and ...
Now let us answer your questions about the virus, beginning with The variant virus strain is more contagious and may be more deadly than its predecessor. As mentioned in a previous message, tests are designed to detect “regular” flu and colds, and those are being called “variants.”
We cannot emphasize too strongly that the purpose of all mainstream media “pandemic”-related reporting is to create fear. That is why lie upon lie is disseminated and the truth from thousands of medical professionals that is published on the Internet is removed as soon as it is discovered.
Higher Density Blog Love Is Always The Answer
Message from Matthew Ward * 2-3-21

FEBRUARY 3, 2021
Light forces’ mission, more secure new course; US governance; NESARA history; Putin, Pope Francis; covid, vaccines; crystalline cells
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. To all who are disappointed that no major action was taken three weeks ago to rid the United States government of pervasive corruption, we say, please do not be downhearted. The force of lightworkers has not abandoned the mission!
When those in charge received a late-hour threat that could have been a national disaster, they chose a safe course that also will give time for broader public receptivity. Impatience with lockdown and financial hardships could reduce resistance to the new course, which will achieve the same results as a one-fell-swoop event, but in more secure stages.
Government shakeups and arrests are happening in numerous countries, and the Illuminati in the United States know this is ahead for them during the next few months. We don’t know if the truth about the “pandemic” will come out before arrests are publicly known, but assuredly mask madness, covid testing and vaccinations will be meeting their end, and all covid patients will receive simple, effective treatment. In no way are we diminishing the profound loss to families of the persons who died due to the disease by saying that in most cases, they were abiding by soul contracts’ longevity clause.
Dear ones, when you are moving about freely again, schools and businesses are open, and attendance at churches, sports events and large celebrations has resumed, life will not be back to normal. Nor would you want it to be! Life as you have known it has been controlled by massive deception, greed and societal conditioning. What is quietly moving forward as we speak is the liberation of Earth’s civilization.
We have been asked why we are putting so much emphasis on what happens in the United States. Never does this mean that people in other countries are less valuable to us—all souls on Earth are beloved members of our universal family! Our emphasis is how the United States is governed.
In previous messages we have said the Illuminati are entrenched in Washington, DC, the seat of the US government, from whence they control not only what happens in that country, but heavily influence what happens everywhere else. They are deeply embedded in the Vatican and a London district as well—the triad of darkness, you could say—but in their global network of dominoes, the first to fall must be the United States, where NESARA—National Economic Security and Reformation Act—can be implemented. The importance of this Act cannot be overstated.
All of that legislation’s provisions have great significance, but the one that has to precede the others is this: Everyone in the government must resign and a new governmental body formed. This has nothing whatsoever to do with partisan politics.
It is not widely known that from 1871 to date, the US government has been running the Corporation of the United States of America, a corporation owned by the Illuminati, and they dictate how it is to be operated. That is far from what was intended by the nation’s founders, who established the newly united states as a sovereign nation with a republic form of governance.
The Illuminati know the universal law—nothing exists without energy, everything in existence requires energy to grow—and they left no stone unturned to keep NESARA from gaining energy by becoming known. First was the gag order issued by President Clinton, who signed the legislation in 2000 at the command of the country’s military. The gag order legally prohibited anyone who knew about the Act to ever speak about it, and since it was kept under wraps, there were very few thoughts and feelings to give it growth energy.
But when word about NESARA started coming forth, including that St. Germain and spiritually evolved individuals on the planet authored the Act, energy started building. The Illuminati put out the word that NESARA is a “conspiracy theory.” They concocted that label, which they attach to all information that exposes them and their heinous activities, and they have conditioned the populace to believe that whatever is tagged “conspiracy theory” is the idea of half-witted minds.
For a time that ploy put the Act’s energy in limbo, but as more and more people heard about it, their thoughts and feelings gave it momentum to push forward. To counter that, Congress wrote National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act. By severely distorting the genuine Act, the new one created a mass of confusion and many fence-sitters became disbelievers.
Illuminati-controlled judges in International Court of Justice in the Hague devised one delay after another in hearing cases submitted by NESARA’s legal advocates. That inaction and believers’ discouragement slowed the Act’s movement, and corruption, oppression, impoverishment and atrocities continued.
Wise minds decided NESARA could not be further delayed, and a public announcement was scheduled for September 12, 2001. When the Illuminati learned of that, persons at the highest level of the US government aided by outsiders caused the infamous “9/11.” The masterminds of that event were right: A shocked and grief-stricken citizenry would not question the official story, and conspiracy theory was attached to evidence showing that story is false.
The other “democratically-elected” governing bodies also have to be purged of dark control, so G was added to NESARA to expand the Act from national to global. Since the international group working to rid the world of darkness is by means of the Act’s provisions, G/NESARA is appropriate.
During the past year the Illuminati assassinated two of G/NESARA’s leaders, Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis. Putin was replaced with a look-alike and the Pope usually is depicted by holography. Nevertheless, ever-rising vibrations guarantee the triumph of the light forces and NESARA will succeed in what it is intended to do. A passage in a message Hatonn transmitted to my mother 15 years ago states the intention succinctly:
Hold within your hearts the vision of the world you want for yourselves and your families, for all the inheritors of Earth:
A world where peace and love replace war and hatred; where governments are led by just, prudent and spiritual women and men, not power mongers led by darkness; where fair distribution of all resources replaces the extremes of egregious greed and desperate poverty; where universal and planetary truths replace the web of lies that has controlled your lives.
The concept and intent of NESARA is to help you create that world on Earth.
Now let us answer your questions about the virus, beginning with The variant virus strain is more contagious and may be more deadly than its predecessor. As mentioned in a previous message, tests are designed to detect “regular” flu and colds, and those are being called “variants.”
We cannot emphasize too strongly that the purpose of all mainstream media “pandemic”-related reporting is to create fear. That is why lie upon lie is disseminated and the truth from thousands of medical professionals that is published on the Internet is removed as soon as it is discovered.
The energy of fear for self or others for any reason lowers immunity and makes bodies more susceptible to contracting covid and a number of other illnesses. That is one of the benefits the Illuminati are reaping; the fear energy emitted by everyone in financial straits due to lockdown is another. Remember, dark hearts and minds require fear energy’s low vibrations for their very survival.
Extraterrestrial special forces scientists decreased the virus potency in vaccines to the extent possible; complete elimination would be noticeable. But even greatly reduced toxicity is producing serious adverse effects in people with weak immunity, and the number of deaths following vaccination is growing.
If you and your loved ones are healthy and have no medical issues, you need not be unduly concerned if employment mandates vaccination—people with strong immune systems usually have short-lived mild reactions. However, if you or loved ones have any health issues, it would be wise to get a written statement from your care provider that your condition requires an exemption. If vaccination is voluntary, we recommend that you avoid it.
Vaccines have much less or no effect on bodies with crystalline cells than on bodies with carbon-based cells. We cannot tell you how to discern if your cellular structure is crystalline, but we can tell you the transformation from carbon comes with light absorption, and that comes easily. As God told my mother: “It is as simple as, be kind.” We add that during the past two decades, many souls have come in with crystalline cells and many people who are older have attained the level of light that enabled the cellular change.
Our thought about vaccines that require two inoculations and perhaps booster shots to be effective is, put those in Follow-the-Money category. The individuals who years ago devised the diabolical plan to mutate a virus in a laboratory, release it in a location saturated with damaging 5G emissions, and name it coronavirus-19 expected billions to die quickly. That plan failed and they had to settle for making billions from “pandemic”-related products.
Their greed is as boundless as their desire to rule your world, and in both, they have lost. Light forces are retrieving the illegally and immorally amassed fortunes that helped the Illuminati control life on Earth. And, the curtain of the world stage is rising for the final act of a very, very long play about the darkness that permeated Earth and prevented her civilizations from evolving in conscious and spiritual awareness.
The next play will be a very, very long story about love, peace, joy, prosperity and life in harmony with Nature. We honor you and all other lightworkers for invaluable contributions to Earth’s new story.
Suzanne Ward
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