Saturday, 27 February 2021

Remember this is how they do it. I am posting this as reminder of what can be expected on the journey when we give our power to others as has been the 'reported' history. Please turn intention and attention to ways that will cultivate your sovereignty.


How Mario Draghi destroyed Italy

A financial psychogram of the politician as a criminal leader

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, February 26, 2021

Translated from English into Italian by Paolo Montanari

The appointment of Mario Draghi as the new Italian Prime Minister is a great crime perpetrated against the Italian people.

I say this because I simply believe that this man is the greatest criminal in Italy and his place would be in prison.

Below I will explain how Draghi ruined Italy 30 years ago before he became president of the ECB and destroyed the economies of all EU countries between 2011 and 2019 with his reckless financial policy.

In this way, I will also present an overview of how corrupt and fragile the EU banking system is and why it will collapse in the near future.

The "reptilian" Draghi is at the center of all the financial machinations of the last thirty or more years, machinations that this year will lead to the downfall of the euro.

It was Mario Draghi who destroyed the economy of his country, Italy, in 1992 .

Subsequently, he was awarded the appointment as president of the ECB, with the task of continuing his reckless destructive financial policy on a larger scale.

He was responsible for introducing the first QE (quantitative easing) in 2012 in the EU, then continued with the NIRP (negative interest rate policy), and finally resorted to the "money from the helicopter" policy in 2016 at the expense of the only real savers in the EU - the Germans.

The end game will be the destruction of the EU economies and the default of the euro before restoring them with digital currencies leads to the NWO.

Mario Draghi is one of the key protagonists of all the conspiracies of Western banksters in Europe and around the world to financially enslave humanity and establish a world dictatorship. The goal is and always has been to prevent planetary ascension and that of a large portion of humanity into the fifth dimension.

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