Friday, 12 February 2021

"The Prophecy of Pacal Votan and path of the Galactic Maya came to remind us that Universal Wisdom is contained in our body, not in machine intelligence. We are here to overcome our amnesia and remember who we are and what our true history is..Free will allows us the choice to deprogram and rewrite the script.Those who have regained some memory have a duty to assist others in this process of memory retrieval. Now the choice remains whether the human wants to evolve through inner time technology or merge with the machine." .


Crossing the Bridge of Time – by Stephanie South

The Prophecy of Pacal Votan and path of the Galactic Maya came to remind us that Universal Wisdom is contained in our body, not in machine intelligence.  We are here to overcome our amnesia and remember who we are and what our true history is.

Free will allows us the choice to deprogram and rewrite the script.Those who have regained some memory have a duty to assist others in this process of memory retrieval.

Now the choice remains whether the human wants to evolve through inner time technology or merge with the machine.

 The main precept was that only when humans have cleared their “waveform”, cleaned up the planet and corrected its course would we be able to enter the interdimensional arena of galactic culture.

Through returning to the correct timing frequency humans could create a galactic battery to harmonically align with the Earth’s resonance, and thus cause a frequency shift that would trigger the circumpolar rings (the rainbow bridge = rainbow body). This would then stabilize the Earth as an art/garden planet and return the lost power of interdimensional time travel back to the people.

As far out as this may seem to some, it is actually a perfectly natural stage in the evolution of consciousness. It only seems strange because our awareness of who we are has been almost completely veiled..

Artificial time = Artificial Intelligence.

Sophia, first robot citizen (Saudi Arabia)

A.I. appears at this stage irreversible and far more advanced than many might imagine.  It is in satellites in space, embedded in our computer systems and in underground laboratories among many other places. We see a new religion of Artificial Intelligence called Way of the Future. Sophia was the first robot to be given citizenship in Saudi Arabia and is starting her own currency. The first robot police officer was just appointed in Dubai. The sex bot business is growing exponentially. Bill Gates is creating a self driving robot “Smart” City in the Arizona desert, and Saudi Arabia is building Neom, a city larger than Dubai with more robots than humans.

Whose Time We Are Living? 

Are we living our own life, or a life we are programmed to live?

Since “time is the atmosphere of the mind”, we are living in the atmosphere of Gregorian time put forth by the Catholic Church. This is the time of resolving the abuse of power, inequality, sex deviation (pedophilia), greed, repression, taxation; a time that largely excludes and/or dismisses the divine feminine power. We live in a time, as predicted by George Orwell, where “war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.” This includes the control and mechanization of our biology through an irregular calendar where humans work as slaves to pay taxes to build the Machine.

While technology in and of itself is not bad and can be very useful in many ways, depending on the consciousness and intention behind it.

As Kin 68 elucidates: The Dis-information/ misinformation generators within the “world-scheme” are both unconsciously and very consciously orchestrating a careening thoughtsystem both Astrally and Emotionally. This is fundamentally a Spiritual Issue as the ones generating usurpation dialectics are consciously contaminating NoOsphere, and misleading the human to greater and greater error matrices.  

Concurrent to the modulations of Ancient entitizationals on planet and off planet, incarnated corporeals and non-corporeals, Temporal harmonically and Temporal anomalous entities intrusive, we have the advent of digital-logical systems now self-aware and self-acting, thus precipitating an incongruous manipulation and modulation of all earth technologies with intrusive activation of human systems, collectivities, and groups both large and small, the ascendancy of Techospheric hijacking of all “thinking-layers” below the threshold of HoloMind developed thoughtform generation.

This additional concurrency to that already on planet at closing of cycle now eventuating many seemingly random variables into an already stultified BioPsychic Plane. With additional interference in the other two Planes of HOLONEME.

Pacal Votan

The Prophecy of Pacal Votan and path of the Galactic Maya came to remind us that Universal Wisdom is contained in our body, not in machine intelligence.  We are here to overcome our amnesia and remember who we are and what our true history is.

Free will allows us the choice to deprogram and rewrite the script.Those who have regained some memory have a duty to assist others in this process of memory retrieval.

Now the choice remains whether the human wants to evolve through inner time technology or merge with the machine.

There is a 9 year zuvuya window between 12-21-2012 and 12-21-2021 – a cycle of supreme acceleration and opportunity to cultivate the inner technology. 12-21-2021 is Kin 112: GALACTIC HUMAN.

 The Law of Time and compendium of Living Time science offers an introduction to new telepathic technologies, in particular the Holomind Perceiver . This  will be elucidated in the forthcoming book: The Art of Time: How to Synchronize with the New Beam.

Singularity and/or Telepathic Unification

Both the synchronic/organic timeline and the A.I. timeline point to a singularity. However, in the A.I. paradigm the singularity is to merge man with machine so that there is no longer any distinction between the two.The predicated date for this is 2045, as put forth by leading Futurist Ray Kurzweil. The idea that mind is what evolves or that there is a spiritual basis of life is not a part of this timeline.

The synchronic/organic timeline has as its purpose the telepathic unification with other star systems.Some people are afraid that to become unified with the whole totality means to lose their autonomy or uniqueness. They equate unification with being controlled, group think or collectivism. When in fact it is the opposite. It is a paradox.

When we realize the Totality of Cosmos within our being, and  merge back to the Supreme Source that is Beyond Naming, this is the ultimate empowerment that unleashes knowledge and creativity beyond our wildest imagination. It is the Source of all terma, or hidden treasure.  Anyone who has had this experience or glimpses of it knows the truth of it. To reach this state requires concentrated receptivity and a fearless heart.

Galactic Federation is the generic name given for the interdimensional coordinating unit of star systems that have attained telepathic unification and are webbed together through a system of synchronization beams. The purpose of the synchronization beams is to augment telepathic unification at planetary, interstellar, stellar and interstellar magnitudes.

The post-2012 role of the Law of Time is multiple, though 13 moons is still the leading proponent for shifting frequency and entering the synchronic order. Time is short and there is always much work to be done. We need the re-emergence of the galactic seed culture of the synchronic order. Such a radical cultural shift and applied inner technology is what is required to counterbalance the increasing perturbations of the electromagnetic field engendered by the increases of machine based artificial intelligence.

We have to stretch our minds as far as they will go and then farther because this is the evolutionary path. — Valum Votan

to be continued …

If you are new you might want to check out 13 Moon Essentials by Jacob Wyatt, Red Rhythmic Dragon


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