Monday, 11 February 2019

Loving Yourself #2. Automatic writing ~The fog. Michaela

Doodling journal to automatic writing.


Clearing of the bars~ made by me.
Light transforms them~ transmutes them, and frees up the energy tied into them.
Divine will and purpose to be clear. Not feel guilty by not doing anything~ rest and fill my cup.
Fill it with love; Self love, nourishment and wellbeing, for me and then extend to humanity at large.
Plan: At the moment I want sea life...sea air and sea life. Shells sand, warm breeze, sea weed, sand dunes..sunny spacious hearts hub, free living and not strained.
dilute out the "acid strain in my belly" and change the constrictions to vibrations of Joy. How to focus on that when my insides and outsides are telling me different?

Automatic writing> THE FOG.

The fog is clearing bit by bit, the vast perceived  OUTside.
The vast OUTside versus the smaller percieved  INside is in simultaneous place.
Grab the vine of the vast outside, that you want it to be, and swing through it believing it, even if what you 'see' is only the perceived outside.

See the constraints as straps that hold you down to keep you in the moment of them (the constraints) see them and then release the energy of the constraint.

Why the doubt? Is there doubt?

No not really, just reliance on on human perception being real.
Human perception is just one of many and it is further away from the perception you wish.
Takes effort to bring closer to you the broader perception and let go of the smaller shared perceptions that you no longer wish to experience.

Each thing is a freeze frame of densified time experience (on the linear) and because it has become so (densified), so it feels dense and unmoving~ In reality all things are ~free flowing, moving-
But when 'one' (thought/experience)is  picked/plucked /attracted by the vibration that matches, it can feel like years to be in 'it', before it resolves and moves on (having been experienced and lived in).
Because 'HERE' (location 3d Earth) is density and calcification. The All That is ~ contains All There is, and ALL is all free and moving, but when experienced on Earth by the vibration that matches them, they become freeze framed to be experienced in slow motion. Much Is Then Absorbed, Read, Learned by those doing the experiencing, absorbing...and it is more about the
relationship between the self and the energy of the thing/situation (etc) being experienced.

The expansion or the nugget of gold lies within this and the many relationships that you are slow motioning through.
The freeness of movement out of them is hindered by perception that 'sees' only the thing.
THAT the thing is  matching in vibration and brought to them (attracted to them) to experience a relationship with, is generally not understood and the thing becomes the main FOCUS. 

Focus can be cast away from them, to be able to move away from the situation. Practice.
It is quantum.
Things exist in 'particle form' (tangible energy) when 'seen' through the perception of the beholder. Other than that, it (The thing) is a wave form (where a wave is the unmanifested into form)  flow of energy; from and within In the All That is....where all things reside.

Particle form (manifested) is thought (verb) into being...other than that it is a wave and moves on in wave form. Consciousness is all.
IT is formed into 'being'/particle shape by the observer/the experiencer.

The feeling/observation/perception of a  thing or situation being that which is
a wave form of energy brought into a particular scenario and made manifest into a particle form based on the vibration most appropriate/apparent to the observer...i.e. based on previous and current vibration of the experiencer. All such things are unmanifest until they become manifest, called into being by the need for relationship of the self with it conjures up the projections from within itself (vibration of energy) to be drawn out to be related to....

Each Life time "NOT LET GO of" brings back the colours of each of the vibrations and then the wave of conscious energy "forms"(verb)  into particle formation (scenarios/things/situations matching that of observer/experiencer, but with added on previous lifetimes making the aggregate definition of his or her vibration baseline.

Each life time creates a better or worse scenario depending on whether in the current life situation an observer/experiencer creates an inner raise of frequency vibration or allows the previous one to dictate the overall energy vibration colour.

Aggregate vibration usually steers the course for the experiencer until he or she decides that they have fulfilled all obligations to themselves in experiencing relationships within those vibrations.

How to free from the limits from what has "been" (seen/perceived/experienced ) before and which tends to bring to life the repetition of them again.

Slice through them with LASER INTENT.

When you feel them re emerge, laser them with pur gold light/intention to free the energy tied up in them into Transmuted Gold.

Keep clear the Planes runway, be vigilant to move the debris- bless, thank, have gratitude and honour what was. Love what was and laser it from within with intention to lessen the density of its reoccurance. ( This is how we integrate the shadow, Michaela)

Let your plane move down the runway slowly- mindfully pushing free from the heaviness of heart by blessing it as it emerges. Like pushing gently away debris that clutters the planes runway and prevents it from taking off.

You are changing perception to higher energy choices, which lifts the aggregate of your personal energy field and from a higher energy vibration what you attract to matches your new higher vibration.

Call out that you seek new 'relationships with yourself' and so want to observe and experience  higher vibration aspects of your self in slow motion, freeze frame, while in this Earth experience.


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