![]() Benjamin Fulford: Merry Christmas: The 13 “Illuminati” bloodline families sue for peace By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society, December 25, 2017
Peace on earth and goodwill to all (and not just men, but all life forms) is looking like a realistic goal for 2018 now that the 13 “Illuminati” * bloodline families, seeing their ancient rule of planet Earth collapsing, are suing for peace. Last week a representative of the G7 (Germany, the U.K., the corporate U.S., Japan, Italy, France, and Canada) met with a representative of the White Dragon Society (WDS) to discuss peace terms, according to a WDS member who was present at the meeting. The G7, of course, is the political front for the 13 bloodline families. There can be no doubt that this meeting was made possible by people inside the military-industrial complex acting in the spirit of Jesus Christ, and for this we wish them all “a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”
The bloodline offer to negotiate peace is directly connected to the state of emergency that was declared last week by USA President Donald Trump. If you have not seen it yet, please read the historic document in the link below.
“After Hanukkah,Trump declared a state of emergency and signed an executive order on December 20th freezing the assets of those accused of human rights abuses and corruption, a catch-all to bankrupt the Bushes, Clintons, Soros, Obama, the Cabal, and the global Jewish mafia,” was how a Pentagon source summed up the situation.
“The national emergency allows Trump to seize assets and unleash the military to carry out mass arrests and adjudicate via military tribunals, effectively imposing martial law,” the source continues.
![]() The Pentagon source also sent a copy of this photograph with the explanation, “Trump wears purple when unveiling his national security strategy on December 18th in a victory lap over the Soros/Hillary purple revolution, and drinks water with both hands to simulate handcuffs.”
Clearly reacting to this situation, the representative of the bloodlines set the meeting for December 23rd, the birthday of the Japanese Emperor, and claimed to be a representative of the Imperial family as well as the G7. The representative, who acted as if he was negotiating a surrender, said the bloodlines want to keep existing nation-states and institutions as they are, but said they were willing to cooperate with, and provide funding for, a new international economic future planning agency.
The WDS negotiator said that existing nation-states and institutions should be allowed to mostly continue and emphasized that the WDS was interested in creating something new, not destroying anything old. Some borders, though, such as the artificial division of the Korean Peninsula, would have to be changed, both sides agreed. Both also agreed that the United Nations, as currently structured, is dysfunctional and in need of drastic reform. Overall, the two sides were close enough on these points to be able to reach some sort of eventual agreement.
However, the bloodlines delegate said they wanted to keep control over central banks and the creation of money, because “if the people had control of monetary policy, nobody would work.” He added that although there was a Council of 13 in Switzerland that represented each of the families, many of the heads of these families were, like the Emperor of Japan, not actually from real family bloodlines. He said the families existed more as institutions than strict representatives of actual bloodlines.
The WDS representative said they support the idea that money should be earned, but said people-controlled central banks could print money to pay for such things as education, the military, public works, healthcare, exploration of the universe, and scientific research. The WDS negotiator also said the WDS insists on a Jubilee, or one-time cancellation of all debt, public and private, together with a one-off redistribution of ill-gotten assets. If those conditions were agreed to, the bloodlines could continue to function in a diminished role in the corporate part of the economy, the WDS representative said.
At this point the negotiations broke off, as the bloodline representative was clearly not authorized to negotiate the end of privately owned central banks or a Jubilee.
However, the following day a representative of a group known as the “Golden Dragon,” who control the gold-backed part of the current international financial system, sent the following message to the WDS: “I am very pleased to reconcile and negotiate so the United States will start fresh with a new economic transition.”
It must be noted that while the military government represented by Trump is definitely winning inside the U.S., the bloodlines still have strong control in the rest of world. So, even if Trump uses an “economic emergency” to renounce the U.S. credit card bill, the next time the U.S. goes to the gasoline stand they will find they will no longer be able to pay for their gas using their card. This will mean a hard landing, as is already being experienced in Puerto Rico.
David L. Norquist, U.S. Undersecretary of Defense and Comptroller, at a December 7th press briefing described what a U.S. government shutdown would do as follows: “… military personnel report to work but we are not able to pay them until the shutdown ends…. Simple things like death benefits to families and military members killed in the line of duty, we’re not allowed to make…. Contractors will not be able to report and work…. I cannot emphasize too much how destructive a shutdown is…. This ripples through the organization and is very destructive.”
In other words, talking to the Golden Dragon about a “new economic transition” is definitely the way to go. No specific date for negotiations has been set as of the time this newsletter goes public.
In any case, the U.S. military regime is going to stay on the offensive against the cabal over the coming days and into the new year so as to maximize negotiation leverage.
On this front, Pentagon sources are saying George Soros was not killed as was previously reported, but has been under detention and interrogation for several months. Recently he was “extracted from Atlanta to Naval Base Camp David as the cabal collapses,” the sources say. Many other big-time oligarchs have also been held in detention and incommunicado for some time, a CIA source adds.
“[U.S. Defense Secretary General James] Mattis visited Gitmo [Guantanamo Bay Naval Base] on December 21st, the winter solstice, to prepare a ‘very special place’ for Soros and the cabal, and they may get baptized,” the Pentagon sources continue.
Another person due for “baptism” is “Israeli-conflict diamond billionaire and Mossad asset Dan Gertler, who was sanctioned for his ties to Marc Rich [headquartered in Zug, Switzerland] and the Clinton Foundation,” the Pentagon sources say. “This may extend to other Jewish oligarchs as Google Chairman Eric Schmidt steps down,” they note. Now, for example, is probably not a good time to be Mark Zuckerberg of “Spybook.”
The isolation of the Khazarian mafia oligarchs (who worship Satan and are thus not Jewish even if they claim to be), was made very clear in last week’s 184-9 diplomatic rout of Israel at the UN (counting those not voting and abstentions). The only countries that voted with Israel against a resolution condemning the U.S. plan to unilaterally move its embassy there to Jerusalem were Guatemala, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Togo, and the United States. “This may set the stage for the USA to dump Israel and let Russia, China, the EU, and the UN be honest brokers for peace,” the Pentagon sources say.
This vote against Israel was not about Jerusalem, but rather was a sign from the world to the Israelis that they can only rebuild their temple and have peace if they negotiate in good faith with their neighbours. The world is sick and tired of the constant warmongering and lies of the religious fanatics who think they have some sort of divine right to rule the world from Jerusalem. As the religious Jews rightly point out, God does God’s work, not some fanatics who take it upon themselves to pretend to be God.
The world wants peace, and that is what we can achieve in 2018 now that the bloodline families have finally come to the negotiating table.
* We have used “Illuminati” in quotes, because while representatives of the bloodline families have referred to themselves as “Illuminati,” there is a group long opposed to bloodline rule that also calls itself “Illuminati.” We have decided to refer to the first group as “bloodlines,” and the second as “Gnostic Illuminati.”
Via:Source:![]() Benjamin Fulford: U.S. troops deploy worldwide with 10,000 sealed indictments to take down Khazarian mob By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society, December 18, 2017 U.S. President Donald Trump spent the weekend at Camp David with his top generals to map out the exact strategy for decapitating the Khazarian mafia worldwide, say Pentagon sources. “The Atlanta airport was shut down while the Department of Defense refused to disclose the locations of 44,000 U.S. troops who may be involved in terminating the cabal worldwide,” a senior Pentagon source said. There are now close to 10,000 sealed indictments as more and more of the Khazarian criminals give up evidence on their colleagues, the sources say.
There are also many extra-judicial killings going on. “The liberal sanctuary city mayor of San Francisco, Edwin Lee, dropped dead after an illegal alien was found not guilty in the murder of Kate Steinle even after his confession,” one source notes. “Lee’s death is a message to the Democrats and sanctuary city mayors like Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago and Bill De Blasio of New York City,” the source warns.
The Khazarian mob is also killing off lots of people. In Japan, two former executives of Toshiba, Atsutoshi Nishida and Taizo Nishimura, suddenly died in the past two months because they were about to provide evidence about the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan, according to sources close to the royal family.
This attack was carried out by henchmen of the Rockefeller family, whose members include Hillary and Bill Clinton, the sources say. The Rockellers, in turn, were taking orders from the fascist P2 Freemason lodge, they say. The Rockefeller family, by the way, has elected Mel Rockefeller, the son of Nelson Rockefeller, as the new family head, these sources added.
In Canada, Barry Sherman, owner of the Canadian pharmaceutical giant Apotex, was found hanging dead alongside his wife Honey by the family’s indoor pool. According to CIA sources, Sherman was killed to cover up an evidence trail leading to the Clinton Foundation and their crimes in Haiti. “We have a classified document involving the Clinton Foundation and a pharmaceutical company from Canada that was to supply generic drugs for the people of Haiti. The point is that they were going to supply inferior-quality generic medicine and pocket the difference in price,” the CIA source says.
In any case, no matter how many potential witnesses are bumped off, the situation has reached a point where the Khazarians will not be able to murder their way out.
The December 12th Senatorial election in Alabama, for example, was a sting operation against the Khazarians, Pentagon sources say. “Senator Roy Moore was allowed to have his election stolen in Alabama so Trump could collect voting data to take down the Soros organization, the Democrats, and the cabal for vote fraud,” the sources say. “Three poll workers have been arrested already,” they note.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is next to join a growing list of politicians who are resigning in the ongoing purge of the House and Senate, the sources add. Senator John “Daesh” McCain is also apparently wanting to leave this world before his many crimes are made public.
Even the brainwashed propaganda media is beginning to realize that something is going on when they see Hillary Clinton’s “surgical boot” (hiding a GPS ankle bracelet) staying on long after it should have been removed if the official excuse of a broken toe were true. No doubt some lame excuse will be given and the still-brainwashed segment of the population will accept it.
The people who still believe the cabal’s story line are like the people in the joke about a man who was told his wife was cheating on him. In the joke, he hires a detective to confirm his wife’s innocence. The detective comes back and says, “She met with another man in the street and they entered a hotel together.” The husband asks, “Did you see them enter a room together?” The detective says, “Yes.” “Did you see what went on inside the room?” the husband asks. “Yes, I peeked through the keyhole and saw them on the bed together,” the detective answers. “Were they covered with a blanket?” the husband asks. The detective says, “Yes” to the man. He asks, “Did you see under the blanket?” and the detective says, “No.” “In that case you cannot prove she was cheating,” the husband says.
The husband does not want to face reality because it would upset his entire worldview, and in the same way, the brainwashed people will cling to the lamest excuses to avoid reality. Similarly, if the Clinton people explain the cast is still on because of “complications,” people in denial will go with this story rather than accept that she has been arrested.
Nonetheless, we are reaching the point where even these people will be forced to face reality. The entire FBI and Justice Department network that tried to protect Hillary Clinton from prosecution is also being systematically exposed and dismantled. The link here provides a good visual summary:
Now even the corporate media is being forced to accept that the so-called “Islamic State” was a CIA creation. This is coming out now because the November 18th U.S. military raid on the CIA has shut down Operation Mockingbird and the corporate media is being forced to report the truth.
A clear sign of how unusual the times we are living in have become is that former U.S. Corporation President Barack Obama is seeking and apparently getting political asylum in England.
What this shows, together with the fact that Donald Trump is not welcome in the UK, is that the Anglo-Saxon world is split between bloodline-controlled England and the anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati-ruled Republic of the United States of America.
This situation is likely to come to a head of sorts in January as an informal Anglo-Chinese alliance tries to bankrupt the U.S. internationally, based on its cumulative trade deficit and its inability to pay for the goods it imports with real money.
The U.S. will respond with threats of war. This will appear in the news in the form of U.S. sabre-rattling against North Korea, as it yet again wields the all-out nuclear war card in an attempt to extort more money. The Chinese are preparing to call the U.S. bluff this time, as can be seen by its government warning its people to prepare for nuclear war as it conducts military drills near Taiwan and North Korea.
The Chinese and British want the creation of a world government in order to ensure a peaceful and law-based planet, Asian secret society sources say. In the absence of some sort of compromise with the U.S. military government, there will be financial chaos even if war is avoided.
The current financial system is dysfunctional and only serves as a way to funnel privately owned central bank funny money to the super-rich via the stock market. This means of distributing money has pushed financial markets away from reality, and reality always will prevail, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. The Boston Consulting Group surveyed 250 top institutional investors who together manage over $500 billion in funds and found them to be the most pessimistic they have been since the Lehman shock of 2008.
Hopefully, a new transparently and meritocratically run financial system will be launched, but we may need to go through the chaotic collapse of the old system before this is possible. We will find out in the new year.
On a final and personal note, Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center will be speaking at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan on December 20th. Cooper had one of my books banned for being “anti-Semitic.” When I asked him what in my book was “anti-Semitic,” he said that I wrote that U.S. President George Bush Jr. was responsible for the deaths of many civilians in Iraq. Bush is supposed to be an evangelical Christian, and the information on the deaths of civilians in Iraq came from the medical journal Lancet. So here we have a supposed Jew banning a book written by a person with Jewish ancestry that is denouncing genocide by a non-Jew because it is “anti-Semitic.” How hypocritical can you get? Poor Mr. Weisenthal must be spinning in his grave.
According to officials at Tokuma Shoten Publishing, the Weisenthal Center paid bribes to editors to place misleading newspaper ads for my book. This then led to a complete ban of all advertising for all of my books in newspapers and other ad venues, no matter what their content. This is typical of what they do to writers worldwide and is a part of their control grid in Japan and elsewhere. In the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security froze the bank accounts of entire publishing companies to prevent them from publishing my books in English.
Cooper and his Jewish mafia buddies also pay rent-a-mob right-wingers to do things like attack ethnic Korean shopping districts in order to keep South Korea and Japan fighting each other, according to members of these groups.
The man is a criminal and belongs in jail. If Cooper is arrested, he will sing like a canary about the entire Khazarian mafia control grid in Japan and elsewhere. He will also explain exactly how the Khazarian mafia runs North Korea. I would be very happy if some MP’s showed up at the event and arrested him. Take him to Guantanamo and make him sing.
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Friday, 29 December 2017
2 from Benjamin Fulford: Dec. 25th: Merry Christmas: The 13 “Illuminati” bloodline families sue for peace + Dec. 18th: U.S. troops deploy worldwide with 10,000 sealed indictments to take down Khazarian mob by ForeverUnlimited
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