Groups are being forced by brainwashing, bullying and harrassment to voluntarily pop themselves down to the many many many pop up vx sites. Even if you don't go, and ignore the the constant texts and posters and newsstreams pumping out there, that you are the single factor that is preventing lifting the restrictions over your fellow citizens if you do not get the are still bullied and harrassed comstantly. And as we, normal peoples, have willingly become our own police and prison guards, policing everyone else's action (reflecting communism etc)...everyone, friends, neighbours and family rise against you and join in.
Bullying and harrassment exists in the medical professions to enforce this belief, through their actions and by enforcing the vx, whether the medical practitioner believes it or not. They, like us members of the populations which can see that this is naked hostility is herd activity in line with the 'Emperor New Clothes' syndrome. Medical practitioners who have taken the oath to save lives are then forced to choose between maintaining status within their profession i.e. not be shunned by colleagues or by higher ups in their hierarchy and stating they do not believe that vxs is the right course of action.
So three world wide groups are being bullied and harrassed.
1.All of humanity who is being targetted by the elitebusiness globals (I am not including here, the doctors or health practitioners who have put forward facts that Vxs range from being untested, questionable to downright dangerous and the beginning of introduction to insertion of gmo's by injection into the body. These medical practitioners belong to the second group.)
This first group, the largest, mainly don't know that they are being targeted, and are unconscious about what happens to them. They are Quite happy or maybe ambivalent, They mainly don't care about who is in charge of their health just as long as whoever is in charge takes care of the situation, and they themselves don't have to think. They accept the bullying and harassment as information, valid and life saving.
2. The medical practitioners who have had to 'go along with' the narrative such as putting cause of death on certificates as CV when that was not the case and pushing the vx in repititive manner as dictated by the narrative dictated by those at the top of the hierarchy, (top down Bullying). This includes the staff, the care givers in care homes and hospitals that witness things that go against their training and beliefs but cannot speak up about them.
3. People who do not want the vx, for what ever reason are under constant pressure by being bullied into accepting the narrative and this harassment goes on, and on, and on. Ignoring it is one thing but to have your reasons disregarded as a sovereign being is violation to your rights.
One other point here is that there are so many different vxs, and many people when vxinated become very ill, and many people die. The stats are not being published so this danger is played down in mainstream news. The information in this age of Aquarius in its lowest aspect, is presenting only it's self importance, similar to themes seen in Munchhausen by proxy, portraying people as being sick and therefore needing vxs, pretending to be altruistic but has narcissistic agenda and self importance.
Factitious disorder imposed on another
Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA), also known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP), is a condition in which a caregiver creates the appearance of health problems in another person, typically their child.[6] This may include injuring the child or altering test samples.[6] They then present the person as being sick or injured.[5] The behaviour occurs without a specific benefit to the caregiver.[5] Permanent injury or death of the child may occur as a result of the disorder.[6]
Please note, again that this bullying and harassment is from the top down, as well as between doctor and patient and between colleagues, friends and family. Where, or what is the top? Well it is clear that it is not in the medical profession, but in the money making billionaires circle.
Follow the money to see who is benefiting and whose self importance is forcing, enforcing and reinforcing the agenda. Michaela.
The media, which has enabled this global hostage crisis, is arguably the most consequential criminal enterprise in human history. As Rahm Emmanuel observed, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Gates and Fauci have demonstrated that by controlling the media, billionaires and their government cronies can prolong a crisis forever and accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity.
Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting From Pandemic
By controlling the media, billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can prolong a crisis indefinitely while they accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity. Please watch the video in this link.
I call for there to be created a culture of civility, compassion and respect to ensure that people are not bullied and harrassed. Oh, I see, apparently there is one. in the UK it is administered by the SPF. SOOOO, it IS recognised that bullying goes on the health industry as with any other industry. My point is that all the implications of health, when tied into this all pervasive nature and culture of bullying and harrassment, means both vaguely and generally speaking, that it is on very shakey ground and not on the grounds of integrity that everyone 'believes' its foundation is based on. Michaela.
This was written in September 2020. I know this is presenting a picture of work-related bullying and harrassment, and that it exists in all work related situations. But the point here is that HOW CAN THE NORMALISED 'NATURE AND CULTURE' of bullying within the work place, and From the top down, ever foster a genuine integrity for its work and for the people, practitioners and patients, when the bigger picture here is all about ego's, accumulation of money, and distortion of truth. It is this grey area from which we have the results and outward actions that we see today.
.Social partnership forum - creating a culture of civility, compassion & respect.
Creating a culture of civility, compassion & respect,-compassion-respect/
The SPF’s collective call to action encourages employers and trade unions to work in partnership to create cultures of civility, compassion and respect in NHS workplaces. To support this work, the SPF is signposting relevant information, tools and resources.
There is still much to do to improve workplace cultures. In the 2019 NHS Staff Survey, 12.3 per cent of staff who responded had experienced at least one incident of bullying, harassment or abuse in the last 12 months from managers and 19 per cent had experienced at least one incident of bullying, harassment or abuse in the last 12 months from other colleagues.
See our latest news web page to find out what's happening across the system to build positive workplace cultures.
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