How Does This Work?
“I would love to get your opinion on this Transition…. I have followed you and Sandra Walter and Lisa Renee since my awakening in 2012.I am very aware of the recurring encouragements to be in our mastery, to look within for answers, to trust our instincts, etc. and I GET IT! I’m not a victim, I’m awake but what I cannot yet wrap my head around is this:I’ve read from multiple sources we’ve accomplished this evolution faster than any other attempt (i.e. One generation). I have certainly felt the commensurate amount of negativity to process. However, how on earth does a corresponding change happen in the physical? Especially since the planet is like a physical body full of the remnants of cancerous growth (TD) in the form of every social structure that exists, and the majority completely unaware?Btw, lately I have identified more and more with your account of the demonic dudes at the gas station. I.e. When I have to venture out there it feels even more bizarre than ever.Thank you SO MUCH for any insight you can provide.”Love,Heather
Thanks for your November 2017 question Heather, and thank you for allowing me to share it in an article in hopes of helping more people who wonder how this is can happen in the physical. 

I’ve often said that Divine Source has thrown out NEW “balls” and because of this there needed to be plenty of gifted “catchers” strategically positioned across the “outfield” (the entire physical Earth) to catch (Embody and anchor) all those balls (the NEW Source-created evolutionary codes, Light, LOVE) that were mandatory for the NEW Evolutionary Cycle. The higher dimensional Earth Angels, Starseeds, Forerunners, Wayshowers etc. are the Volunteers who incarnated on old 3D Earth to do exactly that; “catch” NEW Source created “balls” soon to be thrown out and help energetically ascend Earth, therefore giving humanity and future humans a NEW higher frequency Earth world in a higher dimension to step into. This we’ve done and more, so much more.
I’ve also used the term Expired over the years to try to help people understand that the old Evolutionary Cycle was, as they all are, designed with natural and automatic Expiration Dates built in. December 21, 2012 was the Expiration Date of the past Evolutionary Cycle. Each grade in school only lasts for so long and then it expires and the children “graduate” to the next higher grade in school and continue on from there for another period of time. These grand Universal Evolutionary Cycles are the same; they each have their intended codes or “curriculum’s” but they also have Source created builtin Expiration Dates because nothing remains the same forever.
These are some of the ways to who, how and why the old negative infested 3D patriarchal Earth world reaches its Expiration Date (12-21-2012), but life continues on through some rough transitional periods for the masses, but continues on as it unknowingly transitions through a grand multidimensional evolutionary Ascension Process, astrological Age change, and entire dimensional shift from 3D Duality up to 5D Unity and isn’t even consciously aware that all this is really what’s been unfolding around them for decades!
Remember that great line in the 1989 movie Field of Dreams — “If you build it they will come”? The Forerunners/Starseeds/Earth Angles/Wayshowers have “caught the balls” and “built it” and in 2017 more humans have woken up and decided they’re no longer content with being used and abused by the horrible global élite humans. They may eventually come to learn about the nonphysical nonhuman “élite” negative aliens and other beings that have controlled the élite humans on Earth, but for now it’s enough that they’re drawn to the higher energies of the NEW ascended Earth worlds. We Forerunners have “built it” and humanity is steadily making their ways to the NEW higher frequency, higher dimensional ascended Earth world. We’ve built it and they are and will continue to come to it. Next we’ll Wayshow for them more of the NEW higher ways of life, reality, consciousness, being, Consciously Creating on the NEW Earth and so much more.
Once the Expiration Date is reached all the old codes, blueprints and energetic support for that entire Evolutionary Cycle and all the worlds, systems, structures and timelines in it/them literally runs out of energetic fuel and dead-ends. It reaches its “End Times” and goes extinct in all timelines and disappears.
While that phase was taking place, Volunteers had intentionally incarnated decades before to “catch”—Embody—the NEW higher codes, NEW higher blueprints, NEW higher energetic supports for the NEW ascended Earth worlds and timeline from within the physical system itself when it was time for that phase to begin. The Forerunners deliberately infiltrated the old lower 3D Earth world of Duality density in disguise as humans to do both our personal and group Ascension Work from within that density and negativity and help break it down and intentionally dead-end many negative Team Dark timeline offshoots during its “End Times” via Embodying and anchoring into Earth the NEW higher Light codes and frequencies. By our doing this from within the old lower frequency physical Earth world, we Forerunners/Starseeds/Pathpavers literally Worked the Light as Multidimensional Beings from within the third dimension (3D) to help energetically ascend it up to the fifth dimension (5D) and frequency and from outside of it in higher dimensions also.
“If you build it they will come.” Well, we did build it, and they, most of humanity is indeed coming to exist in the NEW Evolutionary Cycle’s great creative game on the NEW ascended Earth. The old lower negative Earth world that Expired fully on December 21, 22, and 23, 2012—five years ago this month—is no longer energetically supported and is for a very short time nothing more than a Walking Dead Zombie-esk world with matching inhabitants. All that’s left of the old are the people who are still unaware and/or polarized towards the Descending Earth world. There is no more influence of the old lower negative over the NEW higher Earth world in any way or ways. The Separation of Worlds & Timelines has happened, and if you’re reading this, then you are within frequency range of either the primary or secondary (more inhabitants to date) ascending Earth worlds.
Even some of the Forerunners/Starseeds/Wayshowers etc. occasionally get confused about their own multidimensional natures, Selves and simultaneous Ascension Process Works on multiple dimensions and timelines. It helps Forerunners to consciously remember that you did indeed raise your hand and Volunteer to come down into 3D physicality and incarnate as a human to Work the Ascension Process from within the global negativity of the old lower world. Working the “outfield”, catching NEW balls and building the NEW ascended Earth world so “they will come”. If you can remember that, then it’s easier to comprehend just how much ascension progress has actually happened already and how much more is coming for greater numbers of humanity throughout 2018.
As usual there’s much more to say about all of this but I’ll leave further questions and explanations to the Comments section about Heather’s question and my answer to it. Well built and done Forerunners, now put your NEW Crown on and prepare for the next level of your Embodiment Process and the Ascension Processes of more of humanity throughout 2018. It’s going to be an amazing year, even more so than 2017 was! 
December 5, 2017
Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

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