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Adamu: Why is The Next Release Taking SO LONG?

This is often a very reasonable question, as sometimes there are very long gaps between releases. As I write this, it has been FOUR MONTHS since my last Adamu release! In that time, my readers have not heard a peep out of me. And this is, sadly, not the first such long hiatus in my writing output. I’d love to have a regular schedule, according to which I bring out a major release each month and have some blog posts in-between - perhaps weekly. But I simply cannot get there. Until very recently I have judged myself and blamed myself for this. I felt there was something wrong with me that I needed to work on to get to a place where I was producing more regularly. And then, today, a rather obvious thought struck me: why don’t I ask Adamu for his input on this! So I did, and what I got back from him was most informative indeed. Transformative actually. But also, at the same time, a lot of what Adamu shared with me was quite personal to me. And there were certainly parts of this communiqué that I would, under normal circumstances, never have wanted to publish. I have, you see, profound discomfort with coming across as self-aggrandizing. And some of what Adamu had to say to me was… quite flattering to me. So I would simply not have published this. I would have considered it to be one of the many, very useful, conversations I have had with him, and moved on. But, as you will see, Adamu has strongly encouraged me to publish this. He is quite clear that this may be useful to others who perhaps share my struggle with “getting productive” and with “procrastination”.
Jumping right to end
So why are you REALLY keeping yourself small?
It is because of what YOU think! You are afraid of your own magnificence. You are afraid that if you acknowledge all that you are, that you will then be called to do great things. You fear that because the poor dear little ego-vessel you are pretending to be for the blink in time that is this lifetime cannot believe it is capable of all the great things you fear you will be called to do. Which is just a silly misunderstanding. The ego-vessel, this persona called Arn (or Zingdad or whatever you are calling yourself) is not the seat of your magnificence. Surely that is obvious. The ego is just a tool. It is the soul that is magnificent. It is just the ego's job to serve the soul. To get out of the way and allow the soul to act, when the soul wishes to act through it. And to get on and do the work when the soul gives it a task. The ego is a worker. A servant of the soul. And the more willing and obedient the ego is, the more joyful and harmonious its journey through life will be. And, of course, it will have the great joy of being an agent through which The Great Work is done.
So, my beloved friend. Are you not glad that you finally asked the right question?
Because now I can finally tell you the good news. This little ego being that feels these fears, that is trying to keep itself small, that is then also angry with itself and is also hurting itself when it doesn’t perform to its own self-created standards, is just playing a silly, needless game with itself.
All is perfect.
You are doing fine. Exactly, spot-on perfectly.
There is nothing that you did wrong or could, really, have done any better. Now that you have this information, of course, you can make better choices. But these improved choices are not about “greater productivity”! They are about greater self-love!
And so, finally, before I ask you if you are ready to change your mind about publishing this article, I’d like to remind you of something.
Do you remember, the first time you worked through The Six Sacred Steps… did you or did you not set as your intention, “to fearlessly and courageously express yourself”?
And, since setting that intention, has your whole life not been transformed in ways both miraculous and beautiful?
Life has become full, joyous and abundant for you, has it not?
Things are working out spectacularly for you, are they not?
Z: Yes. All true.
A: And so? Why would you suddenly change course now? Why would you suddenly let your fears motivate you now? This is just such a silly, small fear! And it’s really no longer relevant to you. So let it go. Share this. See what comes back from Life. See if the world comes to an end because, heaven forbid, something you published actually points to the fact that you are a gorgeous being of Light! And in so doing, you will notice if your fears are grounded in reality or not.
Z: Yes. You are right, of course. Done. I’ll publish this as a blog item and then get on with your recommendations.
Thank you, Adamu. I treasure your love, your wisdom and your patience.
A: You are welcome, young one. If only you could see… the journey has only just begun. There is SO much wonder and joy that lies on the path ahead. For all of us…
[*Arn is my “real” name. Adamu chose to use it here, instead of calling me Zingdad, to indicate that he was speaking directly to my heart]
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