOW that pole. Supposing we chose the quality of 'patience'. In order to fully KNOW the quality of 'patience', in this incarnation then we are dropped to the bottom of the ocean to experience every permutation of that quality, and as we live in duality, we are going to be living and experiencing EVERYTHING that is the polar opposite of it as well, that is the key to KNOWING in full and embodying PATIENCE.

When we get to the stage where we have run the full gauntlett of 'Patience' by running through life in a state of 'NON-Patience' then we get to resolve this by meeting with and merging back with the zero point of where the patience and non patience are neutralised back into the Oneness. Its this this merging that forms the Pearl. The pearl of wisdom of Patience.

The quality of the pearl, (call it the 'pearlescence' of the pearl) of that wisdom is then merged with your energy, and you have expanded in this your outer human form, and your bubble, or energy field takes on the hue of  those qualities derived from your expeditions to the bottom of the sea.

It takes quite a while, many life-times maybe, but when its done, its done. The point is to totally get it, on all levels and embody it mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

So instead of patience it could be anger, greed, or anything else.

Also it seems that along our travels we have opened up to other situations that require us to neutralise their effects, this too requires us to recognise what baggage we are carrying and set about finding the pearl in the journey,  that when we recognise we will endeavour to neutralise from within us.

 Yesterday I created a meditation that I can share.

Lying or sitting in a comfortable meditation postion, breathe out all intensities and distractions....and breathe in the intention to settle and be calm. In your mind just breathe the word Breathe on each breath....

With your minds eye, KNOW that, or SEE/FEEL...  your energy field or Orb around you.

INTEND and then SEE that your energy field or orb is sealed in gold light, for unconditional love. SET THE INTENTION that only UNCONDITIONAL LOVE can enter or leave your field.

INTEND that NOTHING ELSE is allowed entry.

IF YOU FEEL INCLINED TO...Fill your energy field or ORB with MAGENTA coloured light and UNCONDITIONAL SELF LOVE ENERGY. See your energy field vibrant with this light.

Take as long as you like .

FEEL when you are ready....feel when you are settled into the meditative zone where you can scan your body within your energy field.

When you feel ready, intend that you see your body 'lit up' by your own internal light, so it glows and with your inner eye, feel how the energy feels.

Notice what information you get, it helps to talk to your body and get to the place where you are comfortable to do this, information comes to our concious mind in many ways. It could a memory, say a childhood memory of falling out of a tree, of being scared of the dark, of a scary school teacher, of a beloved someone dying, any memory that comes in now will be information pertaining to what is coming up for integration. The information could be a physical pain, or seeing a shadow somewhere in the vision that you conjured in your mind of your  'lit up'  body. It could be a song, a sound, a feeling, a sudden feeling of dread of nausea, guilt and remorse....anything that pops up now is information.

Try to follow the thread of that information. It will become evident that it is attached to something that you are now ready to release and integrate back into the wholeness of the composition you are expanding.

Even you can't follow the thread of that information,  because you block yourself....
....the next stage is to bring that 'information', or what is revealed to you as you follow the thread, which is part of the issue or quality that you are experincing in its polar opposite.....into the oneness where there is no polarity.

So ....
 a nice way to do this is let yourself drop deep inside your self. So I like to do this 'dropping down inside myself' from within an area where my Heart area is closest to my solar plexus.  I imagine them not as separate energy centres, but as a con-joined area central in my body.

So just feel yourself drop, down, deep inside yourself as if you are falling through....deep deep down, inside inside where there is nothing and everything....A space filled with nothing and yet everything in its totality of conception. A place where all things exist and nothing is potentialised ....yet, this is the place of the 'unmanifested in 3d', this is the place of tranquility.
This is the sea of tranquility. 

This is the ONENESS, that we all come from and from where all things come. So that everything in our outside 3d world originates from, it has all originated from unmanifested oneness, an ocean of conciousness. That has yet to be polarised into manifested 'things'. Polarity is only OUT SIDE in our external world.

So here, in the sea of tranquility, there is no good and bad, no black and white, no polar opposites.

So if we allow oursleves then to drop back into the ONENESS in meditation,
and in self love, and we set the intention of coming back to this place of stillness......THE ZERO POINT...
    (the place is of 'darkness in the womb' and a SPACE where things exist in their unmanifested form, yet in their totality awaiting to be realised in their potential OUT SIDE. This inner space is the place before a thing, anything, is birthed out-side in its manifested form)

...then we can,  with practice, do it.

When we therefore allow ourselves to drop back, deep inside ourselves into the VASTNESS of ONENESS, that resides in each of us, we bring with us, our intention,  the little thorn in the side that has been persecuting us, the sadness, the anger, the fear....always the fear. The issue.

We bring that issue, and drop it into the sea of oneness, where all things exist, and we ask for it be integrated back into its whole, within the oneness.....
So,  the opposite counterpart to that issue, whatever it is, say fear -  whatever the polar opposite feels to be ...hope, joy is raised from the oneness to merge with it.
We ask. intend, comand, whatever feels ok..... that our fear is now finally merged with its polar counterpart,  to become ONE again and therefore no longer a polarity that we need to meet with in our external journey.

The 'becoming ONE again', is where the two polar opposites join and merge together within the expression of ONENESS in THE ALL THAT IS, in which resides 'everything'. it is that joining and merging that neutralises the issue, it does not kill it off, get rid of it or anything like that, because all things have their place, its just that when we reside in polarity/duality, we get to see only the negative photo of what is otherwise a full potential of what exists in the Oneness.

Living and experiencing in polarity is the chance (exhausting has it has become for many of us)  to LIVE outside the ONENESS, which we do in order to express and expand in ways that can never be done in the ONENESS.

But when We have had enough... we have had enough.

So then the merging of the opposites gives the pearl of wisdom. It is the pearlescent energy of aquiring that wisdom that then alters and expands our energy fields both OUTSIDE in the external world where we live as everyday, human avatars, Living and breathing in our human bodies, going along through life.... collecting golden nuggets and pearls of wisdom, getting more and more expansive...which eventually means that THE OUTSIDE WORLD begins to change to meet ...
our constantly RENEWING FORMS and our constantly changing and evolving ENERGY NEEDS.

The internal Oneness is then expanded as more and more is seen and potentialised.

To embody this meditation and healing, see that your energy field is now embued with a pearlescent sheen acquired from the pearl of that particular wisdom or virtue.

This is an energetic vibration that resonates with the expansion of having integrated the virtue, that took many human lifetimes to obtain.

Then hold that vision and intention for as long as feels right before you bring yourself gently back to your body.

Hope you enjoy and play with this, and of course adapt it to your needs.

I also played with doing it for others, and  adapted it to do some work with healing karmic bonds.

Pearls of wisdom

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