Solidification can't happen right now. Sun enters Taurus and squares Saturn in Aquarius, with questions and delays, timing and maturity, what we need to do, for the future, bigger questions where are you going next and brings about A turning point in life direction on 21st April. the energy requires you to stop and ask, what is essential in your life. Something could be outside your power but it is helping. Remembrance, a long term goal. something setting up for a long term goal and don't waste your resources. Taurus new moon on April 22nd. Energy of what seeds do you want to plant and grow, what do you want to harvest. Victory Gardens maintain energy during a war, energetic purpose, focus more people self reliant. What can you focus on that will lead to an eventual harvest and eventual satisfaction.
From my Easter vigil email to Hope.
Space suit, bubble of air-light. 15th April 2020.
Last night I was going to bed and turned the light out. I didn't read or do anything like meditation or intentions... but I did feel something bubbling inside me and i wanted to feel what it was...
.... I realised I had suddenly opened...I was then feeling REALLY open.
I noticed that something was not there, that usually was, and i only noticed it when it was gone..
and I felt totally different.
The opening was like the heart chakra opening I had with my mum one year ago, when it was me looking after her fulltime, 24/7 and I was exhausted and emotional, but then suddenly, one day I had a breakthrough heart chakra opening...
which was beautiful, and I shared it with her. It changed me forever really.
This time, last night's heart opening was like arriving into a new me. Dropping into a New me in my bed.
Maybe it is something to do with the hole that i looked through to see the bear..
or that the bear was looking through at me.
But anyway this heart opening awareness was like leaving so much heaviness... i thought, "oh my god THIS is love"...and its nothing like what love looked like before. I wanted to cry. I thought how heavy and 'on top' and burdensome is the life before we actually know and live as OPEN HEARTED beings.
Still remembering it today and trying to land the feeling again, is like navigating myself into an invisible floating suit. But I know I can. I can see that the floating suit, its available, it is 'air or bubble' light, or an iridescent light body is tied to you, and sometimes you are in the suit, and some times it hovers around you. But more often we don't see it...until finally we do.
So maybe this is the power and revelation to me of the 12 days of April.
(It was only yesterday, 19th April, that I was thinking I had had a full a 5d feeling. Michaela)
Monday, 13 April 2020
Cocooning while clearing the root chakra. "And if you are freaking out at times, there is no judgment here for you. There is a lot of root chakra clearing that is still taking place within you because of how much trauma and fear you brought with you into this lifetime. Those things are not reasons to feel ashamed. They are your scars, your wounds, and they show your strength. Your willingness to take on so much in one lifetime says so much about who you are as spiritual masters."
Root or base chakra business is how we are connected to this experience on earth.
A while ago there was a buzzing abound regarding toilet paper which while funny, not only was a huge sign of the mass belief in impending doom (fear), it was a metaphor in action for what was unfolding on a base/chakra level. The body is excreting base root imperfections constructs from the illusion that are fear based. The metaphor is one of releasing A LOT of unneeded excrement that needs to let go. The toilet paper buying metaphor, indicates Huge bowel movements, that is simply a letting go of a lot of shit. This includes the fear and dismay that humanity creates, and HOLDS in the (body) memory, each time they are confronted with challenge and change. This holding of memory goes deep into the BOWELS of the 'collective consciousness' each time the 'body' of humanity is disempowered en masse.
This is the 'default identity of fear' derived from holding so much 'old stuff' for sooo many lifetimes.
A while ago there was a buzzing abound regarding toilet paper which while funny, not only was a huge sign of the mass belief in impending doom (fear), it was a metaphor in action for what was unfolding on a base/chakra level. The body is excreting base root imperfections constructs from the illusion that are fear based. The metaphor is one of releasing A LOT of unneeded excrement that needs to let go. The toilet paper buying metaphor, indicates Huge bowel movements, that is simply a letting go of a lot of shit. This includes the fear and dismay that humanity creates, and HOLDS in the (body) memory, each time they are confronted with challenge and change. This holding of memory goes deep into the BOWELS of the 'collective consciousness' each time the 'body' of humanity is disempowered en masse.
This is the 'default identity of fear' derived from holding so much 'old stuff' for sooo many lifetimes.
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