Friday, 26 February 2021

Hearts Hub. We have lift off.

T'will be now. 

Everyone is going through something, much of which is uncomfortable, squashed and feels like you are in a 'back against the wall' situation. Every flowery or not so flowery, untruth or distraction, has or is being peeled away like wallpaper from the room which has become your headquarters for this life. 

So, paper peeling and disarray,  as the loosened and torn down paper continues to heap up around the floor, you cannot walk freely about this inner room, the room from which we operate our worldly experiences is our own internal HQ. We hold our our breathe as we are standing, or crouched, backed against the wall as the wall crumbles away.

A wise person will know that this will pass. 

The moment of passing through is now. But the passing through comes from the belief that WHAT you are leaving behind, i.e the wallpaper that decorated your world choices and beliefs, is the deciding factor on where you are passing to.

As the wallpaper comes down... the view changes to the 'WHAT IS LEFT'.  'What is left' may be more scary at first.  Is there a scary forest in this view? Is there a view to an interstellar panorama? Is there just more and more broken down buildings and structures and falling away people?

The HQ is being updated now. It is being refurbished by you, in direct response to How your HQ takes off and lands, as it endures the quaking of the total environment, the internal  response to the external, and the external response to the internal. This is the hearts hub, excavating itself, perhaps wildly, perhaps slowly, through this one more layer of hearts opening.

How your back against the wall can respond, and act is by noticing that this central nerve hub, is your point of contact between the inner and the outer, and is like a room which all of a sudden quakes and shivers as it shakes free from the red light of stop, and prepares to move, again. This room, Your HQ, your Hearts hub is like a multidimensional space craft that rested here and became buried by the build up of what your 'here' relied upon for information, the programming etc. 

As your hearts hub begins to shake free, it releases from the 'intel' of the landing site and releases from the lines of fuel, that fed into your being, the 'served up reality' that you, by being here, contributed to and immersed yourself in....

 ......and you are surprised that this, your  HQ, your hearts Hub is not a room in a building,  but the flight deck of space craft. 

It is you. You are the vehicle embraced into the craft which gets you from A to B, C to F and around and around till you have passed Z many times. Each landing you stay and immerse in the environment and your vehicle, your HQ becomes tied up in that position. That landing spot, those coordinates, the 'cross' of latitude and longitude, which pins you down into that space, while you participate in that 'set of experiences', which become a full blown virtual reality, from which it is difficult to see outside of.

It is like a game of musical chairs, and there has been a huge cycle of time while we have sat in these in chairs, and now the music is telling us to move from these chairs. 

The upheaval of the HQ, the lurching as it launches, is scary, as we don't quite remember how to master the controls and we are awkward. But we only have to remember it is our hearts hub, and the controls are maneuvered by those higher values that keep us all going in eternal adventure, and that come from an HQ that is telepathic and intrinsic to our very being.   

Part of being scared is part of the adventure, the adrenaline, the fuel and the momentum. Use it well. 

Do not let this being scared or overwhelm be used by the 'opposing force' to cause you to stay with your back against the wall, turned to stone and disconnected from the wisdom of your heart's hub

Your inner HQ is calling you back to view through the windows of your craft as you take off, slowly into new terrain, and you don't even have to leave this earth for a new adventure to begin.



2/27 ~ VIRGO Full Moon:

This Virgo Full Moon is a potent time to release the need to ‘keep up appearances’ (of beauty or order in your life). Instead, focus on actually healing what is imbalanced or integrating what is fragmented. Then, rather than a temporary fix, you can and will begin to radiate more beauty & order naturally, from the center of your Being. 

Weekly Forecast: February 21 – 27, 2021

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