Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Percieved lack and Abundance. The spiritual train and the Dark night of the soul.

Reposting this part of the previous post, for its emphasis on how we perceive the 'things' happening, or that are absent in our lives.....also for the Spiritual Train (my vivid 'Train' dream from 2016 see below) and the Dark night of the soul, which is integration of the shadow. Michaela

One of the biggest issues troubling the third dimensional collective is lack--lack of money, resources, information etc. Praying for these things only creates them because you create your belief system and if your state of consciousness is one of lack and limitation, this is what you will create. Continually telling yourself; "I don't have." allows you to perfectly create experiences of "don't have".
When you attempt to change something from a place of resistance or solve problems on the level of the problem, you empower them. Conditions of rich and poor equally represent duality, neither having anything but the belief in them to hold them in place which means they are subject to changing very quickly.
Spiritual abundance is held infinitely in place by Divine Law and flows from the realization of "I have because I am". This is the higher way of understanding abundance. A state of consciousness that realizes money to be the material form of self sustained/self maintained completeness will manifest it outwardly and often through unexpected avenues, but knows it is never from them.
Pay your bills in the realization that because of oneness, you are simply moving forms of infinite energy from your right hand to your left. Let objects, money, goods, flow freely through you in the realization that they are flowing from an Infinite Source within and not from you personally where you can be depleted. Lack is like a person having a large bank account somewhere that they do not know about and so continue living life as a pauper while their money lies waiting.
Know that you are the very substance from which dollar bills are formed. Abundance is not just money, it is wholeness and completeness in all its forms, and you can never be separate from it no matter how hard you may try. Know that wherever your personal financial abundance seems to come from (job, family, husband or wife, inheritance) it really does not come from these things, but rather through them as your own state of consciousness in expression.
Those living fully in the third dimensional belief system do believe that abundance comes from outside of themselves and think that they are perfectly within their rights to fight, steal, or use any other means to keep it coming and increasing. This is still the mentality of many three dimensional corporations and businesses. You however, are ready to shift into the truth of abundance.
Abundance as with all truth, cannot suddenly manifest in its fullness without the substance of it--consciousness. Knowing a truth intellectually is only the first step toward attaining the consciousness of it but this never means doing nothing. First you know the truth and then take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take. Frequently a person needs to just take a job, any job, in order to get the flow of moving.
Sitting back awaiting others to appreciate and reward you for your education or experience in the exact form you desire or believe you deserve, more often than not simply creates exactly that--waiting.
Everyone is creating through their state of consciousness, but the majority is not yet aware that they are doing it. However, never judge, for many during these times of planetary evolution are not creating experiences from a place of un-awakened consciousness but rather are completing a life plan chosen pre-birth as being necessary to their spiritually evolution
Once a person begins to meditate, read, and seriously study truth, they automatically indicate to their Higher Self that they are ready for more and the "spiritual train" leaves the station. Some believe that from then on everything will be roses and light, but nothing could be further from the truth as most of you have discovered.
What happens is that the seeker has opened doors and allowed light to shine on everything hiding there. Old and dense energies still alive and well in cellular memory and manifesting as their present belief system begin to to be seen with more awakened eyes. For most, this is a time during which the "Sh.. begins to hit the spiritual fan" so to speak, leaving the awakening spiritual student to believe that he/she is doing something wrong.
No dear ones, this experience indicates that you are doing it right. In order to open to and integrate the higher frequencies of truth, every soul must first clear out the old and obsolete. This is the meaning behind the bible statement about not putting new wine into old wine skins.
This stage of evolution has been called the "dark night of the soul", and comes to every person at some point along their way. It is a time of feeling lost, alone, and even in doubt as to whether or not there really is a God. The person's former comfortable belief system no longer works and they cannot even explain it to those who have always been closest to them.
Choose not to resist this experience but rather understand the "Dark Night of the Soul" as being an important and necessary part of the evolutionary journey. It may feel negative, but is a time filled with living vital energy leading the person to a more evolved state of consciousness. If you need to, allow yourself to cry, be alone, and mourn the loss of what is quickly becoming the past without guilt. Just remember to move on, for this is just a parenthesis in the process.
You are spiritually ready for your good to flow from a conscious realization of your oneness with all that Source is. Spiritual good knows no opposite, does not fluctuate, and can be depended upon as ever present. Continuing to seek human good and remove human bad must no longer be your consciousness if you seriously seek to move beyond duality and separation.
Know that you are always being guided. Listen to and trust the silent voice of your intuition. Stop trying to to plan every detail of your lives according to concepts of how things must be in order to be right.
You are ready dear ones, you are more than ready.
We are the Arcturian Group 2/10/19

Friday, 4 November 2016

November. Last night I had another dramatic technicolour dream. All drama and feeling, rush and explosive adventure but no substance. It was like my prophetic dream a few weeks ago in advance of the up-coming time of Scorpio, which we are in now and which has been without contest, the culmination of the biggest challenge encompassing on all fronts, in my life. Last night's dream is alerting me to something else, at and around the time of Christmas. In the dream I am out in a winters evening, in the country, it is dark but for the vivid lights coming from a train station. I leave someplace to go up to the station platform which is on a hill. I am planning to watch as a steam train goes by. The train rapidly approaches and instead of me getting into the position to safely watch the train go by, I inadvertently step between the engine and the first carriage as it is moving more slowly now. Then the train immediately accelerates and moves off. I am caught in this place between the engine and the carriage, but I can see everything. I am brought on a ride where I am carried at speed, and whizzed through country towns and countryside. I bring my feet up into a better position for the ride as I realise I can't get off. The feeling was like being in the animated film, "The Snowman". It wasn't scary, but an adventure. I have a glorious view and I am tied into this exhilerating ride and precariously, somehow attached to the train. The train brings me through, and past, towns with their lights glowing, they are all getting ready for Christmas. The train stops at a town that is getting ready for a grand mayoral, political and theatrical event with a large marquis and Christmas decorations. It is all tied up, and wrapped up and under the auspices of a Spectacular Christmas festival. I see the place is 'the city of Nottingham', having lived in Leicester, the neighbouring city, some 18 years ago. ... We all know the strangeness of dreams and how they can be the vehicles of information to us. I am still going through this SCORPIO (end)-time scenario, which has nearly finished me off, and there is, quite literally, not much left of me to be squeezing into the wrong spaces of exhilerating, high- speed, techni-colour dream trains!!!!!

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