My investigations had brought me back to the gut-brain axis.
I figured I had inherited a 'stress pathway' that no matter what I did, would ultimately bring my body down and into a torrential river of stress hormones, pushing away everything else in its path.
Even things that should or would previously have been experienced as excitement, were
translated as 'stress' and set off down the torrential- river 'stress pathway.'
I have not eaten meat for 36 years, I stopped when as a teenager I saw the horrors of how
animals were kept.
In fact I don't eat much now, my inner stomach system has to be relaxed in order for me to enjoy food, and in the last few years I mainly only eat once a day. I have been aware of toxins in the food and water, toothpaste etc etc for years. But to be 'normal' I have had to restrict as many of them as I can without shouting about it, and then working on the premise that if I hold the intention for good health and that my body takes from the food drink what is healthy, than I have less stuff to battle with. Actually I know now its about BEING SPECIFIC. I learned self healing and meditation since 2000. I have always been psychic and sensitive, my systems are easily attacked.
But It is now about being SPECIFIC about what you want to let into your systems and who is running your systems.
I always thought that human kind had evolved wrong, and I dismissed the consensus
that when humans began to kill and eat animals there was a huge evolutionary leap,
as the human brain became bigger, and faster. Yes, bigger with what??? Predatory impulses.
Still these last few months I have been watching myself, how I react and know, KNOW,
something more was going on. My unconscious was overriding any conscious decisions.
But Why?
In the previous post by Lisa Renee, she explains clearly what is the truth.
She joins the dots and fills in the blanks, as to what some of us have known, or feel, that we have
been suppressed, but HOW?
The whole newsletter by Lisa Renee explained exactly how I felt things were, but had no direct access knowledge. All I had was a vague sense, and visions of shadows and hints. Direct access seemed only to come to me in symbols and images. I had a gut feeling that life is NOT as we think it is.
My gut feeling was telling me all this. In recent years, the messages between my gut and my brain, were being sabotaged, as my gut was being sabotaged. Be open sensitive, and spiritual, and not Having boundaries, or KNOWING your systems.....EQUATES to :
your place 'having Open doors, letting in any unwanted undesirable, to take up residence, use your resources and in the worst instance...turn your place into the local Crack House.'
On and off over the last 7 years, and increasingly in the last 18 months, I have had distension and abdominal pains, which are now under control. But lately I have had a vision of the flesh in my gut, raw from being wrecked with stress, which tries to sweep me back down a torrential stress pathway.
I have taken to carrying a sodalite crystal, which acts to calm me, and I am being aware of the sensations in my gut and know that there is communication.
Now I am being SPECIFIC, and getting to bottom of my health and learning to stand in Soveriegnity. This is one aspect of it. Only You can take back your Life. Be Specific about what needs doing and how.
Below some commonly known information about the Gut brain axis, and followed by 'how the gut is targeted' by Lisa Renee, repeated from my last post but I think it is a very important theme to get to grips with.
Remember, The Gut is our Second Brain, that deals with how we connect to.... and communicate with life, spirit, energy and the environment around us.
What Is the Gut-Brain Axis, And Why Does It Matter?

Have you ever had ‘butterflies in your stomach’ before an exam? Or grieved so deeply that you’ve lost your appetite?
It’s not all in your head; the gut is more closely linked to your brain than you realize.
What Is The Gut-Brain Axis?
As you may already know, the microbiota in your gut plays a key role in keeping your body healthy – which is why it’s important to support the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut. But did you know microbiota plays a role in your mental health as well?
To understand the ‘gut-brain axis’, it’s important to first understand the enteric nervous system. The enteric nervous system is a vast network of neurons that line your intestinal tract and carry messages from the gut to the brain, and back.
Researchers have found that a direct line of communication exists between the brain and your enteric nervous system: this is what they call the gut-brain axis. This line of communication works both ways, linking the emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal function.
That’s why the gut is also known as ‘the second brain’. The composition of your gut flora can change the signals that are sent from your gut to your brain. So an aggressive pathogen like Candida can literally change the way that you think.
The Link Between Your Gut and Your Brain
It’s not just your digestion and immune system that your gut microbiota is involved with – but your brain as well.
Amazingly, the microorganisms in your gut have been shown to interact with the nervous system, influencing all the messages and actions sent from the brain around the body. The mix of bacteria and yeast in your intestines can affect the messages and chemicals associated with your body’s response to stress, anxiety and even memory function.
The brain communicates with your gut via the parasympathetic, sympathetic and enteric nervous systems.
- Parasympathetic nervous system: This is your body’s ‘rest and digest” response which controls digestion and relaxation. It conserves energy, slows heart rate, increases digestion, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the digestive tract.
- Sympathetic nervous system: This is your body’s ‘fight or flight’ response which prepares the body to run away from a threat by stimulating blood-flow to major muscles, and restricting gut motility.
In fact, up to 90 percent of the cells involved in digestive sensations carry information TO the brain rather than receiving messages from it. This means your gut can influence your mood as much as your thoughts do!
Why The Gut-Brain Axis Matters
There are several reasons why the gut-brain axis can explain why you act and feel the way you do. If you feel cranky, irritable or depressed, it could be that your gut microbiota is out of balance. In the same way, your emotions and thoughts can affect how well your body digests food!
- The health of your gut microbiota has a major impact upon your thoughts, emotions and mood. If the gut is inflamed, bloated or uncomfortable in any way, your gut microbiota sends this information to the brain – which can directly affect your mood.
- Digestive discomfort, triggered by a Candida overgrowth or poor digestion, can both be caused by and contribute to low mood. This also means that irritation in the gastrointestinal tract may result in signals to the central nervous system that influence mood.
- Those with IBS are often found to have higher rates of sympathetic nervous system function and lower rates of parasympathetic function. It also suggests that those with IBS are more prone to stress.
- Stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to a decrease in digestive function and therefore pain, discomfort and altered bowel motility.
- Studies have shown that almost 50% of patients with diagnosed with IBS have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO is a condition similar to Candida overgrowth, and is associated with conditions such as depression and some chronic digestive disorders.
In a nutshell: an upset gut can send distress signals to brain, just as an upset brain can send distress signals to the gut. Your stomach or gut problems may be the cause of your mood swings, depression, stress or anxiety.
Supporting The Gut-Brain Axis For Better Health
Imbalances in gut flora can lead to an overgrowth of potentially harmful bacteria and yeasts like Candida. This can lead to not just digestive symptoms, but mental and emotional issues as well. That’s why it’s so important to look after the health of your gut while also looking after your mind! Here are some ways to keep the gut-brain axis in balance:
- Eat plenty of whole, natural foods to support healthy gastrointestinal microbiota. Look for natural prebiotic foods such as garlic, onions, asparagus, leeks, and seaweed.
- Supplement with probiotics to boost numbers of ‘good’ bacteria, especially if you’re experiencing symptoms of dysbiosis. These can be probiotic supplements, probiotic foods, or both!
- Avoid or limit things that can destroy the healthy microorganisms in your gut, such as processed food, alcohol, antibiotics, excess fat, and sugar.
- Support your mental health by taking time out to relax. Meditate, do yoga, or just do something you enjoy.
- Improve your physical and mental health by getting regular exercise such as walking, swimming or running.
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind
The link between the gut and the brain is best understood when you’ve experienced the symptoms first-hand. If you suffer from low mood, fatigue and anxiety, your gut might be part of the problem. Looking after your gut will benefit your mind – just as looking after your mind will benefit your gut!
For more information on how improving your gut health can positively affect your life, check out the Ultimate Candida Diet program.
and from Lisa Renee.
ES News - Energetic Parasites - December 2017
As we have discussed many times, energetic parasites produce physical parasites. That is why empaths, gridworkers and Starseeds usually have to deal with the more serious byproducts of digestive and elimination problems, bloated and distended abdomens, and parasitic symptoms that require more support in a variety of ways to help restore balance. When we have energetic or physical parasites this greatly weakens our immunity. The direct correlation to parasites in the body, usually sourcing in the gut, is designed to weaken the physical body and etheric body so that lower ELF mind control frequencies aimed at the solar plexus are more effective in controlling the person. There is an agenda to target the human gut, to eliminate advancement of the second brain and its neural plexus higher functions, which are needed neural centers for developing skill with direct cognition and cellular knowing. Thus, this is the intended destruction of empathic feelings received from the environment, to block the signals that are sourced within the bio-neurology in the second brain energy receivers, which are located in the organs that make up the entire digestive system.
How is our Gut being Targeted?
How is our Gut being Targeted?
- By controlling the food and water supply through mass production and corporatization of commercially processed food products, the preservatives, bio-tech chemicals and genetic modification (GMO’s) added to many foods are engineered for gene editing and to attack the healthy microbes in the gut. This results in the common dysfunction of leaky gut, and vulnerability to biofilms, intestinal plaque, and pathogenic microorganism growths, which spreads into the blood stream and generates toxicity. This also destroys the nerve cells and etheric webbing in the intestines, impairing overall immunity and damaging the second brain and receptivity of our center of personal will.
- The Solar Plexus is the main energy center that regulates our conscious mind or personality matrix. When our solar plexus is being accosted, energetically and by the foods we eat, it is weakened and it dissipates our center of personal will, which forms our actions for improved self-determination. The control over food is designed to attack our gut and second brain, in order to have more effective mind control results through the ELF targeting and other AI sweeps, including the Chemtrailing and vaccinations, that are designed to interact with the body organism to achieve breakdown of the solar plexus and interconnected bio-neurology functioning, as well as breakdown the digestive and elimination channels. Currently, this agenda to feed people bio-technology laboratory produced chemicals labeled as food is much more severe in the USA.
- The intended over-processing and chemicalization of fast food is extremely effective for the use of mind control programming, and in some cases even conditioning SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) into the nervous system and human brain.
- As an example, diet soda and fake sweeteners, such as aspartame, are engineered with gene editing capacity that is used to attack the RNA messenger cells, this disrupts the RNA and DNA communication link throughout the body’s production of uracil. Why manipulate uracil in RNA? Because uracil controls the transmission of hereditary information that is passed into the DNA.
- Another example is glyphosate, which is used to break down the cellular wall and tissues in the entire digestive tract, in order to breach the security of the body’s defense mechanism against infections, toxins, and other waste products. Glyphosate has been gradually introduced into our food supply and food chain over the last forty years. When there are small holes in the gut, the toxic waste traveling in the body gets into the blood stream and even other organs and these toxins can get stuck in the joints, muscles and this contributes to the development of many clinically labeled diseases. These diseases could be prevented altogether if they were not being intentionally created by the anti-human environment in which we live on the earth.
- Additionally, bio-tech companies are intentionally putting human DNA into mass produced food, such as the addition of human embryo kidney cells (HEK293) that supposedly are additives that are used as flavor enhancers. They describe that these taste receptors have been previously expressed in HEK293 cells. Understanding anti life reversals helps to comprehend the larger purpose for making humans unconsciously eat their own species through the DNA of human children and embryos. This is purposed through the NAA and Satanic based agenda to corrupt human DNA and to keep the world wide child blood sacrifice, child sexual abuse, pedophilia, and SRA networks thriving on the earth. It is important to know that this is put into mass produced fast foods, such as soft drinks and potato chips without direct labeling. This ingredient is also put into many vaccines, so clearly the agenda is to get this into the bloodstream of the masses. Naturally mainstream media normalizes this as if it is no big deal to be consuming cloned human kidney cells in our food and drink. How do you think this effects human kidneys? This is another example of genetic modification, emphasizing both cannibalism and child blood sacrifice as components to promote the death culture consumer-satanic based materialism.
- Technology that is targeted to mind control the masses also has specific sweeps to directly attack the solar plexus area, which has many purposes. This weakens organs and glands that need solar plexus nourishment, attacks the second brain wiring in the gut, which replaces empathic feelings with pain, generating biofilms in the body. Biofilms impulse parasitic signaling that can take over the bio-neurological functions in the body, and operate as small parasite communication centers inside the body cavities. Biofilms attach to mucous membranes, intestinal walls, genitals, urinary system, and even in the mouth and gums. They form pockets of tissue that protect the parasite growth, toxic and metabolic waste products, as well as heavy metals that are also used to attract more parasites into the body.
- If the average person has extensive biofilm, gut and intestinal problems, mind control and parasitic invasion, we can see how the ability to extract life force energy is made much easier by compromising the body’s integrity. Biofilms can actually be electronically controlled to perform gene editing or genetic modification in the human host.
What is Bio-Film?
A biofilm is any group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and often also to a surface, generating slimy, stringy tissues in which these microorganisms live and reproduce. Think of a clump or tissue, similar to a webbing of tissue holding a pocket of toxic infection within it, which is living inside a cavity or mucous membrane within your body. These adherent cells are frequently embedded within a self-produced matrix of extracellular substance, which may also be referred to as slime, although not everything described as slime is a biofilm. Biofilm is a molecular substance conglomeration generally composed of extracellular DNA, proteins, and polysaccharides (sugar molecules). Biofilms can contain many different types of microorganism, bacteria, archaea, protozoa, fungi and algae, where each group performs specialized metabolic functions. However, some organisms will form single-species films under certain conditions. When the body is afflicted by recurring infections and wounds that are hard to heal, it is highly possible there are toxic biofilms in the gut and intestines that are reinjecting the weakened areas with the toxic waste of the parasitic life cycle, or there are microorganism infections living in the tissues. All kinds of parasites seek refuge in the body in a well-built toxic biofilm.
Essentially biofilms are microscopic bugs, which are found everywhere inside and outside the body, that create biological homes in their human host using a mixture of sugars and proteins. For example, biofilm in the mouth is dental plaque. The sturdy protection that toxic biofilms provides from actually eliminating pathogenic microorganisms is one reason why some infections are so difficult to resolve. Yeasts, parasites, and bacteria find shelter in the toxic biofilm matrix, evading an onslaught of even the strongest of medications. Unhealthy biofilms in the gut:
- Prevent the full absorption of nutrients across the intestinal wall.
- Protect the disease-causing microorganisms from the immune system.
- Protects disease-causing microorganisms from antibiotics and antifungals, this means both herbal and pharmaceutical-grade.
- Promotes inflammation and hyper immune diseases in the body.
- Houses toxins like heavy metals.
Unhealthy gut biofilm is a refuge for many pathogenic or disease-causing microorganisms. This means yeasts like Candida, as well as the varieties of bacteria that are related to digestive and elimination issues. Unhealthy biofilms accelerate aging and promote diseases such as:
- Parasites.
- Systemic Candida and fungal overgrowth.
- Heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux).
- Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, which are often thought to have an infectious root.
- Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), which includes symptoms like heartburn, bloating, gas, abdominal cramping, brain fog, arthritis, acne, and other skin conditions.
- Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.
- Unhealthy biofilm allows some infections to persist for years. This means that the body may become more susceptible to other infections, or co-infections, as well as other chronic degenerative diseases.
- Attracts an array of energy parasites and demonic homes that set up attachments in the aura.
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