Part two,
more detailed sign by sign explanations on what to do.
To find a free natal chart go here.
To find your first house, from your chart, locate the house that shows your ascending or RISING sign. That is your first house.
Locate where your Neptune is and count the spaces from your first house, (where your ascending/rising sign is) counter-clockwise to find the number that tells you the house it is in for you, eg, 5 house spaces means it is in your fifth house.
Locate where Pisces is and repeat the counter clockwise count of houses to find out what house your Pisces is located in.
Apply the psychic message for your sun sign, as related in part 1, to the houses where Neptune is and Pisces is.
This will do healing for the soul wound that is related to the house where Chiron is in your house, as detailed in the video and read the sumarised notes on the video.
So my sun sign is Aquarius,
I listen to the psychic message for Aquarius.
I locate Pisces and Neptune on my chart.
I find Pisces is in my 9th house ( 9 counts counterclockwise from my first house which locates my ascending sign)
I find Neptune is in my 5th house (5 counts counter clockwise from my first house)
I look at what I learn about the 5 th house and what I learn about the 9 th house, and apply the message to make the corrections to heal issues in BOTH house.
These corrections will then work to heal the soul wound that is found in my 2nd house.
In the video notes she tells you which house Chiron is located in at this time for this healing.... The 2nd house is all about Money and self value. So when I apply the message and work on doing the corrections to my 5th and 9th houses, it will bring flow and healing to my 2nd House, my soul wound.
You need to use your own intuitive translation of the message as it applies to you to know what corrections to make.
Its funny but I only came across this today and the window for this healing closes on 10th July.
I had been doing intense healing using my shaman animal medicine cards and also dragon energy meditations, on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd July, and I realise now that I had already started work on my soul wound.
Michaela. for details of what each house means and so you can apply the message to energy of each house.
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