Is this about the true trinity of Three???

- A while ago a friend of mine had a dream that she was with me and my family when we found a child sized doll that had been buried.....and as we were digging it up from the earth, the doll transformed into a golden haired boy. In her dream it was as if this doll/child was now in the midst of my family and part of 'us' (transformation of my family??)
- At an 'ignite your creative spirit' workshop a few weeks ago, there were amazing releasing dance and breath-work exercises, and each was followed by drawing the feelings/inspirations that came from them. Without thinking, I saw and was inspired to draw a golden child in his bubble. This golden child was within me.
- Then out of the blue one day, a 'daydream' vision of a small boy came to me. Not knowing what to do with it I asked, what is his name. The name Felix came immediately. This isn't a name that I know, or know anybody with that name. so when I checked it's meaning I found, 'Lucky' 'Happy' and 'Prosperous'.....
- The last few days I have been doing healing work on three issues.
- I was in the garden and saw a huge helium number '3' balloon from a child's birthday party, sailing by high up in the sky. I knew that this 3 meant something for me.
- I have been seeing things in three's all over the place and then there were 3 small tiny birds in my garden that I have not seen before.
- A few days ago I was doing some healing on these issues. They are huge 3d issues and I needed a different way to 'see' what to do about them. I have some archetype cards, and pulled three, 'Eternal child', 'Divine child' and 'Lover'. Archetype cards show you the archetypal energy you are 'using/expressing' in any situation. The first question I asked was, what archetypal energy am I using in response to these Issues, the answer back was 'Father,' which was accurate because the issues are to do with money/paperwork/taxes/house/security. Father is patriarchal energy, and even with love it was time to move out of the energy. You cannot clear old issues/problems with old issues solutions. Patriarchal issues will stay patriarchal issues while you keep bowing to and calling up and expressing in deference to patriarchal energy. That was when I asked what is the energy now that I apply/express to render these situations neutral, and drew out one card and two others fell out with it...Three cards for three hard rock situations that I am tying to neutralise. The three cards of Eternal child, Divine child and Lover.
- Yesterday I was reading my tea leaves, I don't usually read my own because I get a bit blurred and worry that I may be more subjective than objective in my interpretations, I am a trained scientist after all. But it was clear as day, a boy child with his hands in a prayer position, and in front of him were 3 'beings' (angels/helpers/answers to prayers)......Now it has been such a long time since I prayed like a child, so I was curious what this meant for me.
- Then I came across the following two emails, which arrived in my inbox today... and seemed to explain what was being expressed to me (by my inner me??)
I like to find synchronicity it is a 'restorative and reassuring salve' in these strange times,
Energetic Window – How to Work with the Energy
During our 5 day ENERGETIC WINDOW (18 December to 22 December), I recommend taking time each day to to go with in and connect with the GALACTIC EVOLUTIONARY TRIANGLE – to support you in stepping into your greater Evolutionary Purpose.
We study the GALACTIC EVOLUTIONARY TRIANGLE in depth within our Aetheric Healing™ eCourse, but here are a few principles from our eCourse to help you make the most of the energy over the next few days:
In meditation, place your hands in ‘Prayer Position’ over your HEART (see diagram right) and focus on the rhythm of your breath. Through your breath your Nervous System acts like a tuning fork or antennae picking up the signals of creation; signals that lie not only deep within your DNA but also the frequencies of nature, the Earth, the stars, the planets, through to Galaxies and Universes.
- Once your nervous system is in deep resonance with the field, you then connect with your Higher-Self to become the observer of your human experience within the boundless expression of the Aetheric Field.
- Allow the ‘answers’ to flood into your awareness. Don’t push for the answers, simply surrender and ‘allow’ them to become conscious in their own good time. It maybe a thought, a vision, an image, a sound, a colour, a symbol… and the ‘insight’ may even come to you in the hours/days after this meditation.
- Once you have ‘received’ this sacred insight/knowledge, once again in Meditation (with your hands in Prayer Position over your Heart), you then re-pattern your Nervous System to entrain with this NEW state of beingness. Holding the vision of wholeness, abundance, compassion and kindness from a place self-love…. you retrain your Nervous System to entrain with this LOVE based frequencies in order to transcend the pain, struggle, hurts or hardships within your life.
- Your neural pathways now radiate this new energy field, which in-turn activates your DNA, changes your cellular functioning, brings your emotional/mental mind into alignment with your I AM Presence and you flow with infinite Soul Potential within the Aetheric Field… as together we transverse through this GALACTIC WINDOW.
for the full article go here.
and this
What we are learning now is to drop all methods. Methods, rituals and routines were necessary to raise our frequency to a certain point. To reach full awareness, to see the world through new eyes, from a different perspective. The last step to reach full mastery is to drop all methods. To be in this state of joy and healthy childlike ecstasy based on love and light, we need to let go of all the methods and become love and light. To fully embody it. That means to take a leap of faith, to drop all the needs of control and jump into the pool of no-thingness. Not knowing what and how it will play out, but with a clear knowing why we are doing it and that the outcome will exceed our wildest expectations when we fully trust in the perfection of all that is.
“To reach this state of joy and healthy, childlike ecstasy based on love and light, we need to let go of all the methods and become love and light.”
So please know that what you are experiencing is a necessary part to remove everything that is still blocking the flow into this new reality. Through the pain, we are shown where we still need to find balance within our own specific energetic make-up. Remain focused on what is going on within you. Don’t let yourself be distracted by outside events from the place where the magic happens: Your core being. Stay in the here and now by using your physical senses to connect to the NOW moment. You are finding your mastery again. You are about to come home. To your true self.
to read the full article go here.
Vera Ingeborg: Into New Earth! The Anchoring of a New Reality through extreme Polarity | THE WAKE UP EXPERIENCE

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